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B.w.r.a Proposals

Another proposal i think ,should be to introduce 2ft to the pound instead yd.This would bring the racing closer and give the bigger dogs chance of supreme. As they are just as good as the little pocket rockets,as you cant beat yds start. :thumbsup:
the crap gaz,has only been coused by a certain few. if some people want to give there dogs whatever,and get cought, give them a ban and stick to the ban.i dont want to race against cheating gets,my dogs cost me a lot of money,ie traveling, feed, vetbills. they may not be as good as some, but i enjoy what i am in the sport for,,, good fair compatition& meeting up with good company! so if dope testing goes i think a few people will too, and lets face it we need more people in this sport, not turning there backs on it. so iam sorry if i offend anybody i just dont care .afterall we dont win vasts amounts of money do we,but its nice to grt a fare crack of the whip dont you think!!! ;)
Dave if yu had a sixteen pounder you would know how hard it is to win an open . unless they are top class they get caught over 150 most of the time , but i agree with what your saying ,but not all the time ,it should be more varied ,2 foot over 150 . yard per pound over 160 maybe :D
sharon whincop said:
Was thinking about proposing that for the champs. that vet dogs and bitches be separate. 9 times out 10 a bitch will beat a dog so lets give the dogs a chance of gaining a vet champ. title. I have bitches myself so wouldn't be just doing it for myself.
A good idea but why just the champs it should be all the time (entrys permiting) and yes I admit this is more in my mind because I keep dogs and next year will probably be the last year racing for one of them as he will be a veteran after that and he very rarely beats the bitches now so it wont be much different then I rekon.

A better mix of 2ft lb and yd lb racing to give the bigger dogs a chance (although most of the people who put up the trophys choose the format so they would have to be consulted before any changes to the format).

A 1yd sex allowance for dogs in the supreme run off as most racers accept that bitches are faster than dogs.
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I reckon its high time there was a national registar with all the dogs times on and some time opens were held with all dogs running off their fastest times always and any dogs finding more than what say four yards at any given time should be given a yellow card and those who do it regular the red one.i know that with young dogs they improve but if they always run off best time once they have won a heat they would have handicaped themselves so stopping dogs would not really be an option either if most you could win was a heat.just a thought i was disgussing yesterday at Warwick. Any one else got any thoughts on this?obviously there will be some dificulty with it but i suspect we would see some dogs that never have a chance of winning doing just that WINNING JUST FOR A CHANGE--- instead of just running ---which surely would not be a bad thing.
Steve, very good idea. Genuine dogs are consistent give or take a few spots. Take yesterday, Saxon Gem did exactly the same time as she clocked up when winning her Championship earlier in the year, AND she hadn't even had a trial or race since the straight championships. Anybody with ideas for proposals should send them to Doreen Hopkins and NOT JUST MAKE SUGGESTIONS ON K9 - afterall if you want changes in the racing put them forward to be voted on. :cheers:
What steve said is great idea,policing it might be times type of handicap would bring the racing closer with different winners,as know you can go to a open and be 95% sure what will win each class.You could call them time handicap opens.especially peaple like my self who go to opens to compete not to WIN. :)
Steve, I agree with your train of thought, but when a dog is timed by one person and then by another the idea goes out the window. (I'm assuming you mean You mean at different tracks). You could have five or six watches on the line and the times would vary, plus 150 yds at one track could be totally different to 150 yds at another.
No Mick- I was thinking more on the lines of say the puppy championships or an event that does not get a great deal of support therefore allowing time to get most dogs who want to go on the resgister timed in by only two official timers not judges as I for one don't think this is possible/advisable but thats another issue. Also for bend racing it could be done at quite a few meetings as long as its the same track.Having asked on many occasions the times at different meetings- yes you do get different times but those doing it on a regular basis we all know are not very much different- only a few pips out- infact they are quite pleased if they get the same. This is only an idea and even if it is possible there is no need for it to be compulsory- only those who would like to try it for a change of format would need to enter and have their dogs trialed. Once they have been done it would make for some very interesting racing i think.
good idea in theory steve but who would want to do the timing i can hear the comments now [mickey mouse clock,its there mates dog etc].if my memory serves me right did there not used to be a time openi think they used to time in in pairs and i think there used to be a trophy for fastest time in the heats. Ithink it was run by the BWRA i dont think it was a well attended open .Maybe something like that could be run on the monday after the champs by the host club or the IRG Maybe all 3 orgs can get together and come up with some new formats an get some life back into the sport as well as sort the callendar out ....[bit long winded but I was bored]
good idea in theory Steve but you would have to account for different tracks like Mick said, also weather conditions at the time of timing and what about bitches coming back from seasons, up and down as you know, especially with six monthly bitches being such hard work ;) or a dog with reacquiring injuries one week OK next down again, if gone unnoticed, still a few time opens about i think :cheers: :cheers:
Like i said once they win a heat it is self handicaping I also said it would have to be same track if you had read it properly plus dogs to run off fastest time where is the problem? >yes a few teething problems would be had at first .But I remember when they said they would never get to the moon it was impossible! You wont be old enough like John Meades eh! to remember? Bitches in season thats the same for all ---even with six month breakers - its just a way forward in order for all those who never win ----to have the chance of winning because at the present with yard per lb racing you can turn up look at programe and near enough pick all the winners-- without even bothering to race and if you are one of those who never win it must be very upseting and frustrating especialy with the cost of travelling now .I also think that there should be some Maiden Opens all this is just my theory on how to make the sport more popular for new people starting out with a whippet because it is nice to win now and then--- on that I think we would all agree. Petrol up again today!
:oops: sorry for sounding so thick but what is a maiden open?? :blink:
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Its an open for those who have never won an open--------Maiden?-- Dictoinary says young unmarried woman-virgin-- bet that helps explain it Carole!

Not to many of them eh?
:lol: got u now i think an open for all the dogs that have never won nowt an open just for them? thats a good idea that one worth looking into i think. :D
I have to agree with most that some different handicap system racing besides one yard a lb should be on offer. There is nothing to stop any club putting on a time or different type of open. The B.W.R.A. are their to do what the members tell it to do and if you and a majority of racers wish to change a racing format for a race then so be it. If possible the people or persons who originally put up the trophy for an event ought to be contacted and asked if the change would suit them, if not then run the race meeting under a new name and buy a new trophy.

The very reason why the I.R.G. run an A.B.C.D.E. racing format at all but one of their meetings is because to a large extent all dogs will be graded to run with dogs about the same level as each other, but this system is not a finite system, dogs may fall out of the traps and be graded lower than their true capabilities and if you have all the good dogs drawn in one race then this also upsets the system.

All racing handicaps have things against them but a variation of all systems should please everyone except those who you cannot please.

P.S. As for being old Mr Boyd, yes, i feel 90 at times, but it better than looking 90, Pal. :thumbsup:
those who never win mmmmm weve all had good an not so good dogs, you just have to keep working at, it but i agree with what you mean about different formats ,at one time people had open class and club racers, now everyone wants open racers, thats maybe why clubs are suffering , P.S if i had a dog that lost 4 yards on its time would i get a lift lol :cheers: :cheers: ;) thought you enjoyed the competition steve :p some twenty pounders can do as fast a time as a lott bigger dogs, wouldnt fancy running of levels with them though,i reckon more time opens may be a good thing ,even though they take a while to sort through :cheers:
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Mr meades i never said you were old did I?----I thought I was indicating that you were quite the opposite--- with all your boyish good looks and impecable charm -silver tongue and the ever present brown nose -- you must not let your shy and modest sided down by thinking you are old. I might start feeling that way myself (90) half it ---at least,