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  1. K

    What Do You Think Of This Little Man...

    He's very sweet. I know a JRT called Alan! Personally I like Dave, Eric or Charlie.
  2. K

    Rite Of Passage?

    Well today Mathew ran head first into a fence!!I now feel he is a proper whippet.LOL He was busy playing chase with a huge German Shepard down the fields when he turned to check on his race buddy and hit the fence with a resounding WALLOP!!. Then he stood howling pitifully on three legs whilst...
  3. K

    Poppy Not Well

    Hope Poppy feels better soon. Im sure lots of spoiling will help..
  4. K

    Two Words ......

    wedding party
  5. K

    Lazy Dogs?

    I thought so!! You have to love sighthounds, happy to come with you on nice long walks then veg on the sofa the rest of the day (pretty much my perfect lifestyle!!). Good to know as I was def considering my next pooch to be a greyhound in several years time. Having a racetrack and the inevitable...
  6. K

    Lazy Dogs?

    So most people always stress that greyhound are quite happy with 2 20min walks a day but do they ever like to walk more than that or do they just hate exercise? (according to popular belief my chihuahua can get by running round the house but in fact likes 2-3hrs exercise a day). So any greys...
  7. K

    Over Excitable Mr Mathew!

    Phew, so at least he might calm down abit eventually!! :) To be fair his latest mess was my fault. After my nightshift I took them out then fell asleep leaving the puppies to their own devices. Woke up to a living room full of confetti and a very smug looking whippet and chihuahua!! Was about...
  8. K

    Over Excitable Mr Mathew!

    Someone please tell me that whippets do calm down eventually! Mathew is being a huge pain in the bum at the mo, chasing his kitty friends and holding them down, attempting the wall of death round the living room and being so excited to see visitors that he practically climbs up them! He also...
  9. K

    Whip Boys Lifting Their Legs!

    Mathew does both, he's 6months old. Generally he squats when at home (in the garden not the house!!) and cocks his leg when out. He also has a sprinkler effect though whereby he pees all up his legs and over his feet! Also not looking forward to coat season.. Oh, he sometimes pees on the little...
  10. K

    Poppy Photo Dump

    She is so pretty not ugly!! :) Looks a little bit wild like a dingo or african hunting dog to me..
  11. K

    I Am Having Real Problems Sleeping

    Aww, they all look so comfy! Got to admit when working nights I do cave and let my lot sleep on the bed for a few hours. I love that pointy whippet nose that has to be as close as possible, not so keen on waking up with that nose in my ear then the sudden stretch that attempts to lever you out...
  12. K

    Naughty Whippet

    Glad he is getting better. My boy loves his JWB too!.We usually do 2 walks of 1.5hrs and .5 hours on average. TBH alot of the first walk is me chatting whilst Mathew zooms around with whatever dogs are around. I think the socialising wears him out as much as the exercise. Other then a literary...
  13. K

    Imbecile Encounter

    Mathew's scariness for small dogs is thankfully mitigated by the chihuahua and chiweenie that follow in his wake!! :) I have the oppisite problem. Adam, my chihuahua, cant see a greyhound without chasing it and giving it a darn good barking to!! :D Luckily greyhounds are sensible doggies...
  14. K

    A Friend For Jasper

    I have a chihuahua and mini daschund x chi and they generally get on well. As long as your whippet doesnt mind being dominated by a tiny little pooch! In my experience the little toy dogs always become the dominant ones.. ;) The only issue is when they play outside, I have to make sure Mathew...
  15. K

    Jumping Up?

    Ok, I have a little more hope now!!He he he!! Its funny how I always get exasperated with my three being badly behaved so am shocked when someone praises their behaviour! I forget that all 3 are still under a year and they are generally quite well behaved when out walking. It doesnt help that...
  16. K

    Jumping Up?

    Its not so much in the house but outside with strangers. Today we got shouted at by a lady coz he jumped all over her little girl and really scared her. :( One of our local parks has a restricted view as its L shaped, as the coast(that I could see) was clear I let the boys off lead and then had...
  17. K

    Jumping Up?

    Anyone had any success with teaching a whippet not to jump up at people? If so, please, please, please tell me how??!!
  18. K

    More Questions On Whippets

    Cant answer for golden retreivers but I do have a chihuahua and a whippet. Mathew (whippet) has no prey drive so doesnt regard Adam (chi) as prey however he does play too rough at times causing Adam to bite first and ask questions later!! They play nicely in the house but outside Adam is...
  19. K

    Size Question?

    So its a wait and see kinda thing!! I dont know what his breeding is, was never that curious......until now! ;) I will have to e mail his breeder to find out. Id like him to be a nice big dog even if it means I get squished during cuddle sessions, just hoping it doesnt make the chihuahua too...
  20. K

    Size Question?

    Just wondering if anyone could tell me if Mathew is an average height for his age coz he seems really tall to me! He is 5months old currently and 19ins at the shoulder. (he grew 2ins in the last month!!LOL). From the breed standard it seems he will reach what should be max height in a couple of...