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Anyone had there Vaccine yet?

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End of the day, you don't have the vaccine you take ya chances. Personally I've had both jabs now of the AZ vaccine and feel that my chances of surviving a bad case of the virus have dramatically gone up.
Like I've said you take ya chances if you don't have it. If you end up with it,its tough luck.
From what sources though? I've seen reports that the earth is flat ...

We will, if not enough people get vaccinated.

Ill try and find one of the articals to link if thats allowed.

Its not just about people getting vaccinated though people still need to be careful as the vaccine doesn't stop you getting it , apart from mom all our family dont live in the UK but my aunt has had both jabs and after 8 weeks after her second jab she caught covid and still ended up in hospital thankfully the jab in her case did save her life if she hadn't had the jab she would have died but she still ended up in hospital and still caught covid and too many people think you cant catch it but you can.

Im still thankful for the vaccines and i am not an anti vaxxer either
That report (Labs4ever's, not JoanneF's) says there's been 4057 deaths out of 254.8 million doses, where there is a possible link. Most people who have been vaccinated are older, so a number would be expected to die anyway. And that website is strongly anti-vax so is hardly a reliable source.

I have taken drugs and had anaesthsia where there is a low, but finite, chance of death. I have eaten peanut butter, not knowing at that time if I was allergic or not. You can't look at one statistic in isolation - you have to compare one risk against the other, and for that you have to crunch some numbers (or rely on the experts - independent ones you can trust, though heaven knows they can be hard to identify).
Im not good at knowing who is anti vaxxer and whose not with articles which is were is gets confusing
Im not good at knowing who is anti vaxxer and whose not with articles which is were is gets confusing
That's perfectly understandable - there is so much information out there that it is hard to sift through.

But if something seems sensationalist, or is going against the trend, its always good to look at the reliability of the source, or cross-check against other data.
My wife and I have had both of the AZ vaccines with no side effects whatsoever apart from a feeling of smugness over those who’ve reacted to fake news re the extreme dangers re being vaccinated. I don’t know why some people get a kick out of convincing the gullible - it’s very cruel. D.H.A - I didn’t even feel the urge to sing songs from “South Pacific” nor listen to “Judy Garland’s Greatest Hits”.
its not just about people getting vaccinated though people still need to be careful as the vaccine doesn't stop you getting it

For most people, the vaccine will stop them getting it - but (to my knowledge) no vaccine is 100% effective, just as wearing a seat belt won't always stop you dying in a car crash - it still makes sense to wear it.

But absolutely, yes, we should still be careful, because there is a small chance of us getting covid and/or transmitting it. So we still need to wash hands, keep our distance, wear masks, etc. And even though we are now allowed to meet indoors, hug people, and so on, it still makes sense to avoid this as much as we can.

OTOH, I've heard you're far more likely to get covid from someone you know rather than a stranger, so I'm going to stick to hugging strangers ;)
If someone doesn't want to take the vaccine, the responsible thing to do would be to remain in isolation so they can neither contract or spread the virus.

I have not worn a mask, isolated or stopped seeing friends, family or neighbors since all this started. Not one person in this large circle has gotten the virus. My one sister did get it (was better in less than two weeks), but she chose isolation so I was not around her all this time. We as a group have been healthier and happier than almost anyone else I know who has isolated. They have been depressed and had other health issues probably related to their deflated emotions and mental state. I know this is a hot button topic and we all have very strong feelings regarding it. Mine is that my personal experience doesn't even come close to what they keep reporting. Yes people have died and that is always sad. The same as when they die in a flu season, or for any other reason. But I do not feel irresponsible for the way I have lived and continue to live my life. The proof is in the fact that all of us who did not choose isolation have all been fine. The burden to isolate should not be on the healthy but on the ones who feel too frightened or too medically fragile. That is how it has always been in any flu season - we don't expect the healthy to isolate.

I do wish everyone the best. Whatever path you choose during this time I hope it is one that leads to your good health.
The burden to isolate should not be on the healthy but on the ones who feel too frightened or too medically fragile.

That's fine until you factor in that some people were asymptomatic, so could unknowingly have been responsible for others contracting the virus, becoming ill, and possibly even dying.

have not worn a mask, isolated or stopped seeing friends, family or neighbors since all this started.

Are you not in the UK then? Because some of these practices were actually against the law here.
I have not worn a mask, isolated or stopped seeing friends, family or neighbors since all this started.

I don't think that your actions are anything to be proud of, in fact I think it is downright appalling that you should be so proud of the fact that you have taken no precautions whatsoever.
You should be grateful towards those of us who have taken the care to follow recommended guidelines and restricted our lifestyles, both for the benefits of ourselves and others.
@Suzette, going by the stats, one person in every 146 (UK figures, I think) has been hospitalised with covid - the great majority being elderly, very often from care homes. So if the media is correct, a younger individual isn't that likely to know anyone who has been seriously ill with covid. But one person in 146 being hospitalised is a hell of a lot overall, and apart from the fatalities, it has an incredible impact on the healthcare system, and on the treatment of other serious conditions. You can't extrapolate from your small non-random sample to what is happening outside your circle of friends & family. And the risks from covid are far greater than from seasonal flu.

The effects of lockdowns on case numbers are evidence enough of how avoiding social contact and restricting other activities has saved lives.... and more to the point, on how allowing people to mingle has caused death. Politicians and scientists have nothing to gain by scaremongering or bringing the economy to a halt - quite the opposite in fact - so the idea that the leadership of almost every country in the world, along with respected scientists, would have fabricated this just doesn't make sense.

Almost everyone I know is being careful, and is coping with the restrictions. I do think that people who struggle with their mental health in this situation should be allowed a level of contact, just as if they had physical health needs though.
I'm going to lock this thread, maybe temporarily depending on what Josie thinks, because it is liable to become heated - and we really don't want to publicise any misinformation that could mislead anyone else reading. Sorry folks.
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