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My gender is not the issue here, it is my relevant expert experience in the field of handwriting and language that matters. Peter is mark, no question. The real issue is why mark feels the need to hide behind a psudonym. Most people when deciding on an alter-ego use someone from history that stood for strength or knowledge; hunting people writing as 'Nimrod' for example. However, we learn a lot about Mark by seeing him choose the name Rimmer, a hologram from a low budget sitcom. This in itself shows us he has feelings of hopelessness, probably brought on by the fact that he never played on the Austrailian rugby 7's tour of 94, like he said he did. Now his true identity is indeputably proven, we must pity rather than dislike this poor unfortunate person. My contact in the rugby league selectors board said he never got over being dropped from the team that played the final, and was sad to see him so desparate for recognition. So all you k9ers, please help Mark through these dark times he is going through, the feelings of not belonging, of lack of respect. Please.
maybe we should have a whip round for poor mark? ;)

ive got a spare twopence :lol:
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Well i'd happily supply the whip :- "
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you mean like this? o:)

peter rimmer said:
jml said:
we obviously are not that close a community, as i dont know you and you dont know me?. how did you know i lived here?. I dont beleive I ever mentioned that? :D I do not know anything bout you being banned, but if you was surely it would be for a reason other than that? I know alot of dogs down here that have done just aswell over the last few yrs and yet fail to remember any of them getting banned?

also still a query as to why mark brick has not had his say?

why did you start your threads saying that you didnt know mark? and now you know every important detail!

so either way you are not a true person. obviously you came on here to fish info about what ? and why?  people think the things they do about mark!

and not to enjoy the forum for what it is all about?.

which is why probably the rest of us joined as not only is it very interesting to hear about everybodys dogs, you get to learn quite abit too.

I feel for the ones who have wrote positive in this thread and feel they should have a chance to put up another that does not get side tracked by us lot. :cheers:

i didnt say i was banned i said mark was banned :thumbsup: i came to the show on saturday which was organised by the same people,hense mark sent his dog to stretch its legs ;) and yes theres been some good reading in this thread especally from wunwin but i wouldnt want her on my side in any court case especally if it was about writing skills :D

peter rimmer said:
jml said:
we obviously are not that close a community, as i dont know you and you dont know me?. how did you know i lived here?. I dont beleive I ever mentioned that? :D I do not know anything bout you being banned, but if you was surely it would be for a reason other than that? I know alot of dogs down here that have done just aswell over the last few yrs and yet fail to remember any of them getting banned?

also still a query as to why mark brick has not had his say?

why did you start your threads saying that you didnt know mark? and now you know every important detail!

so either way you are not a true person. obviously you came on here to fish info about what ? and why?  people think the things they do about mark!

and not to enjoy the forum for what it is all about?.

which is why probably the rest of us joined as not only is it very interesting to hear about everybodys dogs, you get to learn quite abit too.

I feel for the ones who have wrote positive in this thread and feel they should have a chance to put up another that does not get side tracked by us lot. :cheers:

i didnt say i was banned i said mark was banned :thumbsup: i came to the show on saturday which was organised by the same people,hense mark sent his dog to stretch its legs ;) and yes theres been some good reading in this thread especally from wunwin but i wouldnt want her on my side in any court case especally if it was about writing skills :D


mark cant possibly have played rugby at a good level because surely we would have heard how good he was at that long before now being so modest
Now that we have ascertained that Mark and Rimmer are one and the same, and we also have found out that he never played in the match he claims to have done in Austrailia in 1994, why do we not hear from him in person, to explain himself?

On the plus side, i think we have found out why he boasts about his dogs acheivements so much. It is the feeling of loss and deflation caused by being dropped from the big match. So any success in his life has to be exaggerated to make up for the past. It is a syndome widely recognised in the psycological world as 'sportsmans grief' a feeling of mourning for the loss of respect in your chosen sport. How many ex footballers go off the rails when their carreers end. This is a direct result of not coming to terms with the end of their carreers. Mark, face up to your problems.