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Jumping Up?


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Anyone had any success with teaching a whippet not to jump up at people?

If so, please, please, please tell me how??!!
Anyone had any success with teaching a whippet not to jump up at people?If so, please, please, please tell me how??!!

I would be interested to find out myself as we have had Sidney for 4 years and Ben for just under 2 and both of them can't seem to understand that when you are coming in the door with your hands full of things, it isn't a good time for cuddles :p :b :angry:
Careful and well timed use of bitter apple spray worked wonders for me. I used to get mauled by Busta before but now he manages to contain himself very well most of the time. I only had to use it a couple of times and don't need it anymore. Now if I give him some calm assertive body language he will respect my space.


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Its not so much in the house but outside with strangers. Today we got shouted at by a lady coz he jumped all over her little girl and really scared her. :(

One of our local parks has a restricted view as its L shaped, as the coast(that I could see) was clear I let the boys off lead and then had to swap my girl onto her extender lead as she is in season. When I got round the corner I discovered the entire park was filled with picnicing kids all round the edges and sets of litle boys kicking footballs to each other spaced through the middle!

It was like the Dog Borstal test times a thousand but without several days intensive training. He did come back after about the third time I called him but the damage was done.. Its also hard coz I dont think anyone realieses he is just a puppy (nearly 5mths) as he looks like an adult, like most sighthounds I suppose.

To make matters worse on the way home I had to quickly put his lead on to avoid another family and when the little girl came running up to say hello to Mathew (who was all waggy tail and smiley face) I practically shouted at her to stay away and screamed NO! to Mattie. Cue one more crying child...

*sigh* Ok, vent over........LOL
Lol. I know just what you mean. I would still recommend using the bitter apple spray. You can decant the stuff into a tiny travel spray bottle then if someone comes over and your boy starts to get over the top give a little squirt and correct him. It would be good if you could get some of your friends to help you practice before venturing out with the general public, otherwise you might end up spraying some poor unsuspecting child in the face! :D Timing is everything with this. I've also attached a word to this, in my case "gently" which my two have now learned means best behaviour with strangers or other dogs. Good luck with it, I'm sure you will get it sorted :)


BTW. Don't be thinking my two are in any way perfect. Busta has been known to steal food from children when they come near him at the right height and Chloe made a child cry the other day because when the child gave her a fuss she licked their mouth!!!! If I'm not paying attention they will get up to allsorts! :D


I know how you feel, Molly used to jump up at everyone, its part of the 'everyone is my friend' syndrome. They do grow out of it honestly (not sure if they ever grow out of jumping up at you :D :D ) We worked very hard on the 'leave' command which works for people and dogs and sticks (but not fox poo :x :x ) also on 'stay close' so that when we approach a corner or something I cant see Molly is by my side and at nearly 9 months old Molly has almost got it ;) ;) Just remember that at 5 months he is still a baby and still needs a lot of training, good luck with him

Gaynor xx
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Know what you mean. My older two dogs, 2 and 4 years are now pretty good but Gracie is still a baby so the training will be starting before long but why oh why do parents let their small children run up to strange dogs and then shout at the dog/owner when the dog frightens their child. :angry: Lets face it the vast majority of dogs are friendly so why don't parents teach their off-spring that friendly dogs can still jump albeit to smoother the nearest face with kisses and that should the dog be unfriendly, it may then be a case of taking the child's face off. I didn't have dogs when my two girls were small but I still taught them not to run to strange dogs and to ask the owner first. Rant over but it's a two way thing and this country seems to be getting more and more anti-dog.
Ok, I have a little more hope now!!He he he!! Its funny how I always get exasperated with my three being badly behaved so am shocked when someone praises their behaviour! I forget that all 3 are still under a year and they are generally quite well behaved when out walking.

It doesnt help that my other 2 (chihuahua and chiweenie) are kiddy magnets so draw all the little people to them! Mathew obviously thinks he should have equal jumping and face licking rights..LOL
Gypsy was terrible for jumping up at us and other people...we used the "down" command and said it as soon as she well as turning our back on her....worked well with her.......i used it even if she jumped up at the kitchen worktop as well........if she did it to other people i sis it as well...sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt..she is just way to nosey ;)
I find the worst thing is well meaning passersby. I just think I've got them to understand down or leave and they haven't jumped up on anyone for a week or so, then sombody comes gushing over to them and fawns all over them and coos until they jump up, then they continue say "aw who's a gorgeous boy" or some such sh*te and totally undo all of the work that's gone before. :(

Now I know in theory I should be able to say don't pet them, don't encourage them to jump up - but it's not that easy. Fortunately I live in an area with a heavy Orthodox Jewish community, and they never come up to strange dogs - or any dogs for that matter, so I walk through that particular estate when I think my two need a refresher!!! Loads of passersby but no jumpy encouragement!
Ok, I have a little more hope now!!He he he!! Its funny how I always get exasperated with my three being badly behaved so am shocked when someone praises their behaviour! I forget that all 3 are still under a year and they are generally quite well behaved when out walking.It doesnt help that my other 2 (chihuahua and chiweenie) are kiddy magnets so draw all the little people to them! Mathew obviously thinks he should have equal jumping and face licking rights..LOL
What is a chiweenie????


I wanted to know what a chiweenie is too!

One of my whippets jumps up, she has only been with me a couple of months now, and is getting better I have to say, she is much worse with jumping up at strangers outside of the house, and unfortunately because she is small people find it acceptable and encourage it, I dont! I try to get her to sit before people can fuss her, but people never listen!! It is improving though, when she first came to live with us, it was terrible!
My obidience trainer tought me with great success to hold on to their front paws when they jump up - just lightly not squeezing, and look away from them. Hold them untill the dog resists and wants to get on all paws, as you let go say 'off', then praise. You need to repeat it a few times, it was like a miracle with flax!

Hope this helps, my only other advice is be consistant in whichever method you choose