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  1. J

    Heart Murmurs

    some vets incorrectly diagnose a whippet with a heart murmer, the breed's heart functions differently thats all!! During rest the beat appears to be erratic then when the dog's running about it will be more uniform. Even if it does have a murmer there is nothing to worry about!! I've got a heart...
  2. J


    So sorry to hear this :( :(
  3. J

    Fox Piccy

    are they a problem?
  4. J

    Waterproof Coat

    :lol: :lol: :lol: she looks like a member of the KKK :blink: Nicky12 you've got competition!! you better run & get your sewing machine out :lol: :lol: poor thing looks disgusted!!
  5. J

    Crate Bedding For Puppy?

    I suppose i could do that, so, where would you recommend i buy a puppy pen & what size do you think would suit!!
  6. J

    Crate Bedding For Puppy?

    :lol: It actually looks nothing like a pig so i don't know why it's called that, it's like a hot water bottle that seals but cannot be chewed etc, cause it's made of china. It's round or tubular, it was my gran's from when she bred dogs. It used to keep her litters warm & cosy (it doesn't look...
  7. J

    Ella's Been Locked Up In Prison Today

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. J

    Crate Bedding For Puppy?

    Hello everyone, just wondering what the best bedding would be for use in the bottom of a crate. It's for a pup that wont be house trained yet so something that is machine washable would be great!! I've also been given a china "pig" to keep the pup warm, would the pup be comfy next to a big lump...
  9. J

    Heart Murmur

    I've got a heart murmer, thank god i didn't tell my parents or i could have been punted :p , i've read that whippets (at rest) have "abnormal" heart beats but when active the heart conforms more to the vetenary's standard needed to diagnose it as being normal :- " . With my amateur knowledge...
  10. J

    Max Is Still Looking...............

    debs do you have anymore info on max, where is he & how old he is etc? :cheers:
  11. J

    Puppy Wanted In South Wales

    :thumbsup: congratulations, i've got a name, but can't find a pup :teehee: :luck:
  12. J

    Any New Arrivals In The Next Month Or So?

    8) just look for an over excited somebody walking about in awe boring everyone with endless questions :lol: I got a hold of maggie eventually :p
  13. J

    Any New Arrivals In The Next Month Or So?

    how do i get in touch with maggie :lol: can't find her :b
  14. J

    Any New Arrivals In The Next Month Or So?

    sadly for my first time i'm wanting to start off with a pup :( , i will be getting another whippet in the future but i wouldn't get two dogs at the same time with my limited experiance. :luck: for susan :))
  15. J

    Any New Arrivals In The Next Month Or So?

    Hi everyone at last i've found a ground flat!! I've been searching for ages and ages for one at the correct location that would be suitable for me & a whippet :blink: I move in next week and will start "puppy proofing" the place. I will be going to a whippet show on the 9th June Mortan hall...
  16. J

    Whippet Cage

    i bought my crate from ebay from a seller called peteurope, for a cage 36" long 27" high it only cost me £31 (P&P included), fast delivery & the product seems to be sound. I still haven't got my pup though so haven't been able to test it!! But it certainly has nothing that could damage a dog...
  17. J

    I Always Dread The Question

    :lol: never thought about that, poor dog :teehee:
  18. J


    I've heard quite a few people talking about feeding sardines to whippets for their coat - and they love it!! Looks like i'm just going to have to cook with my eyes closed :x :p Good news hopefully, i'm going to see a new place sometime this week (again), hopefully it will be perfect for me...
  19. J

    I Always Dread The Question

    Explain to me how to use the picture to determine what kind of dog you've got :o :angry: :lol: :p
  20. J


    that crate looks super warm & comfy -_- , what did you use for the bedding?