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B.w.r.a Proposals


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Anyone sending any in this year

Hear a topic been discussed about wight in the no limits yesterday
don't think its the weights we have 2 worry bout its the breeding. each 2 there own but i personally think a three quater dog or bitch mated with a greyhound dog or bitch is not a whippet. u can get a big dog out of a small bitch so putting a weight limit on wouldn't be fair 2 them dogs. its this type of breading that has 2 be looked at. :thumbsup:
How can you put a limit on no limit? maybe they should add another class say e,g up to 50lb
:p here we go again it didnt happen last year so i doubt it will this last year they proposed a weight limit of 45lb wots the majority going to do then in no limit racing???? it will be getting raced as yards 4 pound b4 long lol :lol: :lol: :lol:

i may have started this off accidently i heard that someone was gonna propose a longer distance 4 the no limits??? maybe that is wot u r thinking of? i dont even know if the person proposed it i jut heard? agree with thr weathergirls no limit means exactly that NO limit!!! so u cud have 36lb scr 40lb scr 50lb scr then no limits? not many r actually over the 50lb mark so those dogs wud b getting solos all the time therefore gaining points 4 a solo?
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no limit means just that. no limit :cheers:
If a dog can fit in the trap , it should beable to race .
its not the size of the dogs it the way they are beeing bred thats the problem.if people want bigger dogs go into greyhound racing,breeding as got out of control over the last few years, its only two years ago they were told to breed smaller or there would be a weight limit introduced. :oops:
Is anyone proposing anything about the vet champs as there was alot of discussion over this last year

I must admit i would be afraid to line one of my whippet bitch's to a greyhound in case anything when wrong, but tony coppers done it and there was 2 beautiful pups , these will be interesting to watch grow up.
i personally think a good proposal would be to abolish drug testing its caused so much trouble over the last 10 years or so, plus the cost of it all could go to wards making opens better such as payouts and trophies ;)
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i think ray was the first to do this in 1980 blue angel

she was fine pups smaller than whippet pups

when born all under 44lb

when i first started racing 30 years ago no dog had to be

taller than 21 ins to club race no 40lbscr
Was thinking about proposing that for the champs. that vet dogs and bitches be separate. 9 times out 10 a bitch will beat a dog so lets give the dogs a chance of gaining a vet champ. title. I have bitches myself so wouldn't be just doing it for myself.
I agree we should abolish it, but if it goes to a vote I think it will be kept in by a small majority if its going to stay isn,t it time it was funded and done proffesionally. ........talking of scratch dogs isn,t it time we thought about the oldies and had 36-/40-/and no limit scratch veteran champs
mutley said:
i personally think a good proposal would be to abolish drug testing its caused so much trouble over the last 10 years or so, plus the cost of it all could go to wards making opens better such as payouts and trophies ;)
keep drug testing in
mutley said:
i personally think a good proposal would be to abolish drug testing its caused so much trouble over the last 10 years or so, plus the cost of it all could go to wards making opens better such as payouts and trophies ;)
We have mixed feelings about Drug testing...... I think drug testing should be done at random and Pete thinks all top ten races should have drug testing... so even us two can't agree on the issue lol :p
weathergirls said:
I agree we should abolish it, but if it goes to a vote I think it will be kept in by a small majority if its going to stay isn,t it time it was funded and done proffesionally. ........talking of scratch dogs isn,t it time we thought about the oldies and had 36-/40-/and no limit scratch veteran champs
i will second you on that one ..

maybe people think scratch dogs dont get old.

:D dont know whether that wud work 36lb 40lb and no limit vets as every year at the lord byron plate there is a vet scratch and rarely does anyone run in it i dont know why? :(
its not costing anyone to include a vet race for scratch dogs in the main handicap there are solo classes you might even find entries increase if people want to keep their dogs going to get them ready for the champs... I,m not sure that this should even have to be voted on I think it should be included automaticly
i know its exspensive, but we should carry it on, i aggree with pete there like. but cost makes it impossible
too expensive and look at all the crap its caused :wacko: