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mally said:
TERRIBLE THAT FOR THE DOG. I always make sure my dogs are trained to stay close by whilst they hunt as they can end up in the next county if not.It was a good job he was spotted by the motorist. I think he may have got off lightly he may have cleared the fence on another day and got run over.

I'm very sorry to say it kirs but it's not the dogs fault, just lets hope everything is ok and that he makes a full recovery. And next time keep him on a lead.

What a bizarre post! Wind your neck back in Mally

Kirs, how terrible for you and Cloud. Wishing him a speedy recovery :luck: and lots of hugs & kisses (he will probably milk this for all its worth when he's feeling a bit more like his old self!) :huggles: :wub:

We have barbed wire where I exercise and I always thanks goodness when they come back safely from a hunting expedition. Bl**dy horrible stuff, ought to be made illegal.
Poor Cloud :huggles: :huggles: to you both and wishing him a speedy recovery.
Poor Cloud wishing you a speedy recovery. :luck:

Have to say one of my dogs, once in pursuit of quarry fails to recall and we've had injuries as a result. :b
My heart really goes out to you Kirs :huggles: as I think this must be everyones worst nightmare :eek:

I wish Cloud a very speedy recovery :thumbsup: and lots of :wub: and :huggles:

Hope he bounces back real soon,I will cross evrything for him :luck:
thoughtsbear.gifHope Cloud makes a quick re-covery we're sending our very best wishes to you both.... :luck:
How awful for you and Cloud. :( Hope he makes a good recovery. :luck: :luck:
So sorry to hear about it Kirs. Lots of love to you all and especially to the most loveable and gorgeous Cloud. :huggles: :huggles:

Could happen to anyone at any time.

[SIZE=14pt]So sorry to hear about what has happened[/SIZE]. I really am thinking of Cloud and for you as well, you must be terribly shocked.

My dogs all go to obedience training, Brodie and Tizzy my X breeds are really well trained and set a good example to the whippets[SIZE=14pt] BUT [/SIZE]when it comes to hunting, that is what they love to do best. I have been lucky so far, they have come back to my whistle, but I dread the day when they don't, I'm sure it is something that all running dog owners fear.

Love to you both, :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: hope to hear some better news soon.
:( What a awful thing to happen Kirs, it must have been a very traumatic time for you.

Sending Cloud :huggles: Hope he feels better soon
[SIZE=14pt]GET WELL SOON CLOUD[/SIZE] Sending lots of :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: to you both :luck:
Hope Cloud is soon feeling better :wub: ,,,dont blame yourself as you cant keep a whippet on a lead for all its life :thumbsup: they need to run and run and run :teehee:
Thanks for all your kind words and comments.

Went to visit Cloud today. He is bearing up well. It took a long, long time to stitch him up because the skin had to be stretched so much. It is touch and go as to whether the stitches will burst and if they do he will most probably have to have a skingraft.

I got a tiny tail wag from him and he attempted to get up but decided against it.

Hopefully bring him home tommorrow.
Poor Cloud, I hope he has a speedy recovery, a couple of years ago Jack ripped his leg open whilst chasing bunnies, it was a flap of skin the size of my hand, and the vets struggled to stitch it up as it was across the muscle, and it needed to be stitched several times :( But within a couple of weeks he was absolutley fine - albeit with a crackng scar ) but the wosrt bit was entertaining him whilst he wasnt alowed off the lead :wacko: hugs from all of us :huggles:
Sending lots of love and cuddles Clouds way :wub: :wub: :luck: :luck:
I think it is you who has been lucky, Mally, if you can call your dogs back when they are hunting.

My Whippet Sidney had never chased a thing in his life- he would only chase the lure if I ran with him :wub: , he was not even interested in chasing rabbits with Alfie! His recall from any distractions was fantastic.

The only time he EVER ran off, he went miles ahead, I don't know what they were chasing-Alfie went too. Sidney ran onto the road and was hit by a car. He died in my arms at the side of the road.

I have gone over and over that in my head since then, if only, etc, but I do not blame myself and don't you dare try and make Kirs think she is to blame. Whippets are hounds and will hunt. Being kept on a lead is not fair on them. My heart is in my mouth when I lose sight of my dogs on a walk, but I still let them off.

Kirs, I hope Cloud makes a speedy recovery, and is back home with you soon :luck:

Liz and the Monellis
kirs said:
...............I rang the man who found him to thank him and he said it was his passenger who had spotted Cloud as they were driving past. Thank God!
So please keep your fingers crossed for Cloud.

Oh my gosh, how horrible for you both! Certainly all fingers and toes crossed here, poor Cloud :(
Wishing Cloud a speedy recovery :wub: :wub: :wub:

Our dogs are very good at recall whilst off lead BUT if they give chase then forget it they develop selective deafness as I am sure do most whippets.
[SIZE=21pt]GET WELL SOON CLOUD[/SIZE] :luck: :luck: :luck:

Lots and lots of hugs and kisses to Cloud - my favourite blue whippy boy :wub: :wub: :wub:

I cant bear to think what might have happened to him if he hadnt been seen and taken to the Vets. Thank God he was chipped too.

Just for the record Kirst does keep Cloud on his lead in areas where he is prone to run off but this was a 'safe area'. I don't think it would be fair to keep him on a lead all the time - a whippet has to run. Accidents can happen anywhere - Star almost detached the retina in her eye in our Lounge and hasnt a K9 puppy just broken it's leg in the house?

I think that no matter how obedient we think our dogs are they have their own minds and every time we let them run loose we risk them going off and doing their own thing - unless it's a totally enclosed area.

Out of interest Mally how did you train your dogs to only hunt close to you - and not run off to follow a scent or run after a deer/rabbit/hare/fox. I'm not being beligerent I'd be very interested to know how I might be able to trian my Saluki x a bit better :- " My OH lost her for 1.5 hours last week.

So sorry to hear about your whippet Sidney Alfie :(
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I have called Robbie back from chasing a cat (w00t) ,,he was deaf to John calling him though. If Ricky had been the one after the cat, he would still be running after it now :- " :- " Some will come back, other wont .

Hope Cloud is home soon :luck: :luck: :luck: