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Champs Party Night

I blame Mark Warren and his interrogation tac tics - big torch shining in your face and demands of drink!! drink!! drink!! :- "
you cant just blame mark i helped pour the drinks to :D

i think the drunker we got the bigger the shots got :oops:
Ash they were not shots by any stretch of the imagination lol!

They were nearly full glasses by the time you had finished pouring them out ha!

Mark kept finding more spirits to mix in! Can you imagine if you were sober how bad those drinks would have tasted? :oops:
i know they didnt taste that nice drunk

i think at one stage we had about 10 bottles of shorts on the table, no wonder they were full glasses :lol: :blink:
SmAsH said:
i know they didnt taste that nice drunk
i think at one stage we had about 10 bottles of shorts on the table, no wonder they were full glasses  :lol:   :blink:

They were a mixture of whisky,gin,vodka, tequila,wkd,and some green stuff taste alright to me and mick :cheers: :cheers:
Mark, petrol would of tasted alright to you & Mick, one of you was dancing like Rumplestiltskin whilst the other fell into unconsciousness! (w00t)
wild whippies said:
Mark, petrol would of tasted alright to you & Mick, one of you was dancing like Rumplestiltskin whilst the other fell into unconsciousness! (w00t)
LOL (w00t) I didnt see mick dancing i was getting ready for our weekend open so i can show them how to do the Haka, Mick was playing sleeping logs :D . You can here him singing on your clip in the background me and vicky were in tears last night .

We must all have looked a state even ricky turned a invite for a drink down when he walked past taking zimba out (w00t) (w00t)
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Ricky's a smart bloke, he probably still remembers Scotland. ROFLMAO @ him and Tommy!!! (w00t) :lol: :teehee:
Yay finally got to see the photos. (w00t) (w00t)

My face is red because of sunburn not alcohol lol

Karen it was that Jade who let me and Kim astray, I dont usually drink o:) o:)
Love the video jade, looks like fun, didn't even know people were taking pictures! think i must of had one to many double vodka's? not sure what exactly pockett was doing, i'm guessing he was trying to cut in and dance with Tam :lol:
Thanks Val, nice to see that i am getting the blame, i do believe it was you who wanted to do the shots of Pernod in the pub!!!

I wish i was like Keeley and only had a few too many double vodka's might not have been quite so bad then haha

I was just more than happy to carry on :D Bring on the next event i say!!
Lizzie said:
Love the video jade, looks like fun, didn't even know people were taking pictures! think i must of had one to many double vodka's? not sure what exactly pockett was doing, i'm guessing he was trying to cut in and dance with Tam  :lol:
Sorry Andy but you remind me of Tin Tin on that pic :lol:
stormy weathers said:
Yay finally got to see the photos.  (w00t)   (w00t) My face is red because of sunburn not alcohol lol

Karen it was that Jade who let me and Kim astray, I dont usually drink  o:)   o:)

Sorry Valerie my mistake of course all Jade's fault, should have guessed you don't drink much the way you were knocking back the Pernod's early in the night :thumbsup:
(w00t) would never have let that happen had i been there to look after you girls :- " as you will see at the derby :thumbsup:
I'll attempt to add more vid's

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Hmm conclusive proof that alcohol turns Jac into a complete knob!! :b