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Good citizen dog scheme


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I've put it off long enough, so Oreo, my gf and I are going to our first training session on Sunday.

Not sure if the three of us will be able to continue going so I think we'll have to make a decision on who the 'handler' will be.

Not really sure what to expect really, but I am hopeful that we can sort out Oreo's pulling problems at least.

Has anyone ever been to one?

Has anyone got there awards?

Just wondered what to expect really.
Bronze is relatively straightforward. The hardest part for us was the 'stay' as whippets don't like cold floors. Our examiners were good about letting the whippets have a blanket. Some examiners won't. There is actually nothing in the rules that say you can't, but I don't think that will be a problem for Oreo anyway.

It's fun, both my pups had theirs between 9-10 months. My 'special' older girl (their grandmother) got hers at 5 or 6yo. Funnily enough I do all the training with the pups, but OH got the Bronze with one of them as I was busy that day. I got the bronze with the other.

If you both can't go to training that doesn't necessarily matter if you both are doing the work at home. Basically you need a good walking with you with distractions (a loose heel - doesn't need to be obedience style close), waiting while you walk through a gate and then call them to you and waiting again while you close it. A 1 minute stay with you 5 paces away. They need to stay in whatever position you put them in, so if your dog tends to slide down about half way through then start them in a down. They can shift a little but they have to stay in their sit or their down. Recall - they can be held by the examiner while you walk about 10 or more paces away and then call them to you.

You also have to know how to groom them, they need to be able to be handled for grooming and inspection, can you turn him over or get him to roll over to check his tummy, can you check teeth ears eyes paws etc...

And tags - the tags have to be legal. They MUST have YOUR surname, your address - house number and postcode at a minimum but full address including street is preferred, and a contact telephone number.

I believe there is a list online you can find, but it's fun and it's good.

We're working towards our silver with our youngest and our 8yo. I don't think we'll ever make Bronze with our 5yo because she's too attached at my ankle for the stay.
Thanks for this.

Oreo, is very good with her sit, lie down and paw commands, she will also do high five and knows how to stand up from a lieing down position when asked. She will also wait, and drop her toys on command.

This is all ok in the back garden or the house, but when i've asked her to do something in other places she doesn't listen. So the classes are more about getting her used to the distractions that are around, i.e other people as she doesn't seem to be bothered by other dogs.

I am hoping by getting her used to different smells of people that it will calm her down when it comes to having visitors as she seems to enjoy running at them full speed and trying to jump in the arms of the visitor. I don't think she realises how big she actually is!

The other thing I am hopeful to try and sort is her walking (or should I say pulling) when out walking. She doesn't pull all the way, just the first few minutes. As soon as she sees her lead she goes mental running around like a loon and barking, She hardly barks at all and saves it for her walks. No matter how much or little she goes one sight of her lead and she goes mad.

I am hopeful by taking her to classes this will calm her down, or at least give me some ideas on how best to tackle her behaviour.

She is a very good dog considering that she has been locked up in a kennel for half of her life, so I really am just trying to teach her the basic mannors to make both our lives a little easier when it comes to taking her for a walk etc.
Go along - it is a great scheme for dogs and owners - above all have fun!
If you go to the Kennel Club website you can download all the information as there are basic questions that you have to answer as well (not difficult about basic stuff like essential things you have to provide a dog with - food, water, bed etc). One thing you have to remember is poo bags as you have to show them to prove they are suitable.
Me and Rufus joined the bronze scheme a few weeks ago its not going well for me, he does what he wants when he wants much to the amusement of everyone else in the class!
I've booked baxter in for puppy class at the beginning of May, I hope he does ok.
Dixie has done Puppy 1 twice now and failed miserably twice :ermm: She literally just sits there looking aloof and refusing to do owt! She'll do it at home but only if she has nothing better to do.
Stick with it folks.... the aim is for under control, well mannered dogs and handlers who have a responsible attitude to owning and training their charges. If you don't pass first time - try again!
Didn't get to go to the classes a few weeks ago due to snow and of course over this weekend due to Easter.

