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Birth Defects

Sending hugs :huggles:

I honestly don't know what I would do in your situation :(

As I never had a litter of pups....I just wouldn't know if I should interfere or leave it to nature :(

I really hope they do well.....I can imagine how heartbreaking it must be :(

It also sounds as if you are doing a great job :huggles:
lalena said:
nicky12 said:
:( rip little girl ,its not your fault hun just one of those thing im shure you doing all you can to help them  :huggles: chin up if ya need a chat you know were i am  :huggles:
ta hun. i was bawling my eyes out when i found her :(

:( aww hun :huggles: ,hopfully with your help the other one will be ok :huggles:
over the years ive sat up and tube and bottle feeding sick/runty pups and tbh a lot of the time its is a waste of time as they usually die anyway,nature is cruel as my hubs always used to say to me and hed get sick of seeing me crying when i lost one.ive reared sick pups till they were 5 weeks old and then come down in the morning to a dead pup. :( it is heartbreaking so i know what youre going through.i always think once the bitch pushes them to one side away from the rest of the litter and from herself thats it, its going to die. the bitch knows it and shes rejecting it.dogs are a lot cleverer than we think. :thumbsup:
:( Sadly, I have to agree with Kris - bitches can sense these things, survival of the fittest and all that. :luck: Whatever happens, you have tried your best :huggles:
lalena said:
:( well, not going so good, sadly. at half one this morning the girl with the harelip was alive and well, but at half six when i got up she was away from the nest and dead :(   all was soon explained when i watched bilateral girlie 'interacting'. these two fed slower, therefore eating less, so their weight gain wasnt the same as the normal two. anyway, after finding the dead baby, i put bilat girl onto ambers teats to feed then watched as the other two muscled in and pushed her away. she wasnt strong enough to push back in, so now hand-rearing is under way. unsure as to whether amber noticed harelip girl being shoved aside, or whether she actively removed her :unsure: either way, 'badger' (because shes black with a white stripe down the centre of her head) has been getting 10ml (all she can manage per sitting) every half hour and then with her mum between. just feel so guilty about the other one :(
So sorry to hear that sad news but you really shouldn't feel guilty. Good luck with the hand-rearing. :luck: You must be exhausted :huggles:

Jill x
littlenell said:
:( Sadly, I have to agree with Kris - bitches can sense these things, survival of the fittest and all that.  :luck: Whatever happens, you have tried your best :huggles:
I agree as well. I will give any puppy a sporting chance but if it is not viable then you may as well cut your losses and have it pts humanely .... it saves a lot of heartache in the long run. I am a great believer that Nature knows best as sad and hard as it seems sometimes.
How heartbreaking for you :(

Nature can be very cruel sometimes... :(

Thinking of you, and hoping for the best :luck:

Liz and the Monellis
i,m so sorry you lost the little un,you done your best you can,i know its so heartbreaking.

All the best :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
hi all. so far so good :D badger is looking distinctly pot bellied now :huggles: mind you, the other two are huuuuuge, proper little puddings. as for me, i feel like a zombie :wacko: overslept this morning after all the getting up during the night, so josh ended up 5 minutes late for school, which isnt so bad considering i got up at 8.15 and got him there at 9 after a half hour walk (well, sprint :sweating: ) got back home, just spent the last 45 minutes with badger, awww she is so cute.
I'm glad your hard work is paying off. :luck: :luck: :luck: with little Badger :wub:

At least you know you are doing all your can. Nature can be cruel but its great to hear Badger is doing well. Everything crossed for you and try and get a little sleep if you can -_- :huggles: :luck:
:( badger died today at around 11.40am :( i fed her and put her back at quarter past 11. stupidly, i didnt lock the door behind me, i was in such a rush, kids lunch and medicine. while i was in the kitchen the kids went into my room. heard them coming downstairs when they shouldnt have been up there. ran upstairs too late. amber had panicked, broke badgers spine. luckily other two are fine. just want to die. not stopped crying. feel sick.
So sorry to hear this.

:huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
Oh no, I'm so sorry. It was an accident so don't punish yourself :huggles: :huggles:
Really feeling for you, you are having such a time of it, and none of it is your fault, just you remember that :huggles: I can't imagine what you are going through, your mind must be everywhere. You are doing all you can and you now need to focus on the pups that are doing well, easier said than done I am sure. Big hugs from us all :huggles: :luck:
I am so, so sorry about little Badger :(

How devastating for you, I know it's not easy but please don't blame yourself, sometimes these things just happen :(

You must be absolutely exhausted after all your hard work and now this.

Thinking of you- look after yourself, and enjoy your remaining puppies :huggles:

Liz and the Monellis
I'm so sorry, you poor thing - as others have said and I'm sure you won't believe yet but don't blame yourself for this horrid accident - you are doing everything right and must be so tired. -_- :(

Take care of yourself - your canine and human family need you well. :unsure:

oh lalena, i am really sorry for you, you gave her a good chance, and did your best,

rip little badger.
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thank you everyone :huggles: its just so unfair. she was growing and putting on weight, you know?