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Boxing Day Meeting

Had a great Day. Thanks to Chris, Hannah, Julia, Gavin and the South Cots. club :cheers:

I took over a hundred photos. Had the camera in "burst" mode. Quite a few were of grass or the rear ends of dogs where I had missed them :p Its taking ages to go through them all, deleting the rubbish ones, cropping the better ones and resizing them for the web :sweating: On top of that, I can't seem to spend more than 30 seconds on the computer without having to stop and remove a book/pen/remote control or other precious object from Kaos. He is into everything now. (w00t)

I'm not sure who they are all of, but here are some of the first batch -

Who is this ?

Miya & Tyler

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Great photos ....... :D (any more ??)

1st photo is Dandy

2nd photo is Josie (I think :b )

3rd photo is Tilly

And the 4th photo is the beautful Miya and Tyler :wub: ........Please can you send me a copy ?? :huggles:
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Yep OK will do Hannah.

Next one is Trouble & Savita

Wow it sounds like you all had a fab time, wish i lived closer, would have loved to meet you all.

Brill photo's too :D
Second isn't Josie Hannah, she was sporting a posh emerald green collar!

Fab photos Judy!
And of course, my favourite pics :wub:

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Lovely pics of the Boxing Day Meeting :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I don't know anything about racing/lure coursing but would love to have watched. Sounds like you all had a great time. :cheers: :cheers:
Cor, look at that stream-lined body!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (w00t) :lol: :wacko: :teehee: :unsure:
No, she didn't have a muzzle Judy

I think that's Gracie?
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