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BWRA Champs at Warwick

I think you will find that come march the bar and cafe will have been extended neil, i wish you well in the greyhound racing neil and i hope that you will pop in on us sometime, Many thanks for Benn, John M
theB BWRA left kinsley and went to highgate. then tried to return and where refused. why are they leaving highgate anyways????? :w
Why did they leave Kinsley for Highgate in the first place?
I was hoping to put two of my dogs round the bends but there does not seem to be much of a point now. Its bad enough that there is not a lot of bend races within what I would call a reasonable driving distance now the bend championships are out of my reach. If championships are to be fair to all racers they should be held as central as possible at a track with suitable facilitys. I have done a milage chart below.

Arbroath to Warwick 387.4 miles.

Kirkcaldy to Warwick 343.7 miles

East Ayrshire to Warwick 292.9 miles.

Newcastle to Warwick 215.8 miles.

Stevenage to Warwick 84.8 miles.

Cullompton to Warwick 147.3 miles.

I will let you decide if this venue is central. Below are two alternative venues.

Arbroath to Easington 201.4 miles.

Cullompton to Easington 338.3 miles.

Arbroath to Kinsley 281.6 miles.

Cullompton to Kinsley 255.3 miles.

In my opinion Kinsley is about as central as you can get for a bend championship but if what has been stated on here is correct we cannot use Kinsley anymore but there must be other tracks with suitable facilitys close by. The benefit of using a central track is members in the north and south have about the same distance to travel and this should maxamise attendance. Or we could have one championship in the north and one in the south or move it about anualy as has been suggested. Anyway good luck to all when the bends championships come I hope all goes well and I look forward to reading the reports as I dont think I will be able to get there.
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kinsley is in fact the perfect venue.....fairly central, excellent facilities and decent running surface, but unfortunately we dont have kinsley anymore.

If it was a case of the stadium wanting more money i wouldnt mind paying a bit more in gate money if it meant getting kinsley back ;)
hi john your welcome to come down to lancaster and stay with us overnight to break your journey if you want only 2 and a half hours from here think about it. steve
john i see what your saying about miles but on the list you put in try the miles from portmouth and hastings and c if they still seem long i remember the last nwrf champs in 2001 and we had the storms it took me 12hrs to get home mind you it was worth it but we have got to have a stand on one thing in the time as i said all regions will get there chance to hold the champs well thats what i would like to see. :D
TONY i have been saying that for the last three years since i have been back with an open class dog and i rekon that if a region cant host it the one nearest to it should have first refusal on default steve
Hi Steve thaks very much for your kind offer If I can get them fit enough (weather permitting snow ice etc) I might take you up on your offer thanks again to you and your family.
I travel as far as anyone with my dog Nch southern scott, both the english and scotish derbys all the bend tracks even when i know he aint a bend dog, we travel because we love to see dogs run not only our own, but this year has been hard to keep interested with all the moaning I only hope all racers new year resololution

will be to help out at race meetings and wish all fellow racers good luck, win or lose.

Peter posting.
tony warren said:
john i see what your saying about miles but on the list you put in try the miles from portmouth and hastings and c if they still seem long i remember the last nwrf champs in 2001 and we had the storms it took me 12hrs to get home mind you it was worth it but we have got to have a stand on one thing in the time as i said all regions will get there chance to hold the champs well thats what i would like to see. :D
Hi Tony I did as you suggested and the results are below I have also added another two locations from Scotland one venue I accept does not race anymore and the other is the home of Pathfinder and his owner who traveled to the B.W.R.A bend championships this year (2003).

Portsmouth to Warwick 129.7 miles.

Hastings to Warwick 164.2 miles.

Dingwall to Warwick 482.6 miles.

Wick to Warwick 571.7 miles.

I did not include these places in my origonal post because I know some would say one venue is now closed (and as I have stated already I accept that) and the other is one person so I decided to use the places of people who regurally open race. I think I have used the correct venue (Warwick) as only one Warwick shows up on my route finder. I have also done another chart below to Asfordby to see how they compare.

Arbroath to Asfordby 349.0 miles.

Kirkcaldy to Asfordby 316.2 miles.

Portsmouth to Asfordby 186.3 miles.

Hastings to Asfordby 177.5 miles.

All calculations are done at the maximum speed limits for a car (not towing a caravan or trailor) and using the quickest route not a preferred route. I will let you decide if these venues are central. I would just like to point out that I am only pointing out the locations and milage of venues not if they are suitable as I have never been to Warwick so cannot make comment on the venue and Asfordby has the facilitys to hold a championships.
john not to worry as the I.R.G.have the first bend meeting next year and it is to be staged at Easington on Sunday The 29th of Febuary with added prize money read your mag for details every one is welcome the more the merrier with it being a leap year take the leap with us its an extra day for the racers and a Sunday at that!!! so no WORK!! get yourself there if its a success i can garantee there will be more to follow and you will get two runs for your money can you miss it ????
Hi Steve if the weather allows me I will try and get the dogs ready for the event at Easington as I have been there several times before and enjoyed it.
steve can i stay at your house p.s. im not going to sleep with john though lol :D ;) by the way ill see you in feb by the sounds of it at easinton by the way you have not meationed about harry coming to train for me on here. :D
Tony, You are behind in the Q for harry's services as a whippet trainer, bribes are being offered behind Steve and Karens back, there has been rumours that someone has offered him free tickets and flights to the rugby world cup final (another sport in which he excells). I offered him free board and lodgings and pocket money but he said he has that now and his proper dad aint as ugly as me, so i have sent him some specs up to enlighten him. Its going to take a big bribe to get his services, i can tell you.
Hi Tony if you want to come up in February and stay overnight your more than welcome mate, mother in law has half a bed spare but its a big un i must warn you. your a better man than i am gungerdin!!!!!! if you rise to the challenge.STEVE