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B.w.r.a Proposals

if you read through the topic nearly every reply has started with good idea in theory steve BUT.. but if its a gud idea theres no buts. i dont think it wud work because nobody can decide if asfordby is 150 yards, o u time a dog on there and it does say 8.60 and it comes up to say murton over 150 yards and does 8.20 a dog cant do it.. plus the format wud just mean more work for people that moan about the workload now because no 1 ever gets help its just the same selected few.

i propose that people try and do somethng constructive for the sport and stop saying daft things. cos we all no really that its still guna be ydlb nxt year and forever, it wont get changed. the moaners just moan at it for somethin to moan at!
I don't think it would work either, i would not run a little light weigh whippet against something quite heavy off levels, also everyone would start to breed bigger again, and as its been see and still happens in greyhound handicap racing you would get people knocking there dogs for weeks, months at a time to let them go to win big events, and knocking a dog is not good for them

People would just say or its been injured for months and i didn't know, sorry its found four yards , or she has bad seasons and its not my fault the bitch takes 16 weeks to come back

I also think it would be the downfall to clubs as people wont need to go there.

I do agree that maid opens could be put on to accompany dogs that don't win a heat at a open say every month.Like Devon have a midweek venue during there 10 summer event for dogs that haven't won anything.

People try to breed there bitch's, stud dogs to be sup statues the best in the country to compete at a top level , like all sports people animals, show dogs etc , if this venue went ahead you could just breed your whippet to a example (lurcher) and race it off what ever mark it gets , speed wont come into anymore.

Thats just my opinion anyway

second the proposal for the maiden opens, by winner do you mean overall or class win.2/3 a year run along with major opens,would give my dog a better chance to win :b . As i think she is in the hardest weight group 25/30 bitches.
I think dogs that haven't won a weight class should qualify say at a monthly open
