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Allergy, Virus, Any Ideas????


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This is very strange & just wondering if anyone has any ideas?

Yesterday morning walked the dogs from 6am till 8am, everything fine, went off to work at 9am kissed puppy Anneka goodbye at the door.

At 10am got a call at work from my mum to say Anneka is not right, her head & face have swollen to twice the size & one mass of lumps like she has been bitten or stung & had a reaction :eek:

We had some Piriton in so mum gave one at just gone 10am.

I was home at 4pm & shocked at her appearance :wacko:

Although a lot of swelling on her head & face had gone down her nose & cheeks were huge she looked like a Rottweiler.

Took her for a walk but she was very lethargic :(

Tried her with her dinner at 7pm & she wasnt interested at all. Gave her another Piriton as the swelling was still there.

At 9pm she had the squits & it was pouring out like water followed by sickness & felt like she was burning up.

By 10pm she had settled & wanted to go to bed, she slept from 10.30pm till 10am this morning & today is as right as rain. Bouncing on everyone, swelling gone down, gobbled a whole plate of chicken & rice & is back to her normal self :thumbsup:

But..............Dylan one of the adult IGs got up this morning fine, i took the whippys out for their walk came back to get the igs & Dylan looks like the ELEPHANT MAN (w00t) Again like a massive allergic reaction, huge lumps all over his body & head.

Gave a piriton at 3pm. The swelling has now gone down, he has refused his dinner & has taken himself off to bed.

I find it a huge coincidence that 2 dogs are bitten or stung one day after the other?

We have no plants only a patio, neither had eaten anything whilst out. They all have the same food, water etc yet none of the others have had this :wacko:

Anyone have any ideas or had anything similar :blink:
How weird :- "

Def sounds like an allergic reaction, as you say but, sorry, I've never come across this before.

Has Dylan had sickness and diahorrea as well? Possibly that may have been a reaction to the Piriton which will also make them sleepy (even though it says non-drowsy there isn't any anti-histamine on the market which doesn't cause drowsiness to some degree).

Glad that Anneka is OK again :D Hope Dylan will be ok too :)

:cheers: Jane
That sounds really strange :blink: The only thing I can add is that Evie got stung by a wasp once and one side of her head and face did swell quite bad, like you we gave her a piriton tablet which took the swelling down.

Quite a puzzle that two of your dogs have had the same symptoms within days. Hope you find out the cause :luck:
I dont have any ideas but the other week I went to bed and had a whippet woke up to a bull terrier lookalike as Mozs cheeks and snout had swollen, he looked like godfather whippet, I took him to a vet who said it was an allergy or a bite and gave him an anti histamin injection, by the evening he was fine
Thanks guys,

I am none the wiser :blink:

Dylan has the squits BUT hasnt vomited. The swelling has completely gone down now.

I have had dogs that have been stung/bitten before & had swellings that normally go down in a couple of hours but nothing like this lasting all this time & the squits & vomiting with it?

I just wonder who is gonna go down with it next :- " :blink: :eek:
lots of poorly dogs at the mo isn't there? Hope they are ok :thumbsup: :huggles:
Logan had this last summer. Mum had been shelling peas and he had been playing with the pods. We put it down to an allergic reaction and he hasn't been allowed near them since. It hasn't happened again to him either so I think we were right! :thumbsup:

Edited to add: he didn't have the squits or vomiting though and was still a lunatic! :- "
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Sounds more like an allergic reaction to something, pollen of some kind maybe. As a teenager I had a very similar experience after riding with a lot of other people through heather, the horses kicked up all the pollen and I started to get hives, which got progressively worse and by the time we got back to the stables my whole face was swollen. My parents were phoned and by the time they got to me I had been violently sick and then the swelling started to subside. I was right as rain after that. Never rode through heather in the height of summer again though!!
dessie said:
Sounds more like an allergic reaction to something, pollen of some kind maybe.  As a teenager I had a very similar experience after riding with a lot of other people through heather, the horses kicked up all the pollen and I started to get hives, which got progressively worse and by the time we got back to the stables my whole face was swollen.  My parents were phoned and by the time they got to me I had been violently sick and then the swelling started to subside.  I was right as rain after that.  Never rode through heather in the height of summer again though!!

I agree, it all sounds like a rather drastic allergic reaction to something BUT i just dont know what??? :blink:

Dylan hadnt even been out today when he's came up, so i am thinking it must be something in the house or out on the patio ...................BUT WHAT??

Anneka had been back from her walk for at least an hour & a half before hers came up so again you would think something in the house or patio?

Its really weird :wacko:
:thumbsup: Definitely an allergic reaction - I used to have this with my whippets years ago. One would have the reaction, then a few days later another would. I put it down to something in the garden, but a friend of mine suggested it might be a bite from a spider???? I haven't had a problem for years now, but if it ever happens, an antihistamine tablet is in order. Just a thought, but mine that were affected by it were all related, so maybe they all had an allergy to one thing in particular.

They do look kinda weird though don't they - fat lips an' all :lol:
Could it be a spider or bug of some sort that they might have eaten? Or ants on the patio? Have the fields been sprayed near you? Sounds like a bad reaction to something, glad they are better now. :huggles:
hmmmm spiders :eek:

Now this is probably me just being paranoid BUT ...............................

Thursday night was talking to mum in kitchen when something caught my eye :- "

There on the wall above the freezer was the Arnold Swarzeneggar of spiders :x

He was huge :eek:

Mum & i ran around the kitchen several times screaming trying to decide on the best course of action & we came up with the hoover :thumbsup:

So, hoover plugged in & extension on & ready, started it up :sweating: :sweating:

Shaking & sweating cos i just know if i miss it, i am NEVER going in the kitchen again :(

So full vacuum going, aims at Mr Swarzennegar and.........................HE DOESNT BLOODY MOVE :eek:

This guy has legs like steel clung on to the wall, his body is being slowly sucked down the extension BUT he is clinging on for dear life. (w00t)

Drastic measures i step up on a stool & now my hands are shaking soooo bad but i cover his body with the extension & he finally lets go of the wall BUT his legs are now clinging on the end of the extension hose (w00t)

So you have 2 mad women, one waving madly an extension bolt upright in the air & the other following behind carrying the hoover running down the stairs out onto the patio hoping that Mr swarzennagar does not jump out the end of the extension pole of the hoover. :blink:

The hoover was thrown with some force into the garden shed, the extension hose left dangling out the window so that should Mr Swarzeneggar want a quick means of escape he could leg it out across the patio. :thumbsup:

So.......................................just wondering, could it be MR SWARZENNEGGAR that is the cause of these bites/stings on the dogs :- " :blink: :angry: :eek:
got this image now of you,your mum,hoover and spider :D reminds me of a time i had,the kids had a pet tarantula a couple of years back and I took her out of tank to clean it and decided to have a little hold,well she legged it up my arm and ran into my hair.By this time kids have shot screaming out of the house and its just me and mum,I am just frozen to the spot (when you have a Mexican red knee in your hair not a lot else you can do) telling mum to put a pot over her and slide a lid underneath,mum is on the verge of hyperventilating by now but eventually we got her safely back in her tank :sweating: :sweating: poor thing she must have been terrified by the experience,completely freaked me out too..just the thought of if she had fell off me(apparantly tarantulas smash like a egg if dropped :x ) or ran off in the house :eek: :eek: still shudder at the thought of it.....sorry to go on :oops: can't help you with the allergic reaction though,hope you find the cause of it :thumbsup:
sarahloveland said:
got this image now of you,your mum,hoover and spider :D reminds me of a time i had,the kids had a pet tarantula a couple of years back and I took her out of tank to clean it and decided to have a little hold,well she legged it up my arm and ran into my hair.By this time kids have shot screaming out of the house and its just me and mum,I am just frozen to the spot (when you have a Mexican red knee in your hair not a lot else you can do) telling mum to put a pot over her and slide a lid underneath,mum is on the verge of hyperventilating by now but eventually we got her safely back in her tank :sweating: :sweating: poor thing she must have been terrified by the experience,completely freaked me out too..just the thought of if she had fell off me(apparantly tarantulas smash like a egg if dropped :x ) or ran off in the house :eek: :eek: still shudder at the thought of it.....sorry to go on :oops: can't help you with the allergic reaction though,hope you find the cause of it :thumbsup:

A TARANTULA ................ :eek:

In your house.................. :x

Loose in your house........... :sweating:

In your hair .................... (w00t)

You are a very brave lady......... :cheers:

I would be......................... DEAD by now ;)
nina said:
hmmmm spiders  :eek:
Now this is probably me just being paranoid BUT ...............................

Thursday night was talking to mum in kitchen when something caught my eye  :- "

There on the wall above the freezer was the Arnold Swarzeneggar of spiders  :x

He was huge  :eek:

Mum & i ran around the kitchen several times screaming trying to decide on the best course of action & we came up with the hoover  :thumbsup:

So, hoover plugged in & extension on & ready, started it up  :sweating:   :sweating:

Shaking & sweating cos i just know if i miss it, i am NEVER going in the kitchen again  :(

So full vacuum going, aims at Mr Swarzennegar and.........................HE DOESNT BLOODY MOVE  :eek:

This guy has legs like steel clung on to the wall, his body is being slowly sucked down the extension BUT he is clinging on for dear life.  (w00t)

Drastic measures i step up on a stool & now my hands are shaking soooo bad but i cover his body with the extension & he finally lets go of the wall BUT his legs are now clinging on the end of the extension hose  (w00t)

So you have 2 mad women, one waving madly an extension bolt upright in the air & the other following behind carrying the hoover running down the stairs out onto the patio hoping that Mr swarzennagar does not jump out the end of the extension pole of the hoover.  :blink:

The hoover was thrown with some force into the garden shed, the extension hose left dangling out the window so that should Mr Swarzeneggar want a quick means of escape he could leg it out across the patio.  :thumbsup:    

So.......................................just wondering, could it be MR SWARZENNEGGAR that is the cause of these bites/stings on the dogs  :- "  :blink:   :angry:   :eek:

At any stage during this fiasco, did you hear the spider utter the words;

"I'll be Back!"

Could be Spider Arnie back to reek his revenge!!! (w00t)

(Hope the doglets are feeling much better now. :luck: )
At any stage during this fiasco, did you hear the spider utter the words;"I'll be Back!"

Could be Spider Arnie back to reek his revenge!!!  (w00t)

(Hope the doglets are feeling much better now. :luck: )

Well, with the hoover going full pelt & mum & i screaming & running back & forth like headless chickens, i doubt we would have heard what he was shouting as he was forcibly sucked down the nozzle of the extension hose...... :wacko:

Blimey, seems like he is back tho & hell bent on revenge at being evicted :eek: :- " :(
Youve not got a nest of red ants in your garden or under the patio slabs have you? They can sting really badly? Any allergic reaction can make you sick and have the squits though, its just the bodies reaction to large amounts of histamine.

I hope they are both feeling better now :huggles:
I've noticed over the last few days that spiders are beginning to come indoors (early this year 'cos it's normally around Sept/Oct) (w00t)

I've been told that the smaller the spider, the more poisonous it's bite ..... the only reason that money spiders don't kill us is 'cos they are too small to inflict any damage - blooming lucky that :luck: I reckon!!

So, it could be that the dogs have been bitten by smaller spiders that are crawling about unseen on the floor ????????.................... (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)

Try this link ..... save you using the hoover again :lol:
HopeRosie said:
Youve not got a nest of red ants in your garden or under the patio slabs have you? They can sting really badly? Any allergic reaction can make you sick and have the squits though, its just the bodies reaction to large amounts of histamine.

I hope they are both feeling better now :huggles:

I hope not :eek: , i'm off for a good look now just incase, thanks for suggesting this as i wouldnt have thought of red ants! :thumbsup: