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Coat Condition

~JO~ said:
People often want to add food to complete because it looks so boring.

That'll be me then :oops:

Right, thats it, I'm gonna stop with the Red mills for a bit and get some of that laughing dog stuff, I have just sent them an email.

Can't wait to get this sorted, my fella is going mad, all I talk about is dog food (w00t)
Karen said:
To me your dogs diet is FAR too high in protien which leads to a heating of the blood which in turn leads to coat loss.  More is definately not better.  See how much protien is in the pigs ears and all the snacks, far too much would be my guess.

Completely agree :thumbsup:
~JO~ said:
Karen said:
To me your dogs diet is FAR too high in protien which leads to a heating of the blood which in turn leads to coat loss.  More is definately not better.  See how much protien is in the pigs ears and all the snacks, far too much would be my guess.

Completely agree :thumbsup:

I only give them a couple of pigs ears a week each and they share a bag of sausages (think theres 8 in a bag). Is that too much?

I've looked on the bag and red mills is 20% protein. I'm really stuck now as I've just got in and have found what I can only describe as a 'cow pat' (if you know what I mean) on the kitchen floor :( no idea which one has done it. I'm pretty sure its Lenny but Molly looks a bit sad (but she always does if Lenny poohs in the house!!)

I cant understand it as I haven't changed what I've been feeding them. Lenny had worms when we got him :x could that have had an effect on his digestive system? He is still only 7 months and as far as I can see is free of worms.
Lots of things can change their motions Jezza have you just wormed him, because that could be the cause, or it could be his diet because he is still young it may be a little rich for him :thumbsup:
I think its so easy to panic when diet is asked about, everyone thinks what they are feeding is the best and then it just gets so confusing. I think the best thing to do is keep them on what they are on, cut it down for a few days and let every thing settle down, then just one food either the complete or the tripe and biscuit and a few snacks perhaps bits of their complete two or three times a week.

I think the first question was about hair loss, if I were you I would sort out the bits of answer that cover that problem. if its all the dogs its probably diet if its just one of them it is probably a deficiency. maybe B2, its rarely hormones.
i have rung Laughing Dog and they have given me a number of the wholesalers,who were very helpful and my local pet shop will do it on order :D so i pop down this afternoon and ordered a bag :thumbsup: delivery for tues/wed.
:teehee: Sadly I have this particular teeshirt!! I too have a spayed bitch who had a wonderful coat - until she was spayed. If only the spayed bitch has the problem coat, then it's hormonal, but if they both have it, then it might be like my boiler - combination!!

If it's diet, then decide which way you want to feed, and feed only that, so either the complete route, or the BARF route. But not a bit of each!

Feed a complete food which is gluten free if you go down that route, and if you go for BARF use rice or potato as the carb base, not pasta. Just in case the reaction is gluten intolerance.

When you have done all that, if the baldness is bi-lateral then you could consider asking the vet to check the thyroid - if the dog is hypo and needs treatment, it won't make the coat grow any better, but the dog will feel a whole lot better for the daily dose!!

As I said, I have this particular tee-shirt!!

masta said:
~Helen~ said:
alfyn said:
Here's the link for laughing dog

can you order online? I can't seem to find a "shopping" page there :unsure:

I found these twowebsites and weren't sure if they were the same, some items are missing off one website but they are the same aren't they??

Right, here's a couple of pics of Mollys skin. First one is quite bad, she had a bad grass reaction the other day but it doesn't seem to be bothering her and I am keeping it clean. She has no fur on her belly, really sorry about the almost pornographic pose :b

Last pic to show they are both healthy at the head end!!

The hair loss does seem to be just Moly really, Lenny just looks a bit dull. However the hair that Molly does have is really shiny and soft :wacko:

I think that looks like what Janimal was talking about, if you get my meaning in that link I put on, I remember something about squeezing the spots anyway :x sorry

they look lovely Jezza :wub: :wub: :wub:
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*Lesley* said:
I think that looks like what Janimal was talking about, if you get my meaning in that link I put on, I remember something about squeezing the spots anyway :x sorry

they look lovely Jezza :wub:   :wub:   :wub:

Oh my god, they were the biggest, yellowist spots I have ever seen. I swear they must have glowed in the dark (w00t) didn't squeeze them though, they looked painful :(
aw! head ends look wonderful :wub: hope you get it sorted out soon. Does it seem to itch?
jezza said:
Next one of her bum!!
Somebody once told me that a loss of hair along the muscles of hind legs in greyhounds is due to build up of lactic acid during very strenuous exercise. Has anybody else heard that?

My Callista has bum just like Molly (it does not really show in this pic), she also has a bald patch on her tail. :(
jezza said:
Next one of her bum!!
This looks JUST like the cat-flea allergy I mentioned. When the poor old cat passd on, the baldy whippet regained a perfect coat. Nothing to do with food, no ointments etc would work. Try checking this out, perhaps?


Belle :))
belle said:
jezza said:
Next one of her bum!!
This looks JUST like the cat-flea allergy I mentioned. When the poor old cat passd on, the baldy whippet regained a perfect coat. Nothing to do with food, no ointments etc would work. Try checking this out, perhaps?


Belle :))

No fleas here. However, if your dog had fleas it would also have tapeworm, which would contribute to the dryness of coat.
