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Blidworth Results

WHY do people not want to run off to a scratch supreme... ;) after all as already has been said the dogs get two runs and yes we all pay the same money and should all be entitles to two runs if we are lucky enough to get through to a final....well done kane and of course you dink :D go get em debs :D
The event was an OPEN event - as such BWRA membership was not required to run. The event was not sanctioned by the BWRA national body and so could have been run under whatever rules the organisers wished, The top ten is nothing to do with BWRA either and top ten opens can be run under whatever rules the event organisers wish - it is upto Whippet News wether it gets top ten status or not.
im sorry michelle but what is the matter with you two? you ran with us in the supreme? why call the OPEN BWRA south yorkshire open for top ten points then? if not running by its rules??????? I was told to go and get the rule book by dennis, as i have said before the rule is there. So what is the big deal here????? Right then the handicap dog and bitch ran off to supreme is that not a bwra rule? so why are some people up in arms over scratch dogs doing the same???? at the same event???? good god give them a break. debs

Above was Tony.

I have nothing against supreme scratch. It actually works better than I originaly thought it would and we always run off. We had a good race and the dogs were evenly matched.

I am just pointing out that there is no rule to make regional events run under national rules. I think they didn`t want to run off because they were wet and had had enough but they sportingly allowed supreme scratch even though they were under no obligation to do so. It would seem churlish for a BWRA regional event not to run under BWRA rules but it is not obligatory

The event was an OPEN race and as such open to non BWRA racers.

as whippet news found this open to be worthy enough to designate this open a top ten points event then scratch racers have every right to run off to supreme and gain there extra points like your yard per pound dogs.

and michelle you are wrong it was a bwra open and they must apply to bwra rules if they cant then they should`nt hold a bwra meeting,and as i hear they didnt run off scr sup SPORTINGLY as you say,and they are under obligation

i couldnt care less about points because to me even if you end up with the most points at end of year it dont mean your dog is better than another,as you all know some owners switch classes to get in a easier weight class just to gain points,instead of running against dogs they aint sure theirs will beat,if a club dont want to run to bwra or nwrf rules then they shouldnt use there prefix,

anyway nice to see high peak and sugar fire running well again,same old thing tho buggar the scratch dogs and just look after the little ones :b
Whippet News do not give pre-conditions to open races having to have supreme scratch AFAIK and didn`t organise the event or have any say in its program. The NWRF doesn`t have supreme scratch. Neither of us ran for points but for the race itself. I`m not interested in WN points or the top ten -its meaning less in isolation.

It was an open race run by the BWRA region and not the national body and as such could run how it wished. Wether it should use the BWRA prefix is a moot point but it was still an OPEN run by the BWRA region and thus acurately described.
The open was definately advertised as BWRA - as i didn't run, whether they actually looked at your cards or not i dont know, the format was BWRA too.
Am i missing something here, why do they allow regions to have bwra opens if any tom, dick or harry can run?
Does what's being said here mean that unless its a large open/championship, the BWRA rules are non existent & a club can still do as they please? Also if they advertise as BWRA can they still run to say 35lb handicap? I'm confused i've never heard of this sort of carry on before, surely its less confusing for everyone to just have it as a club open & not under any sort of main body.
I dont think anyone's disputing the fact that Scratch events SHOULD be run off to supreme (if the racers wish to) whether it's a club/ BWRA/ NWRF/ IRG event, something for the organisers to think about when they next stage an open!!!

I'm still baffled about the Regional BWRA events not having to run to BWRA rules though
In the additional rules for 2002/2003 it states..

Sup. Scr to be run at each event
so why is this not added to all adverts..... :(
BUT do these additional rules apply to all BWRA events or just Nationals...... ;)
:) I will try and explain here goes :(

Firsty how many of you where at the A.G.M this was discusted at length.

And added to your B.W.R.A rule book for 2003. All B.W.R.A events now must allow SUPREME run off for veterans yearlings and scratch dogs.

This event was advertised in the WHIPPET NEWS as a B.W.R.A south yorks open. So the B.W.R.A SOUTH YORKS REGION COMMITTEE should have run this event to B.W.R.A rules.



A region committee can not make up there own rules.

Top Ten points have nothing to do with the format for the racing.

Whippet news points are given for both main bodies. Region events two top ten per region . One straight, one bend. For paid up members only.

Points are also given by W/ news for club opens and other events such as the Scotish Derby and the English Derby.

Top ten club events are open to everyone, main body members or just club members run to club rules.

This is confusing Vicky I hope it helps.

WELL DONE DEBS. :D so glad you where able to get the point across :)
I for one was not at the AGM :angry: .....but can see that these additional rules have been added in to my rule book, so why did a member have to show the rule book to the organisers of this open?? by the way butch your spelling has got a lot better.....
Thankyou for the compliment Pat my little rose bud :D :D

I took your advise and gave up the drink :p :(

I have stoped chasing women, and I have been to the clinic :0 :p
Right - so it was a BWRA event then?

What i was confused of was how can it be a BWRA south yorks open but not run to BWRA rules.......
well i would say that all opens that are BWRA should run to the rule book...... ??? hope you are feeling better butch :D told you that ### clinic would do you wonders..........geesa clue :D :p XXXXXX
no naggin at me you lot.............tonys writing in my name again.

I was either in bed or at work whilst he was slandering my good name :D