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Boxing Day Meeting

This must be Josie

Come on Judy lets see some more action shots............ ;) ...if you've got any more... :thumbsup: ..ta Chris ...( oh yes i've sneaked on here as her and i could have caused so much trouble ) !!!........ :- "
Sorry that I missed out on meeting the little black kanga who was having so much fun with that lure. :wub: And also meeting all you K9'ers.

The photos are lovely. Thanks for posting them folks. :thumbsup:
Love Josie's green collar. :wub: :wub: :wub:

She looks a real professional. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Wish that one was Star Judy, but alas Star was never that close to the lure :b :p

Excellent pictures - especially your little Kaos :wub: Thanks for posting them.

I can't believe that was his first time out on a collar and lead - he was so good wasn't he. :wub:
Lovely pictures! Thank you for posting them, Judy. All the dogs look so keen!

Adrian thinks that second pic (that you thought might be Josie) was 'Spike'. I love the ones of Kaos, and those two that are running flat out (w00t) they look so fit. And Josie looks so happy, and strangely relaxed even though she was actually really going for it.

edited to say - and as for that gorgeous lurcher, well... everyone in this house keeps going back for another look :thumbsup:
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Have to agree with everyone else - the photos are FANTASTIC :sorcerer: I love the action shots - have printed off the photo of Tyler and Miya flying (as no feet on the ground) down the track and have framed it already - also that lurcher looks great. Did you get any of Ross Judy? (Thanx for the ones of Merle that you have sent already :cheers: )

I think that it is just so amazing how the dogs know exactly what to do, even if they have never been anywhere near the lure before. Some of the trailling dogs were brilliant - you would never have guessed that they had only had a few trials before e.g. Archie (sorry some other great triallers as well but I don't know all of their names!)
Well, it was a huge success, even though Archie is slow, he loves it! Last Boxing Day, he wasn't much bigger than Kaos, and Judy and Nigel encouraged him to play with the lure, just like they did in the pictures with their gorgeous pup. He had a little go on one puppy night, and now he is killing it (w00t) .

It just goes to show that the instinct is bred into them. Josie amazed me, her first time, and she was awesome. I would say she has huge potential, and out-ran Archie in a casual run around before we started. The difference in racing bred and show bred is so obvious. Archie has had success in the ring (even if it is local yokel stuff) because he looks quite good with his extra covering, as for racing.......well, at least he enjoys it :b I do to. I hope to see loads of you again in the summer, and especially next Boxing Day. It was certianly the best part of my Christmas, and Lloyd will hopefully be fit enough next year. Oliver and Ben need to entertain each other too ;)

We are all just recovering from a stomach bug (no wonder I felt dodgy). but I wouldn't have missed it for the world.

Rae, you must come next year, and also to the doggy shows at Berkeley and Frampton. Archie is pining away for Star :wub:
Well, I have loved reading this thread and seeing all the fantastic photos - you sound like you all had a brilliant day! :thumbsup:

Maybe next year I could persuade my family to take a trip to the Cotswolds!! :teehee:
Joanna said:
Thanks for the lovely day, I have just about thawed out now!My photos aren't very good as it is hard to take pictures with a whippet pulling you all over the place.


Judy, Nigel and the scrummy Kaos
Nice to see that they kept their clothes on! :- "
Scott!!!!!!!!!! What can you be referring to! :b
Yes, I was impressed by the number of dogs who had never seen a lure before but who had great fun chasing up the track. The instinct is certainly there.

Now is this Star ?

Not a very good photo but this is one of yours isn't it Rae?

Archie says Yes :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
[SIZE=21pt]YES![/SIZE] :wub: :wub:

Thanks Judy :cheers:

That was her first go - Adrian very kindly slipped her and I was at the other end to catch her - and she was looking at me not the lure. (Does it show ? :b :p ) Looking at the photos of the other whippets really stretched out and going for it. full speed.....and then Star ambling along like there's no hurry :lol: bless her :clown: (In fact I think I could have beaten her myself :teehee: ) She did enjoy it when she go thte hang of it though. :D

I think I lost my keys on Sunday, I took OH's aswell for some reason so didn't miss mine until yesterday. Were there any handed in? I found a hole in my coat pocket.... :clown: :angry: Damn nuisance loosing keys.
And the other one is indeed Leia. At least she looks like she is trying. :D

Brilliant Judy, thanks. :)

You must have a huge memory card in your super digital camera. 8)
Darc - I didn't really get a good one of Ross as he was running so far to the right of Trouble & Savita. Here is one though.
