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BWRA Corruption

Well said Tony, these people who are spitting their dummies out are very childish.

If and when they fail a drugs test for a bit of coffee, tea or chocolate they will soon be be getting a petition up for an EGM.

This drug testing issue should be sorted out once and for all before more innocent people are banned.[either by raising the tolerance or doing away with testing altogether] Like i said before a bit of chocolate isnt going to make a dog any faster so why get banned for it.

The drug testing issue seems to be a sore point to some people, so if they cant add any constructive ideas to solving it why do they bother coming on this thread.

All the evidence put forward by Mark makes sense and i know who i would put my money on in a court of law.

To many people are happy to sit back and say nothing till it happens to them.
Just read back through all the topic & there's not one piece of information to back up people's argument against the information that has been given out (after being requested on several occasions) - i just take it that no-one has any?

Also for those who have had negative sample results - anyone got a letter from HFL they can put on here? As of yet i've only seen the positive letters. If anyone does have one it would be appreciated.
hi debbie here not neil

i am not on either side just going to make a few impartial comments

i think tony and michelle have let the moderator title make them be abusive themselves to some members who do not agree with their own veiws, making lengthy statements with long words to impress.

every person has a right to their own veiws right or wrong and should not be railroaded by the majority who are on the opposing side.

having read thru all of this thread, recently mark has not replied for some time why? is others doing it for him?

wonderwall was tested and no we have not had a letter to say it was negative, i do think that we should have one.

i do hope that people who have disagreed with each other on this topic leave it here and still be friends at the track as they was before hand. as i think this topic was thrown up to divide everybody and cause a rift.

as mark has all the evidence which most of it seems to be genuine then why oh why doesnt the commitee just send letters of apology to all concerned and end it all , very simple solution.

Deb said

as mark has all the evidence which most of it seems to be genuine then why oh why doesnt the commitee just send letters of apology to all concerned and end it all , very simple solution.
It seems this would have solved a lot of trouble at the start!!
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Tony Taylor said:

Mutley is making a personal attack on me but so what - it`s obviously unfounded.

This has more to do with the Larry problem and "Jocks Lass" IMHO than the debate on the topic. It`s always going to be a difficult subject but still ought to be discussed IMHO


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I've been trying to keep a back seat in this topic but feel that I must make a few comments.

This is an important topic that needs to be discussed and I think it is only fair that Mark has the opportunity to tell his side of the story. Some of the posts have not been very constructive - this is your opportunity to debate a subject that affects every racer (pedigree & non-pedigree). Please read the K9 Community posting rules here before posting.

A good number of the posts have not met those rules and the moderators have been doing a good job in keeping order. I know that not all their decisions are going to please everyone but they are doing an important job on an important topic. Everyone has a point of view and not everyone is going to agree with it - stick to the board and forum rules and your post will be welcomed. No one gets paid to be a moderator and K9 Community makes no money (it cost over £200/year in server costs alone) - it's here for your benefit.

If you don't want to contibute to the debate that's entirely your decision, if you don't want to read the topic don't read it, but DO NOT disrupt the community.
BeeJay said:
Personally I think that this is some kind of British diease. ie there are always too few people willing to be on committees, local government etc etc.  AND it always seems to be the same people doing everything.
I think that the "disease" as you call it is pretty universal!

Looking at the drug testing problem as an outsider it would seem that the BWRA may have overstepped the mark, probably

from ignorance rather than malice. It takes some doing to say, we made a mistake and rectify the problem.

In the USA one of the racing organizations has a drug testing policy. As far as I know there has only been one testing at a race meet back in the early 1990's. It was so expensive and produced no violators that it has never been repeated.

The testing was based on figures used by the various states guidlines for testing Greyhounds.

The greyhound industry in the USA has very stringent testing requirements and it is just as important, maybe more so,

to test for performance inhibiting drugs as well as enhancing. One drug that many greyhounds fall foul of is penicilin which often enters the greyhounds blood stream from kennel meat.

There are set levels of tolerance and any kennel that has a dog that fails a test is heavily fined by the States racing commision.

Repeat offences can result in a revokation of a racing licence. In other words they are out of business,

not only in that state, but country wide as all offences go into a central computer and as you have to apply sepperately to each state for a license you are SOL.

Nothing less than standards set by your own Greyhound industry should be acceptable to the members who run under BWRA or NWRF rules. YOU DO elect the board members don't you? Of course if you don't vote you have no reason to complain.

IMHO stands for In My Honest Opinion. Or so I believe. I'm sure that Tony will correct me if I'm wrong. :)
>No one gets paid to be a moderator and K9 Community makes no money (it cost over £200/year in server costs alone) - it's here for your benefit.

Not to mention the time that it takes for the list owners to get this message board up and running again if there's a fault with the server or as has happened in the past an attack by a hacker.

This is no Yahoo groups folks! This message board is run by whippet folks for whippet folks and out of the goodness of their hearts. Like 'cause they are interested in whippets and whippet people and have made a site here where UK whippet folks can get together and talk to each other. AND some UK folks do just that on here.

This is an achievement in it's self. How many UK based whippet lists on Yahoo have been started and failed? How many of us UK whippet folk belong to US based lists and NEVER write anything? I contribute a bit on the US based lists that I'm on and I'm grateful for those lists. But they are in the main about US whippet happenings. This message board is primarily concerned with UK issues. And it gets used by all sorts of UK whippet folks most of whom NEVER post here. But they know what gets said here, you only have to go to a show to find out how word gets around. ;)

I'll say it once more. This is only ONE topic it doesn't concern the whole forum and certainly NOT the whole message board.