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  1. chase69

    Noise Phobia

    Thank you for your advice hanneroon :) I will definitely try some of the strategies you have suggested . I'm glad they worked for your dog Dude , it's so difficult sometimes to know if Im doing all the right things because like people, dogs respond in different ways . Chase is a beautiful boy...
  2. chase69

    Noise Phobia

    Chase has been on zylkene tablets since sept and these have definitely helped take the edge off a little . I was lucky enough to get permission to use a field ( fully fenced and safe ) on a farm close to us which is close to a very noisy road . At first he only wanted to be in the field for...
  3. chase69

    Noise Phobia

    Test results are back nothing found everything seems normal. Going to see the vet who deals with behavioural issues to see what she advises hopefully she will give me some hope of getting my happy little boy back :( xx
  4. chase69

    Noise Phobia

    would really appreciate any advice from someone who has had experience with a whippet with a noise phobia. Chase is nearly 5 years old and has nearly always been afraid of very loud noises but over the last year it has got much worse especially in the last 4 weeks or so where he has bolted from...
  5. chase69

    Lump At Base Of Tail

    Hi Tracy Chase also had a small lump like this on his leg he was 18months old. As we were having him neutered the vet decided to remove it at the same time and send it off for biopsy. All was ok it wasnt cancerous and it said these lumps are quite common.I am like you I worry myself sick when he...
  6. chase69

    Post Op Problems

    Thankyou feel much better will leave it a few weeks before we return to vets if doesnt go down and will try massaging it as well.
  7. chase69

    Post Op Problems

    Chase had was neutered 3 weeks ago and had a benign growth removed from his leg and his undescended testicle removed and all is well with what he has had done . Last wednesday I noticed a small lump on his neck (on the side slightly to the back) i took him to the vets on friday and he said...
  8. chase69

    Shy Puppy

    Hi welcome to the forum. Eddy looks very much like Chase did at that age. He was 8 weeks when we got him and the day we brought him home he walked straight into his crate and didnt come out unless we took him out for 3days. he was very quiet even at night once he sttled in things changed! WE HAD...
  9. chase69

    Trimming Nails

    Chase is really nervous about having his nails trimmed eventhough we have always done them . He makes such a big fuss and wont keep still. He is very quiet in the car and now my daughter does them with him on her lap in the car. We did this today on our way out and its the only way we can do it...
  10. chase69

    Puppy Names

    good luck with new pup Chase is brill name I also like diesel bullet riley dash and blue
  11. chase69

    Heart Murmur

    Thanks for your advice I have decided to cancel his op and get a second opinion from a different practice .I am not happy allowing him to have the op until I am sure all is ok.
  12. chase69

    Heart Murmur

    I would be very grateful for any advice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so worried took chase to the vet today for a pre -op check as he is having an op on mon for an undescended testicle /neutered and I have been worried about him having the op. we have ben to the vets tonight to be told that she can hear...
  13. chase69

    South West Whippet Fun Day

    we are really looking forward to it as we only live in plymouth .cant wait to see all the other whippets as we dont see many around here much. :)
  14. chase69

    Retained Testicles

    Chase is now 5 months old and one testicle is still retained .At what age should they be fully descended? We are now totally confused about castration !
  15. chase69

    How Much Exercise?

    this is Chase about a month ago he has got skinnier since then
  16. chase69

    How Much Exercise?

    Thanks for all your advice ,just come back from very wet walk and he is running around likr a maniac :lol:
  17. chase69

    How Much Exercise?

  18. chase69

    How Much Exercise?

    Hi my name is vicky and I have a 5 month whippet called Chase.He is very lively and we take him for a short walk 1-2 times aday and then a longer walk/run in the evening he seems very happy with this.He also spends alot of time in the garden mostly lying in the sun. -_- How much exercise does...