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Well folks i am completely nackered today through this topic going on soooooo late into the night. Maybe if someone from the BWRA national committee was on this board they could enlighten us a bit more, WCRA have a committee member on here so why not us.

Maybe someone higher up could explain if/why bwra regions can hold non bwra events under the bwra's name & not to their rules? As it seems this is what happened on Sunday. I didn't see the scratch dogs sup run off as a major issue (it got sorted once it was pointed out to the clerk of the course) but i think members could do with knowing a little bit more about this regional bla bla bla bla.........

Anyway the little bit of the racing i saw on Sunday was good & the organisers did deserve a pat on the back for working in that weather (unless it hit its peak when i got there?).
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hi debs here, been at work and just read all the replies today. so what the confision is then is that the open on sunday stated BWRA south yorkshire open was not in effect a BWRA event? and if they were not running to BWRA rules then why was i told to look at BWRA rules. Fleesh if you find this boring going on and on and on, then dont read it, it is a healthy discussion on a point that effects scratch racing, i just cant understand why the event was called BWRA south yorkshire bob burke open, instead of bob burke open? Sorry folks but i find scratch racing a sore point as i feel sorry for big uns and their owners for not getting recognition really for all their efforts put into thier lovely animals, see you all soon :D
yeh vicky i agree there probably should be a bwra commitee member on k9 but i cant see that happening can you ,taking into consideration all the s**t they put up with at the track cant see that they want it on hear as well.

i agree with you deb scr racing is a very sore point and we do not get enough recognition as it is,personaly i cant see why people have got a problem with scr racing because at the end of the day the more racers the more money going into bwra etc and surely that can only be a good thing.

also all i can say is that if people dont want to run to bwra rules then dont run a bwra meeting its that simply.
Hi Ritchie your right it was in whippet news as B.W.R.A. S. YORK BOB BURKE OPEN. So B.W.R.A rules apply, If thay didnt want to run the open under

B.W.R.A rules then it shouls have been just the BOB BURKE OPEN.

We dont need a member of the committee on k9, thay are only a phone call away. And agree this was a B.W.R.A SOUTH YORK OPEN ans should have been run to the rule book.
i have to agree with the above comments, whippets come in all sizes and scratch dogs should be run off to a supreme if it says so in the rule book.....we are trying to get new blood ( PEEPS) in to whippet racing so let's cater for all and enjoy our sport ............. :D
I agree that whippets come in all shapes and sizes and all should be allowed to run for supremes. It is upto the event organisers what format they run. The BWRA rule book obviously applies to BWRA events only and all BWRA events should abide by these rules. However if a region decides to hold a none BWRA event there is nothing in the rules to stop them. The Bob Burke open was run by BWRA South Yorks, which is not in dispute, but they do not state its a BWRA event - cards were not asked for in the advert or on the day and the program format was not to BWRA rules in the advert. The advert is not clear this is not a BWRA event but assuming it is doesn`t make it so. If it was a BWRA event they have broken the BWRA rules if it wasn`t they can`t have. It would require a new rule to prevent BWRA regions from holding none BWRA events, - after all BWRA affliated clubs can hold none BWRA opens.

BWRA South Yorks are holding 2 opens, the Bob Burke and Tom Jones in July for top ten points which contradicts Whippet News points system which states each region can only have one top ten points straight open.
Why mention BWRA in the advert at all though, just out of interest did anyone go without their cards knowing that it was not a bwra event? If i were racing i would have taken mine because having mentioned BWRA in the advert i would have seen that as being an BWRA event whether it be south yorks region or who ever!!!

Although it's not stated in the Rule Book that BWRA regions can't hold non bwra events under the bwra name i would have just thought that wouldn't be done anyway.

Maybe the rule book needs re-writing as some of the rules in there can be twisted to suit.

Michelle pointed out to me rule 11 of general racing rules thinking that this might be what the regional commitee can do:

No Non members may run a dog unless authorised

I read that as being:

Non members can run a registered dog if authorised ie due to owners illness etc

Michelle reads it as being:

bwra regional commitee may allow non registered racers & dogs to run at the committees discretion.

From the way the rules are stated non of the above would be wrong - hence my thinking that the rules should be more comprehensive!

Just a point about people reading the rules differently:

I remember going to the BWRA spring classic (time open) and someone had timed in for the handicap & their dog was well over 32lb, to me the way i saw it was that bwra weight limit in handicap is 32lb so whether it be time or weight handicap that is the limit! This had to be pointed out to the clerk but the dogs were duly pulled out, but there may not have been reason to as there is no rule in the book that says at a time open dogs must be within the 32lb limit it just says general handicap racing!!!

