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BWRA Champs at Warwick

Poor racers in Scotland always get a raw deal when it comes to Champs and always have done it is definately time the issue was addressed and put right! going back many years before Old Hall. they used Measham every time there are champs those who live in and around this area have the least to travel its high time all regions were put in a hat and a draw to decied the outcome was done then it should be taken in turn sowe all have the same treatment we all pay the same money dont we???
Around 268m ain't that far ... I read Warwick was 262m. What difference is 6m ?
Fleesh said:
Around 268m ain't that far ... I read Warwick was 262m. What difference is 6m ?
I don't think gaz was saying its to far ..i think what he meant was that hes never know a whippet have to run straight out onto a bend (and a bad bend like that)

usually most whippets and greyhound run along a back straight before hitting the bend thous finding there stride first ..

And who took the decision upon them selfs to swap the regular position of where the race started.
Karen, sorry you missed the point about the bar...But, I have spoken to a lot southern racers who loved Kinsley, after a long drive, they said a meal, a few beers etc. made it all worthwhile...And to be honest, if the BWRA champs was at Highgate or Kinsley I'd still go...but I have seen this year that the social part of racing is very important, that's why the weekend events are so popular...

Having said that, the track at Warwick is far better than Askern..and deserves it's chance...and I hope it is a success...

Obviously everyone will have different needs and priorities, we as a family travel at least for 2-3 hours to most races and make our own arrangements for refreshments etc sometimes we use the tracks catering facilities sometimes not.

My priority is solely to race our dogs.

karen i think the reason we all go is to race our dogs,other wise there would be no point in going ???
No-one could fault the facilities at kinsley....the food was good and you could sit in the bar have a drink and watch the racing inside in the warmth. to a lot of people its a social event and some people do travel without racing a dog to have a drink/food/watch racing....unfortunately we dont have kinsley anymore :(

I would rather have a decent track and no facilities than a crap track and decent facilities.

If bend racing carries on the way it is at the moment anything will be better than nothing.

I dont have any problems with easington the track is always in good condition, the food is'nt the best but i suppose i could always take butties.

Hinckley is a good track and ive heard warwick is ok as well ( i havent been askern for about 7 yrs so i cant comment)

Maybe straight and bend champs should be held on a rotation basis or regions want to hold such an event then they can put a proposal in to the commitees (like an olympic bid)
Well said michelle ..i think you said it all
oi ive had a brainwave if i win the lottery this week im buying kinsley then we can have bend racing all weekends and night meetings lol no but a point was meantioned about all regions being given a chance of the champs venue by puting them in a hat and then if that region wins they dont go in next year as they had there turn and this goes on till they have all had a go and start a fresh that way everyone will had a go at travelling and no one can say or groan about how far they have had to come all those in favour say i lol :D
I think giving the regions the option to hold champs drawn out of a hat would be a brill idea then no-one can complain about the travelling!
excellent idea ..but some regions don't have the facility's
excellent idea ..but some regions don't have the facility's
i see what you are saying denise but about certain regions not having good track then i dont know what you and others think of this if the region that is chosen does not have the track how about all regions tracks are put back into the hat and what ever one is pulled thats the one we run at and heres something else so that no one can say its not fair how about the draw being done stright after the bend champs this year so all can see and know its being done fair and square not that i saying its not being done fair :D
I know where your coming from ...but many regions don't have camping facility's would be great on the bends though as we have a lot of greyhound tracks though the country
Fleesh said:
Around 268m ain't that far ... I read Warwick was 262m. What difference is 6m ?
I think that 268 miles is quite far especially when you have to do it several times a year especially when the main east cost road between Edinburgh and Newcastle is mostly a single lane carrageway and the cross country roads between the west cost and the east coast are not that much better. Although in my opinion Scotland could hold both a straight and bend championship I would have to be honest and say that would not be fair to racers in the Devon area. The fairest in my opinion would be to find the most central point with suitable facilitys.
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:b Ops I thought the m was for miles thats what I get for reading it to quick sorry fleesh but I stand by the rest of it.
:D In that case John 6m as in miles is a lot of difference when you have 2 whining dogs in the car, it is boiling hot and you are DYING FOR THE LOO !!! :p

??? ??? ???
Ive just heard this morning that the b.w.r.a. bend champs are definetly at wawick its been voted in already if so fair enough But i find it hard that they couldn,t get a track some were more central.

Is this the venue every year or is it just for this year .I was at the track this morning and they where on about a game they play up north called [spot the southerner] its not being nasty to all people from the south but you se the likes of hot mouse travel down to devon yell travel down to fordingbridge gypsy queen and sun princess go to wawick and a lot more northern dogs go right down the country to race plus steve and karen travel all over the country with fluke coral and the rest of the dogs ,but how many races from down the country do you see race in the north at the likes of murton or stockton or even easington you don,t so i think the only solution,s are to one move the champs from region to region every year or two find a track that is central to both sets of races
Going back to my original comment about the bar being small. Did anyone notice I used a SMILEY to suggest it was tongue in cheek? Because today I was approached by a fellow racer suggesting I'd slagged the place off...I did not, it is very nice venue and I have enjoyed my visits there, so please do not phone other racers suggesting I did otherwise...

As it happens I heard today, that the catering facialities are to be upgraded during the winter...which is great...cos yes I DO believe these things are important...

WARWICK is an excellent venue, the track is good, and the welcome second to none...I'd be more concerned about the track than anything else...

And, in the future I do hope Champs are spread around...but it is as central as you could possibly get at the moment...

As a reminder, here's my smiley again :p

Kind Regards (I've calmed now, but nearly quit the sport this afternoon)

ive only been to warwick once,to me the track is ok but the cafe n bar no were near big enough to cater for all the racers,alot of racers like a pint and a chat with friends. ;) ,