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Coronavirus and Supermarkets

maybe if media would cover things bit differently (rather than always find way to criticize).

Ah, yes... You won't be surprised given my previous replies in this thread, but I'm a lefty pinko Guardian reader... but I'm moving away from it because it is so biased. A Guardian headline will typically be 'Why did Boris cock it up?' whereas the Beeb will report 'Did Boris cock it up?' Now, the Beeb may well conclude that Boris cocked it up, and even if it didn't I am more than likely to conclude that Boris cocked it up, but I don't want the Guardian to just assume that he did and try to make me believe it without even reading on. (Please note this is just an example for illustrative purposes - we probably don't want to get into a discussion of whether Boris cocked up or not....;) )

And we all tend to live in 'echo chambers' on social media. Almost all of my FB friends are also lefty socialist types so they are the views I read most. The ones that aren't tend to stick out like a sore thumb in contrast - but in their social media, I probably stick out like a sore thumb. It takes strange times for me to wish I could read the Telegraph online without subscribing so I can see the view from the other side...
And we all tend to live in 'echo chambers' on social media.
Oh indeed and I've now limited drastically how much I follow news. I've tried to follow things from many different angles to get varied view, but after while it start affecting one's much negativity around and too little efforts to see lighter/positive side of the issues.
So now I only read bare basics without too much opinion to go with it and try to keep myself in my own happy bubble until life 'outside' start normalizing again. I can't do anything if the world goes mad! .....or maybe it is me that has gone mad???!! o_O
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But isn't it a fact that Boris and his government I.e advisors have cocked it up. Sticks out like a sore thumb to me , I will give him credit for now on sticking with the top metre rule , how long for I just don't know
Ah has he stuck to 2 metres then? I don't catch much news! I think 1 metre is too close to stand and talk or be near someone with or without the virus mind, me and my grumpy dogs quite like social distancing and now we don't get stared at for obviously avoiding everyone and their dogs, people even smile at me now, instead of looking offended!!:D(presuming @lurcherman you meant two metres not 'top' metres?:rolleyes:)
But isn't it a fact that Boris and his government I.e advisors have cocked it up.

I wouldn't disagree with you there, lurcherman!

I wish we could have some hard stats rather than just '1m is safe' or '1m isn't safe'. The science isn't clear on this though - apparently one piece of research they looked at simply looked at how much the risk increased from point-blank range to 1m, and assumed the risk increase would be the same from 1m to 2m... Could they not say 'Because it's essential to start the economy, we think 1m is acceptable if it means the economy can restart, but if you're just meeting friends, you'll be a whole lot safer at 2m'. And then tell us what their best guess of your chances of catching it at each distance are.
I have to say the level of debate on Dog Forum is much better and saner and more civilized than you get on any TV channel, newspaper or the House of Commons! (All of which I'm having to ration or go :mad:). My OH is a scientist who has taught Health Physics and Occupational Health for decades. I can't let him near the Daily Briefings any more. We walk the dogs while it's on. And I have no political axe to grind because I believe a government of another persuasion may have done just as badly. But the waste in lives and resources is tragic.
Yes flobo two metres hehe by government advise the two metres is still inforce, but many people not abidding to that ,
As a discussion - working without the benefit of 20/20 hindsight - what would each of us have done if we'd been in charge?
Put every resource available into Test- Track- Trace from early Feb. We had the data from South Korea and Taiwan for those who don't believe the Chinese data. And it would've been cheap. In fact a paper in The Lancet in January made good points that should have been taken seriously back then. It was more a case of not wanting to know than not knowing. I think a lot of people in power and some scientists put their heads under the bedclothes.
What would we have done you ask? Well that's why we have a government isn't it? For them to handle these problems with all there advisors and experts , thing is they had some time but sat on there butts waiting, so anyone who died of this virus may well ask from upstairs "" why did we wait? Luckily my friends stepdad who spent nearly 6 weeks in hospital with corona survived
I'd have listened to the scientific advisors and got my head round the numbers - and I'd have communicated the numbers to the public rather than bluster and rhetoric. In practical terms - I'd have started the lockdown 2 weeks earlier. I wouldn't be surprised if that would have meant we'd have been much further out of the woods by now.

I also would have already had plenty of PPE, and a workable test, track & trace system already in reserve. We have been warned by scientists that a pandemic was bound to rear its head sooner or later. And I'd also have laid down plans for essential financial support, management in care homes, and so on. Though it does seem that a lot of the financial support did kick in pretty quickly.

And I would NOT have said that we could drive as far as we like for leisure when lockdown first eased - it was totally unnecessary, and resulted in people being packed like sardines on local beaches, all blaming everyone else on the beach.
First off lockdown,this country hasn't been in lockdown,it couldn't handle it. You could go shopping when you wanted,go out and take daily exercise.take dogs out for walks,go cycling for 4 or 5 hour. Nothing like other countries where lockdown ment lockdown you didn't go out,but we still moaned.
The UK had disaster written all over it, a small country vastly over populated compared to other countries.
The virus is growing bigger in the states no thanks to trump, and the black lives matter protesting so as we the uk has also protested its only going to be a big surge here with two metre rules relaxed and pubs and cafes reopening , Merry xmas everyone, it may be a bad one, oh and the the crazy youngsters who have been flouting every rule since March who haven’t helped one bit.
Yup - I think in terms of risk to health, it's not so much 'it's safe' as 'we should have a spare ventilator available'.

Fingers crossed, there hasn't yet been signs of a second spike in the UK since the first easing of restrictions, when there were large gatherings on beaches and in protests, and we would maybe have expected to see it by now. I'm watching the slow increase of cases in my local authority, and won't be doing anything 'risky' for some time to come.

I'm wondering how long I can get my hair before I succumb to the temptation of the hairdressers...
I'm wondering how long I can get my hair before I succumb to the temptation of the hairdressers...
I've had to resort to pinching 5he clippers and have a go at mine myself.

Could be worse, I can rock the asymmetric look.
Asymmetric is cool! I've done my fringe a couple of times now - that was asymmetric too on the first attempt.
Thankfully I have an old style kinda feather cut, so it's a number 4 all over apart from a few long bits round the edges.. So out came the dog clippers and I finally mastered the art of clippering my own hair, front and back in a mirror!! Which is no mean feat when I have no sense of direction looking in a mirror:eek:! Gonna save me a £9 visit to the barbers every few weeks now too...(well when they open again!)
I do OH and DS1 with clippers - saves a fortune. Meanwhile, DS2 has had his hair cut precisely once in the past 15 years :confused: He's planning to keep it going till he looks like Bill Bailey. He does usually keep his beard trimmed but it's getting rather ZZ Top now.

He tried dying the ends black in his goth phase but it turned green :D
I’ve been cutting my own hair since I was 15 many years ago , I like it short , keeps me cool I’m the summer but the hat comes out for winter ,