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BWRA Corruption

Hi Paul,

You're not missing any more than myself or my BWRA regional reps - we don't know for sure why I was banned, our best guess is that it was convenient for the committee to have me removed. An earlier posting, can't quote exactly without checking, said something along the lines of 'we all remember how Mark treated the committee'. OK, if those people remember, please enlighten me on this forum, perhaps for the first time we'll get to the bottom of this. What I might do. though, once I get all my correspondence back from the office, is start telling the whole story in chapters from the beginning, including extracts from the letters I sent to the BWRA. I can promise you that it will make for very interesting reading.

Who controls drug testing? The simple answer to that is the sports authorities, in our case the BWRA and NWRF. All the laboratory requires is that a sample is received in an approved container that is properly sealed and labelled. The process of getting a sample from the donor (whippet) to the lab (HFL) is known as 'chain of custody'. And this is where I find the issue really interesting and a little unclear. Let's take the two cases where Xstasy was tested, first by the BWRA, then the NWRF.

When Xstasy was tested at the BWRA championships the sampling was not done by a qualified vet, not even by a BWRA official with any training. Instead, the BWRA gave this critical job to a volunteer with absolutely no idea of what the procedure entailed. Jane Poole wasn't worried though, and why should she be. She was still on a high from Xstasy's first title, and not having 'doped' the bitch, had no reason to suspect that anything would come of the test. She was concerned enough, though, to question the volunteer who went over to an outside tap and added water, how much is a mute point, before sealing the jar. Now before anybody says that this would have diluted the sample and makes a stronger case for the BWRA, let's not forget that all the test result 'proved' was that Xstasy had at some time in the previous few days consumed some form of a cocoa product, how much is unknown, possibly as little as a chocolate biscuit. Anyway, water or not, the sample was now technically invalid. The volunteer then took this sealed sample away, out of sight of Jane for some minutes, before returning and asking Jane to sign the container, which she duly did. This was a mistake on Jane's part, but anybody who's just won a title is so euphoric they're not thinking straight. I would probably have done the same thing in her position. This sample is now technically invalid yet again - in theory that could have been anything inside that container that Jane signed, how can she be sure it was still Xstasy's sample? Now I'm not suggesting that it wasn't, in fact all those concerned, including myself, believe that it probably was. But I challenge the BWRA to defend that in a court of law, where, I'm certain, the BWRA case to find Jane and Xstasy guilty would be thrown out. Now I know this sequence of events took place because I phoned the volunteer in question and he admitted to the fact. The trouble is that once that sample is received by the lab, they have no idea that all this took place. Their job is simply to test whatever is put in front of them for whatever the authority asks them.

The NWRF selected Xstasy for testing at Devon, I think it was the following year. Out of about 150 dogs, the NWRF, for some particular reason, chose only Xstasy to be sampled, despite the fact that the BWRA had tested her the previous year and found only cocoa. I believe the Hardys were being singled out, and I'll say this to those who brag about having been tested and think they're so squeaky clean - although I only raced for about 6 years, the kennel I was involved in was tested 5 times!!! 3 on Xspell, 2 on Xstasy. Twice cocoa was found, 3 times clear. So I argue, what was the point in the NWRF testing Xstasy in Devon? She had won the heavyweight section, which was quite normal, and she had managed about 3rd or 4th in the overall final, which again was true to form. And previous test results had proved over the years that the Hardy kennel and myself were not doping our dogs. Anyway, it was a scorching day in Devon, and I was concerned about the sample not being refrigerated, which it was supposed to be. I asked the NWRF what facilities they had to keep the sample safe. A classic reply came from one of the NWRF 'experts' - 'do you think the sun will add chemicals to it?' As it was, the sample was clear. You won't have read about that in Whippet News. In fact we wrote to both WN and the NWRF to ask why everybody else who passes a dope test gets a glowing write up in WN, but when it's one of the Hardy kennel, not a word! We still await an answer.

If the BWRA and NWRF were signed up to an umbrella British sports body and thus under the remit of the Sports Dispute Resolution Council, there would be some kind of control. Yes, there is supposed to be both an A and B sample, and the BBC Radio 5 show stated that the BWRA was in the wrong not to ensure this always happened.

Back to the question, 'who controls drug testing?' In our case, a few misinformed, poorly educated individuals in the BWRA and NWRF who refuse to acknowledge their blunders, threaten anybody who dares to question their authority, and who sit back contentedly and let innocent racers suffer the unwarranted label of 'drug cheat'.

