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Poor Tess give her a gentle cuddle from us Elaine and I hope you are over the shock. Keep intouch with that dog owner and call the police. Our Staffie was attacked while on a lead walking to heal , he had over 70 stitches which was bad enough but he needed surgery to his ears after and it cost us an arm and a leg. Then our whippet pup got a chunk taken out of his back leg by a terror [ no owner in sight ]

Where are the dog wardens when you need them.

I hope Tess is soon on the mend :huggles:
Sorry to hear of your bad news :( Get well soon Tess!

Love from Lisa and The Boys :wub:
I hope she gets better soon best of luck :luck: I really feel sick to the gut at the thought of it.Why are some people so stupid when they know the dog they own is aggressive towards other dogs :rant: .Is it a my dogs hard thing going on or what? :clown: Stupid people. :rant:
So sorry to here about Tess, hope she recovers its the mental state they get so scared . Why do these stupid dog owners think its alright as its only a whippet last year out walking I had 3 dogs on the lead and out of nowhere Rodger a red setter jumped on my dogs Sarah was only a puppy so i picked her up scrod and sam was going mental the setter laid into Sam he had a large gash and had to have 9 sts plus a £65 bill I told the chap and he said sorry but never offered to pay the bill. A few months later I had my dogs off the lead and who should come around the corner minus his owner Rodger Sam did no other but nailed him I grapped sam still no owner the setter was cut and bleeding when he did arrived the ranting started ,I said what goes round comes round he called at the house with the vets bill saying what was I going to do I said same as you did with mine needless to say when Rodger sees our dogs he runs a mile

so wait your time Elaine you may get justice one way or another But I do hope she is alright and you why are owners so stupid
Hope Tess gets well soon, we had this problem when a Great Dane attacked our Soverign Rose ,the police were informed that the dog was off the lead on a public footpath, they came to see us and went to the site of the attack,but because there was no sign on that road saying dogs must be kept under control there was nothing we could do. The owner never paid a penny towards the £200 vets bill or the torn clothing of Lyndas as she hung round it neck and dragged her. :luck: LES.
Sorry to here about Tess Elaine. Hope she's on the mend soon as well. :luck:

Guess there's one advantage to walking a handful of scratch dogs at a time.
Tony Taylor said:
Sorry to here about Tess Elaine. Hope she's on the mend soon as well.  :luck:
Guess there's one advantage to walking a handful of scratch dogs at a time.

we have had 5 greyhounds and the whippets out and still had dogs like this have a go its down to yob owners how dont socialis there dogs and the dogs know no better
Poor Tess :( It must have been awful. I hope she has a speedy recovery and you get somewhere in prosecuting the owner :luck:

Thank you all for your concern and kind comments about Tess. Although her wounds are healing, she is still in shock, hopefully she will improve with time but at the moment she looks dreadful as she is hardly eating so has lost weight, and just lies in her bed shaking I have been taking her out for a short walk on her own - which the vet recommended, but she looks like an old dog of 20 not 12.

I am now in contact with the local dog warden and plan to take action against the owner, not just to recover the vet bills but to make sure this :rant: man keeps his dog under control. The lady who witnessed the attack is willing to give a written statement which helps. Once again thanks for your support.

:eek: omg thats terrible poor tess lots off :huggles: :huggles: for her hope shes better soon :huggles:
Elaine sorry to read about Tess, IMO I would report this to the police even if they do nothing because how about if the dog had attacked a child!!!!! Does not bear thinking about. German Shepherds can be very unpredictable and are also know to "attack" other dogs.

I would do exactly what Kris has suggested also I would keep sending him a copy of the Vets bill until her pays it. In the meantime ask the vet if he can wait for a couple of weeks before being paid, due to the circumstances. Also I would tell the Owner of the German Shepherd in no uncertain terms that you are seeking to have the "dog put to sleep" under the Dangerous Dog Act.

This is the problem when you are walking several dogs on leads and one gets attacked you are unable to defend the dog being set upon. In future when out walking carry a large stick with you and then use it if necessary - I would if a dog like that got hold of one of my bitches I would give it a good belting with the stick and hope it runs off. :rant: :rant:

Joan (Saxon Tiger)
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So sorry to hear about your little girl Elaine, hope she makes a speedy recovery.
Sorry to hear about this Elaine, your poor girl is likely to be shook up for some time :(

I dont know why people insist on walking unpredictable dogs unmuzzled and offlead

Because there are a few dogs that Dij is snappy with i run him in a muzzle at all times - to me its not worth the risk of him doing major damage to some other poor dog out minding its own business.

I dont keep him on a lead though for 2 reasons

1) he would never get a proper run, and i couldnt do that to him

2) if he's on a lead and other dogs come up to him he's more likely to snap

as it is, with his muzzle - when he sees any of the handful of dogs he hates, the worst he can do is make a horrid noise .... and its been tested, he can pluck a bit of fur through it (sorry Jack!) but thats as far as it goes.

Just wish everyone else would take responsibility - i get sick of reading on here about dogs getting savaged :rant:
i had a handful said:
Hope Tess gets well soon, we had this problem when a Great Dane attacked our Soverign Rose ,the police were informed that the dog was off the lead on a public footpath, they came to see us and went to the site of the attack,but because there was no sign on that road saying dogs must be kept under control there was nothing    we could do. The owner never paid a penny towards the £200 vets bill or the torn clothing of Lyndas as she hung round it neck and dragged her.  :luck: LES.
dont know who gave you the advice that there was nothing you could do cos there is!allright maybe the police couldnt do much cos the attack happened on a public footpath(through tbh i still think they ought to have brought a prosecution as the attack happened in public which the dangerous dogs act covers.i find a lot of police just want you to go away and leave them alone.if you get a solicitor to phone them up and ask why they arent pursuing the law thats been broken you get completely different action and attitude) :- " you could have brought a succesful private prosecution for damages in the small claims court and trust me on this,youd have won. :thumbsup: its only costs 10 pounds for every 100 pounds you are claiming and the small claims court is very informal and not at all legal costs cant be recovered you present the case yourself and the other party does the same.even if they have a solictor to represent them they cant claim the costs for this,so most people represent themselves.its not at all in legal terminology its just like sitting down at a table and telling someone your side of what recommend anyone who doesnt want to go to the expense of going to crown or a magistrates court to try the small claims court.quick,informal easy to dispense justice.thats what it was invented for. :thumbsup:
kris said:
i had a handful said:
Hope Tess gets well soon, we had this problem when a Great Dane attacked our Soverign Rose ,the police were informed that the dog was off the lead on a public footpath, they came to see us and went to the site of the attack,but because there was no sign on that road saying dogs must be kept under control there was nothing    we could do. The owner never paid a penny towards the £200 vets bill or the torn clothing of Lyndas as she hung round it neck and dragged her.  :luck: LES.
dont know who gave you the advice that there was nothing you could do cos there is!allright maybe the police couldnt do much cos the attack happened on a public footpath(through tbh i still think they ought to have brought a prosecution as the attack happened in public which the dangerous dogs act covers.i find a lot of police just want you to go away and leave them alone.if you get a solicitor to phone them up and ask why they arent pursuing the law thats been broken you get completely different action and attitude) :- " you could have brought a succesful private prosecution for damages in the small claims court and trust me on this,youd have won. :thumbsup: its only costs 10 pounds for every 100 pounds you are claiming and the small claims court is very informal and not at all legal costs cant be recovered you present the case yourself and the other party does the same.even if they have a solictor to represent them they cant claim the costs for this,so most people represent themselves.its not at all in legal terminology its just like sitting down at a table and telling someone your side of what recommend anyone who doesnt want to go to the expense of going to crown or a magistrates court to try the small claims court.quick,informal easy to dispense justice.thats what it was invented for. :thumbsup:

:thumbsup: The dog warden who is handling the proscution for my case said that it was precisely because the attack happened on a public footpath that we are able to proceed.

The law says that the owner of any dog dangerously out of control in a public place is liable to prosecution with a fine of up to £5000 and a possible 6 month prison sentence. We are just going for a control order to have the dog muzzled. Last time I was bitten and had to have a tetanus, this time my dog had his shoulder torn open and had to have a GA.

Kris, you're right - there are things you can do, and the law is on the victim's side, although sometimes that impression isn't given by the police. Personally I would just go with the dog warden. The service is free rather than paying £200+ per hour in solicitor's fees. They use their own solicitor, and the service is part of your council tax, so imo you're entitled.
cheers for that helen. :thumbsup: i wasnt sure if there was a local bylaw pertaining to the footpath so i didnt want to say the police can do something in case i was wrong.but i knew that a private prosecution was possible.i have found over the years with the police that if approached by a member of the public they dont want to be bothered a lot of the time(it must be the paperwork!) but when ive had my solicitor approach them on the phone the same day about something theyve said they cant do anything about ive got action pretty quick smart! :- " yes the dog warden would be the right person to approach as per a control order etc but for damages and recompense i still think the small claims court would be the way to go.unless youre encompassing all of this with one case?
Sorry to hear about your poor dog . I had a staffie called cass who was attacked when she was 16 wks old by another staff who was roaming free luckily because she was so young and i was a 50 yrds away from my back gate i was able to scoop her up and get her away before any real physical damage was done. The emotional damage i was unable to prevent unfortunatley after the attack she was always warry of other dogs i couldn't let her off the lead if the lead if there was any other dogs around as she would get snappy. although she was well trained and if i called her off she would it wasn't worth risking. We got her acept other dogs in the house eventually we got a black gsd pup after about 4 weeks of telling cass no when she got snappy the became great freinds would snuggle upto gether etc piper the gsd was like a lamb wouldn't hurt a fly until 1 day in the garden.

Cass and piper had a little scuffle now piper was a big gsd bitch and strong however this first scuffle i shouted and they both seperated no probs both looked sheepish so i split them up for an hour and then put them back together they were fine for a while i stayed outside with them in the garden as it was summer.

A few hours later something went on outside our back fence both dogs ran and started barking next thing all hell breaks loose and pipers savaging cass luckily my husband was home from work as i tried call ing piper off and she ignored me cass listened and stopped fighting back i tried water my husband had to grab piper and he couldn't get her mouth open so he had to punch her in thye head to get her to release. Even when she had she lunged again she was wild my hubby is big man he 6ft and 14st and delivers building supplies so is strong through all the lifting he does to restrain piper he had to pin her and lie on her for 10 mins until she was calm. After she had calmed down she was like a little lamb again we don't know what the exact trigger was sadly we could not keep both dogs together and couldn't rehouse piper as no one would take her because she had attacked another dog so we had to have her pts was a very hard thing for me to do as she was a good dog but we had a baby so couldn't take the risk plus poor cass was trumamtised yet again she luckily escaped with just a few puncture wounds her collar saved her neck pretty good so all that was needed was some antibiotics and tlc.

I would persue getting some soet of order and recovering your costs may be this man then will take some responsiblity for his dog and keep it leashed and mussled.
sorry to hear of everyones awful ordeals here! well done for being brave and responsible to have the dog PTS, never an easy thing to do :(

sending big hugs to tess :huggles: :huggles:
im so sorry to hear about tess. sally told me she had been attacked sounds awful i hope she makes a speedy recovery i know whats its like to have a 12 year old attacked like that :luck: o:) :wub:

the dog should be put down and the man should not be aloud another dog that way he cant bring them up wrongly. :rant:
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