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Anyone had there Vaccine yet?

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Excuseme, from what I understand the chances of passing it on through indirect contact are extremely low, compared to passing it on via the respiratory system. But yes, even those who are prepared to run risks themselves should carry on doing exactly what we're told to (and maybe even more), because we NEED to get that R number down, for the benefit of everyone. It just takes one young, healthy person to pass it on to an older person, who ends up in hospital, passes it on to NHS staff, who pass it on to other staff and their families.... and so it goes on.

And it only takes one child to catch it to deprive a whole classroomful of children their education, which they really need.
Im another who lockdown has really changed my life , i dont like crowd's either (im autistic) i shop between 6.30am and 7am for food.

Im also one of the few who cant have the jab due medical reasons , another reason our GP stressed to mom to get hers as I'll be at risk.

Mom thankfully has agreed to have hers so were just waiting to book her appointment now
There are a lot of scaremongers out there because there are a lot of credulous individuals on which to prey. We’ve had our first with no side effects and we’re looking forward to our second jabs in April. The only ones who are likely to suffer are those who believe the horror stories and become refuseniks. Has the forum become a social media to discuss any trivia? I’m sure we’ll be discussing social politics next.
I had the A Z Vac and had no side effects at all, I'm now booked in for my second vac next Monday and yes I'll be going.
I had the AZ vaccine no side effects apart from a sore arm for a few days:)
Has the forum become a social media to discuss any trivia? I’m sure we’ll be discussing social politics next.

This post has been posted in the "General Discussions and Lounge" section, what else is the section here for? I think that it is great that we can all comment on any subject that we wish quiet freely and comfortably. I would be no good getting involved with "politics" though.
In order to lighten the gloom and doom in the trivia section, here’s something that should lift the spirits and gladden the heart of all sighthound mums and dads.

I look forward to cake baking for beginners next week.


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Cake baking! I'm not the best at cooking anything but unfortunately If I make a cake you can be sure I have eaten most of it before it has gone cold. Husband is not as greedy as me though, and other than a couple of pieces that he eats with care and enjoyment, I manage to eat the remainder:eek:
I don't bake very often because of this reason.

Haha, that's an excellent card, RGC!

I agree with Excuseme - more than ever, we need to be able to connect with others and feel a sense of community.
I have chosen not to take the vaccine. I am not an "anti-vaxer" at all. But the bottom line is that no one can say that this vaccine is safe. Only time will prove whether it is or isn't by both the short and long term reactions (or lack thereof) of those who take it. I am well connected in the medical community and have been privy first hand to the many falsehoods we have been told regarding this virus. I will say right off the bat that I am making no judgements on those who take the vaccine, nor am I trying to sway anyone to my point of view. I am just responding to the question posted here in this thread as to the choice I am making. In all this time only three people I know have actually gotten the virus. My sister is one of them. She has three of the highest risk factors yet she fully recovered in less than two weeks and said for her it was no worse than a moderate flu. The other two were better in less than a week. I also know some people who were told they had it, but having the antibody test later on proved they did not. i do know many people who have had adverse reactions to the vaccine, especially the second one. So all in all, I personally just cannot trust anything that has to do with this virus or the vaccines. For those who take it, I wish you all the best and good health.
I am the same suzette , im not having it or not yet anyway , im waiting until i know for sure its safe.

My mom is having it next thursday and shes high risk for blood clots so did not want the astrazenca one so rang round until she found a pharmacy that only did the pfizer one and is having it next thursday. Im a little worried from the stories that have been on the news about people dying from blood clots but im just as worried of her caching covid as shes is one of the most vulnerable.

Praying shes fine and nothing bad happens
Im a little worried from the stories that have been on the news about people dying from blood clots

51 people are reported as dying from blood clots, after 30 million doses of AZ. That's really not much of a risk, and far less than the chance of dying if you caught covid. And compare that against over 3 million deaths from covid globally... The reason the vaccines have been developed so quickly isn't that they have been rushed through, but that money was thrown at it, and red tape was cut through - normally only the initial phases of development would be funded, then there would be a long delay before the next stage was funded, and so on...

I had my 2nd Pfizer jab last Thursday. I had no side effects after the 1st, but have felt pretty lousy this time - I'm just beginning to pick up now. But I'd have it again without any hesitation because if my body reacts like this to a dead virus, what would it do if I contracted a virus that could multiply and fight back? And then there's the need to protect other people by not contracting covid and passing it on to them.
Theres also reports of people dying after the vaccine who didnt have clots as well though.

I think it would help ease peoples minds if they said it was not the vaccine that killed them and it was somthing else.
Just have a look at the side effects of paracetamol, all these side effects will of been reported for them to be printed on leaflets everyone gets with a box of tablets. Yet we pop these tablets like smarties without even thinking.
Yes but no were have i seen anyone take a paracetamol and end up dead.

I also feel were coming out of lockdown too soon , i feel we will be going back into to lockdown again
Theres also reports of people dying after the vaccine who didnt have clots as well though.

How many? There are also reports of people dying in plane, train and car crashes, but we still use them.

I think it would help ease peoples minds if they said it was not the vaccine that killed them and it was somthing else.

They can't, because they don't know - and it may well be that the death was triggered by the vaccine. But it's still probably far safer than peanut butter, yet we still eat peanut butter. And peanut butter doesn't even protect you against dying from something else.

Yes, if you are prone to blood clots then it may make sense to ask for an alternative to AZ if possible, until new evidence emerges. But the numbers still demonstrate that your chances of dying (or killing someone else) are much less if you have the vaccine than if you don't.
If someone doesn't want to take the vaccine, the responsible thing to do would be to remain in isolation so they can neither contract or spread the virus. I appreciate the vaccine doesn't actually prevent these entirely, but failing to take it massively increases your chances of becoming sick and possible hospital admission - which exposes all the health workers to increased risk too.

Is that a price you would be happy to pay @Labs4ever ? Because viruses don't travel; people do - so isolating oneself is the next best protection we have.
I have seen reports in the US of people dying after the vaccine with no health issues and they didnt have a blood clot either.
I have seen reports in the US of people dying after the vaccine with no health issues and they didnt have a blood clot either.
From what sources though? I've seen reports that the earth is flat ...

i feel we will be going back into to lockdown again

We will, if not enough people get vaccinated.
Im not taking it due to my Dr telling me not to have it yet as a few with the same medical condition as me have had very bad reactions and ive been told if i did want it to wait until they know why some are having bad reactions.

I avoid social media as i know theres a lot of scare mongering going on , on there but my worries come from what ive seen on the news and articals ive read.

I stay at home any way as i dont go anywere and mom cant go out either due to other medical conditions she has that make her house bound.

So we will still isolate moms having hers its just me whose worried but when you have lost one parent all ready and you have no other family and you have seen reports of some dying after the vaccine of course im going to be scared as i dont want to loose her and we dont go out anyway we dont see anyone.
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