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Any-one Else Going Lure-coursing At Newbury

Really gorgeous photos, Lloyd! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Bit well done to the fabulous Archie and Star - :cheers: :cheers: seems like no time at all that they thought they'd just have a little try at racing - and now look at them - professionals or what?????? :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Gosh Lloyd - those pictures - Brilliant. :thumbsup: Those Deerhounds look absolutely great. I didnt realise other breeds of dogs did Lure coursing - it looks great fun :cheers: - wish I lived closer. :(
They do some up North, there is one in Chester in August I think.
Archie and Star look real pro's. The phrase 'ducks to water' springs to mind. o:)

Love the shots of the Afghans. Great to see the basenji's having a go too. Brought a bit of a tear to my eye, to see all the differend hounds giving it their all and obviously enjoying it. :b

Thanks to Lloyd for the photos. Helps to bring it all alive for us folk that can't get to these events so easily. :thumbsup: Livens up a very dull afternoon at work for me too :- "

to Archie & Star :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

Thats really brilliant. Archie looks very smart with his green ribbon. You must have been dead proud of him Joanna. Its great that Star came second to him too. Keeping it amongst friends eh! :thumbsup: Mind you, if Archie had been more chivalrous he would have let his girlfiend win. Bet they really egged each other on. :D

Off to look at Lloyds photos now.....
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Lloyd, those pics are fan-bloody-tastic!!! There are several of my Rupert and Ronan that absolutely take my breath away! But they are all brilliant of all the breeds. Hope you bring your camera again!!!
dessie said:
Lloyd, those pics are fan-bloody-tastic!!!  There are several of my Rupert and Ronan that absolutely take my breath away!  But they are all brilliant of all the breeds.  Hope you bring your camera again!!!

Worth the wait then Dessie? :D ;)
Too right!!! :thumbsup: Love the one where Rupert has caught the 'lure' .............. his ears!!! (w00t) LOL!!
dessie said:
Too right!!!  :thumbsup:   Love the one where Rupert has caught the 'lure' .............. his ears!!!  (w00t)   LOL!!

He does look quite comical there :lol:
:cheers: Brilliant ! Freeways got all four feet off the ground and the details so fantastic you can see his hairy tail LOL (w00t)
hi just wondering do many racing whippets i love mine to have ago. im only in Reading it looks great fun :) the photos are wicked
jade said:
hi just wondering do many racing whippets i love mine to have ago. im only in Reading it looks great fun  :) the photos are wicked
Yes there are racing bred whippets who go. If you know some-one locally who has a whippet about the same size and age as yours, drag them along to make a team.

Here is the link to the site which gives a great insight into the sport. It's really good fun.

Wonderful photos!!! Wish I had been there, we will have to get back to lure coursing soon, and I will have a deerhound to run too! Though he hasn't been introduced to poly bag chasing yet, hopefully next week we will have a try.
Those are such good pictures :thumbsup: I am definitely going to try and go to the JUly one, its at the same location isn't it? Mine would be in the same class now so they could run against each other :thumbsup:
~JO~ said:
Those are such good pictures  :thumbsup:   I am definitely going to try and go to the JUly one, its at the same location isn't it?  Mine would be in the same class now so they could run against each other  :thumbsup:
A ready made team Jo! Excellent! As I said, Rae and I will hopefully be going to Newbury in Sept/Oct. There is also a hill sprint at Wickwar in August if any-one is interested. 14th August, just out-side of Bristol.
~JO~ said:
Those are such good pictures  :thumbsup:    I am definitely going to try and go to the JUly one, its at the same location isn't it?  Mine would be in the same class now so they could run against each other  :thumbsup:
Jo they don't have to be in the same class to run with each other. In fact it would be better if you had them entered in separate classes so that if you were lucky you could win both of them. :D

Well unless they've changed the rules this is correct. Dessie anyone?
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It looks such good fun :thumbsup: Can you PM me directions too Jo? I don't know if we'll get there in July, but maybe September :thumbsup:
No, one of the nice things is they don't have to be in the same class. Ours ran with Digger last time, even though Digger was in class 1 (just under 2) and ours was in 3 (at nearly 6), and their scores weren't far apart.

The only thing I wonder about is dogs getting lure wise - did you notice how the Basenjis always anticipate where the lure is going and cut the corners? I think a bright dog would cotton on to this and do the same after a few meetings. But good fun for them anyway.

Oh, more great pics :thumbsup: OH is gnashing teeth and saying 'we need that new camera' :- " :lol: