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  1. gavintasker

    Cat Attack

    Sorry about your nasty experience and the collar not being up to the job. When I was teaching at a boarding school in Sussex, by brown Burmese [cat] wouldn`t allow ANY dog into the main school building. She and my Siamese would also ambush the Bursar`s spaniel if it went anywhere near my room...
  2. gavintasker

    Field Needed

    Good Luck :luck: :luck: :luck: with your search. Chances are it won`t be easy but................................................... Liz & Gavin.
  3. gavintasker

    Pictures From Champs

    Thanks for posting the pics. :thumbsup: :D I look forward to seeing some more. You action shots are stunning. Gavin.
  4. gavintasker

    Happy Birthday Daisy

    Dandy & Magic are sorry to have forgotten Daisy`s big day. Dandy says he know why her ham was nicked-he`d do the same :oops: :b XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX
  5. gavintasker

    New Pics Of My Peppermints

    What a lovley mix of colours! The blue and the red&white! :wub: And so bold and bright-eyed. A smashing litter of angels. Good luck with them. :luck: Gavin
  6. gavintasker

    Wcrch Npwrch Evansent X Kangarooby

    Well done Ruby! :cheers: What a clever girl so have such lovely babies. The black & white boys are totally edible! Good luck to them from us here! :luck: :luck: :luck: Gavin
  7. gavintasker


    Good Luck with the little might :luck: Blacks are THE BEST! They outshine all the others! Gavin. Dandy Magic [not black but a big fan!]
  8. gavintasker

    Happy Birthday Ben Bishop

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEN. [We hope you`ll have a LOVELY day and that you won`t feel too much like and OLD man. [we`ve got one of those in our house!] Lots of love from Liz, Gavin,Dandy,Magic, Cats and Speck the ferret. :clown: :luck: :thumbsup:
  9. gavintasker

    Happy Birthday

  10. gavintasker

    Happy Birthday Rae

    Hello Sweetheart. :D You have a lovely day and DON`T CHANGE even if you are all growed up now! o:) Lots of love from Liz,Gavin, Dandy & Magic. :thumbsup: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...
  11. gavintasker

    Pics Champs And Nationals

    Tnx 4 posting your excellent pics Chris. Any chance of saying where each was taken so I stand a better chance of recognising which dog is which? Tnx, Gavin
  12. gavintasker

    Champs ..

    Tnx June for your good wishes :cheers: My post looks a bit silly now that certain comments have been removed. Would the moderator have let them stand if I hadn`t remarked on them? Glad to see that unsporting snipes ARE being removed. gavin
  13. gavintasker

    Champs ..

    It`s a pity that we can`t say the same for rumour mongers, mud slingers and slanderers. I feel sorry for the folks taken in by the wispering campaign. We didnt`t go the the WRCA Champs because our dog [Wheatroyd Longspan] has a torn muscle and I was clapped out after a hectic week at...
  14. gavintasker


    Put up or shut up! Having brought up other peoples` children for 25 years I know something of the difference between right and wrong. Just because a lot of people believe something to be true that doesn`t make them right in their assumption.It just means there`s a lot of them! So blame the...
  15. gavintasker


    Could it be that the Champs have been cancelled because the organisers don`t want a repeat of the appalling behaviour that occured when Julia and her litter last raced? I presume the helpers and organisers are all unpaid volunteers who worked long and hard only to have their event spoiled by...
  16. gavintasker

    Wcra Reps Meeting Venue Change

    I wonder why not? Instead there is a campaign of whispers, orchestrated by those skilled in the arts of mud-slinging, fuelled by jealousy and the pure enjoyment of watching people suffer. All this is dressed up with concerns about "the purity of the breed" and "bringing racing into disrepute"...
  17. gavintasker

    Wcra Reps Meeting Venue Change

    I haven`t heard the other side of what went on yesterday so I can`t comment on that. There`s nothing on the Whippet Forum or the Whippet club site yet. Perhaps the moderators on K9 could provide us with what was decided by the WRCA committee? We had a lovely suuny day`s trialling yesterday...
  18. gavintasker

    Wcra Reps Meeting 24th May

    Possibly to give time to the people with egg on their faces to think up a way of backing down? Gavin.
  19. gavintasker

    Cancelled Opens

    If "the passports" were revoked then it would mean that the bully boys and gossips would have won! Democracy does have its downside.Look at Lynch mobs! Gavin.
  20. gavintasker

    Cancelled Opens

    No more from me on this topic. I`m interested to see how successful the mud-slinging campaign has been and how many people have been taken in by it. I just hope that none of you in "gang" are the NEXT victim. We run our dogs beacuse they enjoy it and we like them to have a happy, varied life...