I know the above is slightly off the topic but i'm trying to give an example of how people see the rules differently..... Hope you understand me!!
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Whooops just re-read my book & reading rule 27 of management overides all my above comment:

The committee shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of these rules, and anyone joining the association shall abide by the committee's interpretation on any matter affecting the association. This shall be final & binding on the members.

So the chairman has given his "interpretation" that the open was BWRA & that Sup Scr should be ran at all BWRA events, hope this helps, it's helped me now anyway!
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Why mention the BWRA in the advert? - well it was run by the BWRA South Yorks region but perhaps if it`s not a BWRA open it should have been made clear.

You assume that because it was run by a BWRA region it was a BWRA event and thats a fair assumption and it is what we assumed to be the case, but the fact is there is no rule to prevent a BWRA region holding a non-BWRA event, - I wouldn`t have thought they would hold a non-BWRA event either but it seems they have, and have broken no rule in doing so.

"No Non members may run a dog unless authorised

I read that as being:

Non members can run a registered dog if authorised ie due to owners illness etc"

which is what the rule is probably meant to mean, but

"Michelle reads it as being:

bwra regional commitee may allow non registered racers & dogs to run at the committees discretion."

is, as you say, also correct, and this rule needs clarification.

What I would add futher is whose authorisation? - the clerk of the course? or perhaps a note from owners mum.

A time open ought to be interpreted as a general handicap, hence the 32lb dog disallowed but I take the point of it being vague.

So if the chairman of the BWRA decides Gin Pit open is a BWRA open does that mean you have to run it as a BWRA open. The chairman isn`t the committee. It doesn`t define committee so it could be any committee. All othe r rules allude to the national committee which is described. Although there would be little chance of proving any doubt as to the meaning here.

There is no rule for the committee to interpret here and how this comes under "any matter affecting the association" is spurious.
So if the chairman of the BWRA decides Gin Pit open is a BWRA open does that mean you have to run it as a BWRA open
Mmmm but we haven't advertised it under the BWRA North West nor am i on any regional committee to be forced to do so.

The committee shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of these rules, and anyone joining the association shall abide by the committee's interpretation on any matter affecting the association. This shall be final & binding on the members.
I would like to bet this is the rules that the BWRA would use to back up their point although again it could be worded to better suit what in my opinion they are trying to say!
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Poor BWRA, getting a lot of stick of late aren't they :(

I'm sure if you are that interested then the BWRA won't mind if you call them up and ask them to define the matter for you (you know what a telephone is, I don't believe the internet has warped your verbal communication skills).

Anyway whatever you decide to do I hope you sort it out for yourselves, looking over this conversation it seems you are all arguing about agreeing with one another. Strange I know, but it looks that way from here (and please no comments about glasses I get enough of those already :angry: )
In no way am i or anyone else on this thread (as far as i can see) giving stick to the BWRA i have no probs with any of the committee National or Regional & have no problems with them seeing what has been typed on here. I'm sure the point of the rules being expanded on will be brought up at a meeting!

I dont put anything on here that i wouldn't say to someone's face or over the phone.
At least you didn't say anything about glasses Vicky :D

to clear this up , tonight i have seen one of the organisers of the BWRA open on sunday, he apologised and told me that that the open was in fact being run to BWRA rules and that i was correct in saying that scratch was indeed to be run off to supreme. he read the added rules which will be in force for the tom jones open aswell. as to the chairman quote " if the open was advertised as BWRA in any form then the BWRA rules should most definatly be adhered to. Also non registered dogs should not have been allowed to run. ???
Thankyou, see there what a nice friendly chat and enquiry can do.

Glad to see the matter cleared up.
Right so i can now go to bed ey - bet kevin thinks i've got another bloke!!

Thats fair enough and after all we got our supreme scratch but thats not what we were told on the day is it.

I don`t think any unregistered dogs were present.

Clearly it would be best if BWRA regions only held BWRA events and ran to BWRA rules as this is what everyone (including us ) expects. This could be acheived under BWRA management rule27 with a memo to the regions or an additional rule.

The chairman is quite correct in what he says and it is what BWRA members expect but there is a big difference between "should" and must do. I am sure this will be sorted out amicably - no one has been put out by this.

This topic demonstrates a hitherto unknown flaw in the rules and the discusion has been constructive in that it will provide clarification of what to expect in the future. ( which is what we all expexcted anyway)
Well if anything this topic has proved that a lot of people (including some organisers) don't know/understand/purceive the rules the same as others & quite a few examples have now been pointed out in the thread.
well another late night, still so long as we have got it sorted and there is peace again....... :D