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  1. B

    Dog Food Recommendations

    Baxter is on burns mixed with Orijen at the moment as this is what the breeder fed him, however we will hopefully be changing this to CSJ.
  2. B

    Winston's winter walk on his lonesome

    Hope Dixie is recovering well! How cute is Winston?
  3. B

    Hello newbie here

    Welcome to the forum. :)
  4. B

    Puppy First night at home tips

    Ok so an update to this thread, last night was Baxter's first night in our house......I'm a little concerned he did not make a sound, we put him to bed and turned the light out at 1030 without the hot water bottle or the clock we bought. Hubs and I stayed up until midnight watching tv and then...
  5. B

    Thinking of getting a dog!

    Welcome to the forum! I'm sorry I don't have any useful advice for you as we are picking up our first puppy on Saturday :)
  6. B

    What to do with dog poo?

    I think I will double bag them and take them over to the dog poo bin on our evening walk. He's only a little dog so don't think there will be too much. Thanks for your help guys x
  7. B

    What to do with dog poo?

    I feel really stupid for asking this question but I genuinely have no idea what the answer is. Obviously on walks we can pick up poo and put it in the poo bins, but what do we do with poo in the garden? Do you just put it in the normal rubbish?
  8. B

    Good citizen dog scheme

    I've booked baxter in for puppy class at the beginning of May, I hope he does ok.
  9. B

    Puppy First night at home tips

    Thanks your kindness, I will of course post pics when he is home.
  10. B

    Puppy First night at home tips

    We've got him a little hot water bottle and will be getting a clock to wrap up. So excited to be picking him up this weekend.
  11. B

    How did you choose your dog's name?

    We chose baxter after watching the film anchorman x
  12. B

    Puppy Potty Training!!

    This has been a great thread to read, I will be reading this back in a couple weeks when I try to toilet train my boy.
  13. B

    Puppy First night at home tips

    He will be 8 weeks old. Yes to crate training and yes to kibble. We initially want him to sleep in the kitchen and then he will sleep in our living room when he's a bit older.
  14. B

    Puppy First night at home tips

    Do any of you have any tips on first night at home with puppy? This is something I'm quite concerned about.... Do we have him in our bedroom or leave him downstairs where we are planning to keep him? Do we ignore crying or not? I have no idea x
  15. B

    Newbie seeking puppy/work advice

    Thanks everyone for being so kind, I believe we will stick to the routine as like you say he will hopefully settle quickly.
  16. B

    Newbie seeking puppy/work advice

    The breeder has been lovely, absolutely brilliant I cannot fault her. You'll probably see lots of silly questions from me over the next few weeks whilst I get to know my little boy.
  17. B

    Newbie seeking puppy/work advice

    Thank you for your lovely response. I'm very fortunate that my inlaws are very local to us, both retired and both love dogs :) Baxter is a border terrier pup....I'll see if I can figure out how to upload a photo. Here's my beautiful boy.
  18. B

    Newbie seeking puppy/work advice

    Hi All, I've joined the forum today as next weekend we pick up our first puppy. We are both very excited about this but are also realistic about the hard work that will also come with it. We both work full time 40 hours a week, both do 8-5 Mon - Fri and we want to do the best by our puppy...