That's who controls drug testing.
mark i must say when i got my bwra 30lb straight title all i know is this that there was certain weight groups that were pinpointed but at random as i know they were pulled out of a bag the night before and you know full well sup champ will get it as i have myself as well i felt it was conducted in the proper manner i was even offered a sample myself which i refused as i knew things were ok but on that point if you are then take a sample but that is up to the person involved, and yes i will ask about your ban,and ill let you know, good luck to all at the champs you got to be it to win it ,lets have a injury free champs everyone i hope :c :D
Thanks Mark for putting all this info on here

It is very informative, i would rather know all the ins and outs of drug testing than sit back with blinkers on hoping i never got caught for something i was innocent of.

Its a pity the BWRA & NWRF commitees didnt get all the true facts about tea, coffee and all these other non-enhancing products instead of banning innocent people.[They are ignorant of the true facts of drug testing] & its time something was done about it.
:angry: OK this is my point in this topic!!

I think drug testing is stupid!! i mean whats the point?? ??? What ever you give a dog it will not make a crap dog fast!! And a fast dog shouldnt need anything as it will win anyway!! If people are using drugs its cheating themselves!! In whippet racing you dont win enough to have all this falling out its s'posed to be a fun sport!!

People keep sayin we need to do the sport favours well im sorry but ppl visiting this site seein all this sh*t is goin to be put off straight away!!

Just think if the drug testing stopped the money being wasted on the tests could be put to better use!

No drug tests means less fall out Like i said before its a fun so called family sport at the min i wouldnt say its a fun family sport to do, wi all the fall outs would you??? ???

Anyway like i said lets start enjoying this sport again!!!
If i'm right Mark represents 4 dogs none of which are his own or Gill's.
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Vicky alright Jane's they all raced as one kennel

mark you think you were wronged over drug test issue .

think how young Scott with jocks lass felt after being beat a nose by Ecstasy and the following year avalanche which both failed drug tests this bitch was in her prime over that two year period and ended up runner up twice

how would you feel if it happened to you. Scott no longer races dogs WHY.........
mark you think you were wronged over drug test issue .think how young Scott with jocks lass felt after being beat a nose by Ecstasy and the following year avalanche which both failed drug tests this bitch was in her prime over that two year period and ended up runner up twice

how would you feel if it happened to you. Scott no longer races dogs WHY.........
Perfectly reasonable reply there Mutley, the type that will make it a good discussion & not a slanging match!
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Hi new girl i hope your not tapping my husband up lol...please to see a new face on here

Funny how this subject always comes up this time of the year ....well what was Ecstasy levels then mark, seems as you represent Jill and Jane's dogs ...

i let my dogs have tit bits at home, its hard not to when you have kids running around leaving sweets around the house , also my whippets are terrible for pinching tea and coffee thats left about too...i never worry about this as when i approached a bwra committee member with this question, i was told not to worry as the drug testing labs knew the diffrents between caffeine enhancers to a little bit of tea coffee, sweets etc...also blue golin has had more than her fair share of tests and is the biggest theif going but her tests have always come back zero.

So it does seem quite strange that you think the labs are wrong ..may i suggest that with all you knowledge you have manage to get you should think about apply for a job there.

I have always found Jill and her sister nice people, and think that maybe they wont want all this shit dragged back up again..

QUOTE MICHELLE..." Nigel (the site owner) is also keeping an eye on marks topic, obviously if he feels anything is going on which is libelous it will be deleted.......end of story"...IS MARK NOT DOING A GOOD JOB OF SLANDERING THE BWRA OFF ..

Please explain why he should be allowed on this site to starting up a old subject , that i am sure most people are sick of hearing if the leaflets he was shoving into everyones face over the year wasn't enough...

Whippet racing is supposed to be a fun hobby which is shared by many, and who love to get away and meet up with friends and enjoy there racing ...why don't the people on here that are trying to start trouble and slagging our sport off ..try helping out more..the committee do a great job they are the back bone to keeping our sport alive..

Now lets end it all here and now as its starting to sound like a stuck record..and get on with running our dogs ...
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I have deleted all off topic posts.

Larry is banned.

Whipping girl is banned.

Anyone not identifiable to all are not allowed to post on this topic.

All off topic posts on this topic will be deleted.
couldnt agree with you more Dee. I know lots of owners that have been tested whos dogs get to the tea and coffee mugs, and the kids sweets. Blue Goblins brother as well loves his chocolate but never got a bad test result. And he was tested enough times.

A bit of chocolate and drop of tea can not be blamed for the past results coming back positive.
This is wrong according to every piece of scientific evidence I have ever seen - if you are able to produce any proof/recorded evidence whatsoever, of any decription, no matter how far fatched, to support this statement I defy you to do so.


that the testing labs know the difference in chocolate , coffee coco pops ect to enhancers.
This is correct, in that " the testing labs know the difference in chocolate , coffee coco pops ect to enhancers ". The testing labs have provided no evidence that the people banned were using "enhancers" - or performance enhancing drugs. You only need to read the reports from the "testing labs" to show this as a fact.

The labs were not asked to ascertain the source of the methyl-xanthines shown in the test. There is scientific evidence to show the profile matches chocolate - if you can produce evidence to contradict this do so, if you can`t your statement has no merit, - it`s just BS..


I for one did not count the banning of kickboards a trivial matter, that decision took away our right to choose how we raced our whippets.........  
Compared to being banned from racing and labelled a drugs cheat I think not being able to use a kickboard is trivial and I suspect those banned would agree.

Racers felt strongly about the BWRA`s unilateral descion to abolish the postal vote that lead to the AGM vote to ban kickboards. This affected each racer as an individual and led to the revolt and the EGM and the subsequent overturning of the kickboard ban - even though the BWRA committee threatened to resign.

Since the drugs ban affects only certain individuals racers just don`t care - after all it doesn`t affect themselves or stop them racing. So they just say nothing because they just don`t care what happens to their fellow racers.

I feel that this camaradarie between racers is a fake, a sham, totaly false - a racer may say " well done" to all but when an obvious injustice is done they just keep quite while some innocent gets shafted.

The kickboard revolt shows racers have a great self-interest; its a pity the same thoughts couldn`t be shown to their fellow racers when they are needed.

Tony Warren,

now is not the right time for this all to be draged up again
There is never a good time to bring up the wrongs of the past - everyone would rather let sleeping dogs lie.

The drug testing regime is the same.

The committes are the same.

Listen to the BBC tape Mark has and try to put yourself in the place of those banned. To ignore what has happened in the past to these innocent people just for the convenience of being able to continue racing without guilt is completely heartless.

It`s as if you are prepared to sacrifice these peoples happiness just so that others can carry on as normal.

To continue racing with a clear concience all those banned need an apology - this will never go away otherwise.


Mark was banned for bring the sport into disrepute AFAIK. Not that suprising really.

My only other query is who controls drug testing, and is there a A & B sample as in athletics (for example) for independent testing?
The relevant committee`s obviously " control" drug testing in the loose`s possible sense of the definition.

The "A" and "B" sample is a huge issue and I would be gratefull if you could define exactly what you mean by the "A" and "B" sample.

Jonh Noble,

Thanks Mark for putting all this info on hereIt is very informative, i would rather know all the ins and outs of drug testing than sit back with blinkers on hoping i never got caught for something i was innocent of.

Its a pity the BWRA & NWRF commitees didnt get all the true facts about tea, coffee and all these other non-enhancing products instead of banning innocent people.[They are ignorant of the true facts of drug testing] & its time something was done about it.
I feel exactly the same - I can`t put it better than that.


I agree!

but just wait and see where the rest of the money goes.


Exstacy didn`t have any "levels" of anything because the BWRA didn`t pay to PROVE that anything was present

as the drug testing labs knew the diffrents between caffeine enhancers to a little bit of tea coffee, sweets etc.
Yes they do know the difference.

The labs have never suggested that any of those banned have given their dogs enhancers - this is a fact, - are you disputing this? All the evidence is available. Can you provide any evidence that those who were banned gave their dogs performance enhancig drugs?

So it does seem quite strange that you think the labs are wrong
The labs aren`t wrong.

Does anyone say they are - will you quote where anyone says they are wrong?

I have always found Jill and her sister nice people, and think that maybe they wont want all this shit dragged back up again..
Ask yourself how bothered were you that they were dragged through the sh*t the first time?

Please explain why he should be allowed on this site to starting up a old subject , that i am sure most people are sick of hearing if the leaflets he was shoving into everyones face over the year wasn't enough...
He asked the site owner.

This will be the biggest ever non-ped topic

Whippet racing is supposed to be a fun hobby which is shared by many, and who love to get away and meet up with friends and enjoy there racing ...why don't the people on here that are trying to start trouble and slagging our sport off ..try helping out more..the committee do a great job they are the back bone to keeping our sport alive..

Freinds that prefer to feed you to the wolves for a quite life.

No thanks

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All this reminds me of the "PIED PIPER of HAMELIN" who played a tune,[you all know what happened next]

The BWRA &NWRF commitees are bringing rules in for dope testing without really understanding them & a very few of the members are following blindly &stubbornly refusing to know the true facts. [ if anybody thinks this subject is boring dont add to it}
Hi folks,

I find this topic very interesting, not at all boring, and i agree with many of the comments on both sides of the arguement. My own opinion is that whilst in all innocence we are trying to make the sport better, more professional etc. by drug testing and everything have we not now gone a bit over the top and instead of helping the sport are we actually doing it more harm than good. The good dogs will win the slower dogs wont, even with the help of any drugs. There has always been fingers pointed at dogs who run well for any length of time is this just jealousy i dont know but having been in whippet racing all my life i honestley think it was better before drug testing and feel it hasn't helped our sport at all. N0-one likes a cheat but on the same lines NO-one would like to be accused if innoncent. So lets get on with racing like we used to, and all hope for a good dog but if we don't get the best carry on and enjoy this as the sport it is meant to be. We are all entitled to our own opinions and shouldn't be held ransom for them.

By the way i am now taking care of my shouting voice until the champs (it was a bit hoarse after team champs) to do what we ought to be doing cheering our friends and club dogs on and not just looking out for ourselves - lets get a bit of fun back into whippet racing instead of all this ill feeling.

You talk a lot of sense Karen !!

Can anyone tell me if a dog has ever been tested on request of a member or is this not something you get to find out, i know in the rules it states something along the lines of if the test came back negative the member would foot the cost of the bill.

There has always been fingers pointed at dogs who run well for any length of time is this just jealousy
I can think of quite a few dogs & owners who i've heard comments about finding x amount of time or having one good dog after another, i'm surprised if people are this possitive they are enhancing their dogs why don't they put there money where there mouth is?
tony you can delete yhis if you like, but you are an arogant sod who dosnt know all the facts, you seem to want to bring the bwra down all the time what is wrong with you ......
michelle this is not a school room we do not need a report. Nore should we have to

keep answering back again explaining to you or produce proof. The proof is in the dogs who have tea etc. Are tested many times as thay are good dogs. And have never had a possitive test.

Butch already said in his last post, he would not comment on this topic again

and he means whats he says hes not waisting his time. We do not follow the pied piper we go on our own views. this is the last time I am posting on this topic as well. I am not going to be included in bringing down the B.W.R.A.

tony you can delete yhis if you like, but you are an arogant sod who dosnt know all the facts, you seem to want to bring the bwra down all the time what is wrong with you ......
I have never claimed to know all the facts,or can you tell me where or when I have made any such claim.

When have I ever made any attempt to bring down the BWRA?

I have never instigated any legal action against the BWRA, I have never stood for any top table posistions, I have never made any formal complaints to the BWRA about anything. When have I ever said I want to bring down the BWRA?

I played no part in the petetion for the EGM earlier this year, It wasn`t me who collected signatures and I didn`t vote - even though the BWRA top table threatened to resign.


I suppose you are not going to produce any evidence to support your statements.

The majority of dogs tested by the BWRA and NWRF have proved positive for methyl-xanthines -fact.

Wether you post on this topic or bury your head in the sand is upto you. I suspect you have no evidence to back up your statements and rather than lose the debate you will pretend it is not going on.

In my opinion bringing the sport into disrepute by supporting an unfair policy is more likely to cause the BWRA problems than acting in an honest way about the drug testing issue.
tony who are you to ban people; maybe we need a vote to get shot of you ,wasnt long ago you caused a stink over butch............yet claptrap like mark puts on is ok ey :angry:
You say "when an obvious injustice is done we all keep quiet while some innocent is shafted", you know for definate that this person is innocent ??enlighten us all then :w you say "since the drug ban only affects certain individuals, racers don't care ", of course we care thats why we don't give our dogs illegal substances......... if some one knows what the levels in these samples were then put it on here ..........let's all for deleting post's just because you don't know who the person is........did we not have to put up with all that

MADAM X wrote for the whippet news........... :angry: