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Early Saturday morning my little old girl Tess (Maid for It) was attacked by a large German Shepherd. The :rant: :rant: owner was letting it free run in a field behind some houses, I had not seen the dog but it had obviously seen my dogs as it came charging out of an alleyway between 2 houses. It literally picked up Tess by her haind leg as she was nearest to it and was shaking her like a rag doll, I had my 6 other dogs on leads, trying to keep them away and at the same time pull this dog off Tess was impossible, it had no collar on so all I could do was grab handfuls of its hair whilst shouting and kicking it. I have never felt so helpless in all my life. Tess was screaming, a lady come running out of one of the houses to see what was going on and was trying to help. Luckily the owner turned up and got his dog off. I could not believe this blokes attitude he just shrugged whilst I was ranting and raving at him.

The outcome of the attack is that Tess has a dreadful wound on one her hind legs which required stiching, also puncture wounds on her back, on her other hind leg and on one of her front legs which again all required stitching, plus horrible grazes caused when the dog was shaking her and she was hitting the road. She was in terrible shock. I went back to see the a****hole who owns the dog on Saturday night after I had got Tess back from the vets and gave him the vets bill, which at the time he agreed to pay, now of course he has now changed his mind as he says he never saw what happened and only has my word for it. At the moment I am getting legal advice with regard to taking him to Court - failing that anyone got a shotgun for sale.

sorry to hear the bad news ,i know exactly how you feel as it happened to me only it was a staffie that got poor chloe 58 stitches needed,the owner paid the vet bill in my situation,the only advice i can give is to take pics of her injuries and inform the police. hope she makes a full recovery. good:luck:

p.s. i allways carry a knife ( hitting or kicking a staffie does't work ) when out walking the dogs just in case it happens again only this time whatever attacks will be dead.
So sorry to hear this - there's something in the air at the moment, this is the third attack I've heard about in 3 days. My whippet was attacked and injured on Friday, needed an anesthetic and sutures. This is the third time one of my dogs has been actually attacked by the same dog.

You ought to call your local dog warden. They should take a statement from you and follow a prosecution through the Magistrates Court to get a Control Order for the dog to be muzzled.

I'm going through this procedure at the moment :( it's not nice, and I wish I didn't have to do it (and have avoided it with the two previous attacks) but it's so important to get dogs like this controlled because they might do it again and worse next time.
So sorry to read your bad news Elaine - hope Tess is soon feeling better and makes a full recovery. :rant: :rant: so many irresponsible dog owners about makes me so cross and if you are out with several dogs on leads you are in a no win situation and its amazing how there are never any witnesses about when you need them :angry:
thats terrible news :( hope she recovers well and that you have joy in making the shepard owner pay.
Sorry to read your bad news Elaine ...... hope Tess is soon feeling better and makes a full recovery soon
What a nightmare, it must have been horrific. I hope Tess is soon feeling better, poor little soul :(

Make sure that T****R coughs up for the vet bill.
That is so terrible :rant: We feel so sorry for your dog,and for you.

It's lucky Geoff wasn't there or he would have strangled it with his bare hands,and the owner too :rant:

Hope she makes a full recovery,keep us up-dated Elaine.
maid said:
Early Saturday morning my little old girl Tess (Maid for It) was attacked by a large German Shepherd.  The  :rant:   :rant:   owner was letting it free run in a field behind some houses, I had not seen the dog but it had obviously seen my dogs as it came charging out of an alleyway between 2 houses.  It literally picked up Tess by her haind leg as she was nearest to it and was shaking her like a rag doll, I had my 6 other dogs on leads, trying to keep them away and at the same time pull this dog off Tess was impossible, it had no collar on so all I could do was grab handfuls of its hair whilst shouting and kicking it. I have never felt so helpless in all my life.  Tess was screaming, a lady come running out of one of the houses to see what was going on and was trying to help.  Luckily the owner turned up and got his dog off.  I could not believe this blokes attitude he just shrugged whilst I was ranting and raving at him.  The outcome of the attack is that Tess has a dreadful wound on one her hind legs which required stiching, also puncture wounds on her back, on her other hind leg and on one of her front legs which again all required stitching, plus horrible grazes caused when the dog was shaking her and she was hitting the road.  She was in terrible shock.  I went back to see the a****hole who owns the dog on Saturday night after I had got Tess back from the vets and gave him the vets bill, which at the time he agreed to pay, now of course he has now changed his mind as he says he never saw what happened and only has my word for it.  At the moment I am getting legal advice with regard to taking him to Court - failing that anyone got a shotgun for sale. 


sorry bout your dog, no qualms, no hesitation, any dog that attacked my dog, which is a family member, i would like milly says, strangle it with my bare hands in rage

hope your dog makes a good recovery :luck:

why will people never learn if your dogs a problem with others keep it on a bloody lead its not rocket scians.

can the nabour who helped you give a statment to the police for you. I hope your little girls feeling better soon
Hope Tess recovers from her wounds and her mental wounds as well, all the best in trying to bring the owner to book. :cheers: :luck:
Hope Tess makes a full recovery.

Hassle the police about this T****R, his dog may well have attacked other dogs/kids and the sooner he gets hassle about it the better.

Inform dog warden. If livestock is kept close to where you are, let the farmers know about the dog, they are a dab hand with the shotgun and are happy to use it on out of control dogs.

the owner should be put down not the dog :rant:
So sorry about Tess, hope she makes a speedy recovery. :luck: I agree it's the owner who should be punished but realistically no-ones going to seize the dog and re-home it with a more responsible person, I also have doubts about trusting any dog that's tasted blood. Personally I would not only seek legal advice but I'd also make a police statement.

Yes it's possible the dog could be seized and PTS but if the owner is irresponsible to pay for his dogs actions, what guarantee have you got that he'll be more responsible in the future?
Sorry to hear that Elaine...

You're probably wasting your time trying to prosecute....

Instead bide your time-you know where he lives/ where to find him...

Take your revenge at a later date....

Us women are good at

send him a letter telling him you have an independant witness to the attack and that they saw him at the scene and are willing to testify.tell him in the letter that if he doesnt offer to pay for all veterinary treatment immediately that you will seek to have the dog destroyed under the dangerous dogs act and him prosecuted for having a dog out of control in a public place.he will also have to pay all vets bills and all legal costs as well and warn him that legal costs can run into thousands of pounds and that theres no defense in law to negligence which is what it is as the dog was obviously dangerously out of control in a public place which is breaking the might just work. might also be worth while saying you have injuries too.(he doesnt know how bad they are but in law a scratch is an injury,and it might just scare him into paying up) ;) sometimes the owner will look at the possibilities that are available to you if he doesnt pay and theyll look a dam sight worse than paying a vets bill. :thumbsup:
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so sorry to hear about your dog hope she gets better soon and i hope the owner of the other dog gets all he deserves
the owner sounds a right dick head :rant: its his fault for the dog being of a leash say you have a witness it might work :rant: hope your dog is on the mend soon
Hope your dog gets better soon. I only take my dogs out 2 at a time couse I'm scared this will happen. Hope the owner gets all that he deserves.
how frightening for all concerned I think Kris has the best idea, I do hope Tess recovers fully, poor girl she must have been petrified. :huggles: to you all and :luck: getting justice, he'll get his just deserves