So our first is this Sunday and I am looking forward to it. I hope Oreo isn't too naughty :)
I'm on week 6 and Rufus is still not getting it!! I reckon I will be trying for Bronze for the next 5 years, still its fun and good socialisation for him as he is a very nervous dog and it gets him away from my older dog for a couple of hours who he is too dependant on. Have fun with Oreo.
Well I eat my words, the Rufus I took to class last night was an imposter!! he sat, he lay down, he diddn't pull on his lead, he came straight to me when I called, he left the treats when told!! I'm still in shock I feel like we are finally starting to get somewhere and that all the hard work is starting to pay off. Lets hope I get imposter Rufus every week!! ;)
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I think there is that 'eureka' moment with a dog when it finally clicks.

I'm glad you've got to that point :)

I fully expect Oreo to be really good at home but a pain at the class.

She will probably roll over on her back and start to wiggle.

Congrats on the breakthrough with Rufus! :)
Well as expected Oreo was perfect at home but a nightmare at class.

We took her to Widney Dog training club (which use Moseley Cricket Ground) for her first session yesterday.

The atmosphere I must say was really nice. A ground of people just looking to spend some time with there dogs and get them to understand better.

Nearest to the entrance were the advance class (I assume gold), who were lieing there dogs down and walking away.

Next up was the silver class who were doing sit stay.

Then there was our class. Oreo the lab and two staffies.

We started by asking the dog to sit, which Oreo did first time. Great!! Started well.

After that she completely ignored me. She barked and whined pretty much the whole session, which caused other dogs down the field to bark back.

When we practised the heel command she either jumped up me, sniffed the grass or pulled me down the field.

Eventually we figured that she is better in the lie down position rather than the sit. However, if she's there for two long she starts to roll in the grass.

We had a little play session during as a break, and we played a little ball. The instructor was impressed with her drop command as she drops it in my hand.

So a little bit of positivity.

My partner and I share the walking, so I had to try and teach her what I had learned. However, from next week she is coming with us to learn also so that we are all using the same commands and techniques.

All in all an enjoyable hour, but I felt mentally drained afterwards lol.
Hehe it sounds like great fun!!! I'm not surprised you were drained after! :thumbsup:
I start the bronze award this week. We completed the puppy foundation assessment last week, but now Sadie has decided to not bother with any of her basic commands like sit, down, wait, stay etc. The joys of a dog entering adolescence. I have a feeling my training session is going to be very entertaining. After the puppy classes I felt like I'd had a work out!!
Good luck! My Oreo is 7 and still has her mad times.

She is going to her second class tonight and were taking a different approach and taking her on a long walk before we go to the class.

Hopefully it'll calm her down enough not to cry and bark! lol
So yesterday was eventful.

We left early to ensure we didn't turn up late. We were the first there so we spent a few minutes playing ball on lead.

When the other dogs started to arrive we took Oreo to the side and waiting for the class to start.

Our trainer happened to park infront of where we were standing and she got her dog out of the car. Oreo was more interested in the little water stream than she was with any of the other dogs.

The trainers dog came over (on lead) and we started to chat. All through the chat she was telling her dog to move back while Oreo kepted hiding behind my legs.

So I took a step back with the dog, as I did the trainers dog launched herself at Oreo and started to snap. She didn't make contact but the trainer pulled her dog away and took it around the field to calm down.

On her return she popped it into the car and came over. She asked if we saw any warning signs and I explained that Oreo was hiding behind me so I took a step back. She then started to say that her dog has never done anything like this before, to which I replied neither has mine however it wasn't mine who snapped.

She tried to put the blame on to me I felt which I wasn't happy about however, as Oreo is the one in the training class i felt we were being looked down on somewhat.

In the end we had a very good lesson, the trainer was impressed with Oreo and she did everything I asked. She even was lieing down while I stepped away. Fantastic progress given it's only the second week.

At the end of the session the trainer took time to speak to me and asked about Oreo's history and said that she has probably not had proper discipline and her jumping up people is her way of saying don't leave me, I want attention.

The trainer has been very good and I hold no grudges however I did feel that I was being blamed for something I perhaps shouldn't have been.

We also found out the trigger to her barking, it's her ball. She gets really worked up if she sees a ball. Trainer thinks if it wasn't for her age she would be a fantastic dog for flyball.

Something to think about then!
oh cadac! What a mean lady, it sounds obvious that she thought her dog was being innapropriate or she wouldn't have kept telling it to back off! What a knob! What signs was she expecting you to spot??? Your dog was hiding so obviously felt uncomfortable.... Some people have delusions as soon as they get a bit of authority! And feeling guilty often forces a lie out of people..... If her dog came over to you, with her following, we know who's in charge there!

Good work though! Well done Oreo!
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