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  1. Caro Perry

    What do you look for in holiday cottage

    It's hard work Kara - a lot of your lovely things will get broken and damaged so you would need to only leave items you have no attachment to. Holiday cottages have a very hard life and it's a constant round of repairs, replacement and upgrades. That drippy tap you live with quite happily could...
  2. Caro Perry

    Advice please - white blobs in pee.

    Harri had to have that done last year under a mild sedative. He was in first thing but pretty much slept for the rest of the day and rather dis-orientated for a few more hours. Absolutely back to normal after a good nights sleep.
  3. Caro Perry

    Any advice on why Dogs see me as a Giant Toy

    Oh I saw someone do this once - all the dogs just sat there including Harri. I would love to know how they do it!
  4. Caro Perry

    Old age

    So so sorry.
  5. Caro Perry

    Lessons learned - if we are to do this again...

    We have an agreement with a friend that if necessary she would take Harri and vice versa. The dogs are good friends and both of them see both of us as "Mum". Harri adores her so I know he'd be fine.
  6. Caro Perry

    Harri the Welsh Terrier's Diary

    I had a bit of an accident yesterday.... As I was a bit sad that my human brother and sister had gone home, Mum let me come and cuddle up with her when she had an early night. I love it when she lets me do that, it doesn't happen very often. When dad came up he makes me go downstairs to my own...
  7. Caro Perry

    New puppy - help

    She's still very young. Could you bring her back into your room for a bit so you all get some sleep? We did this with Harri for the first few nights, then put his crate outside our bedroom door so he could still hear and smell us and then gradually moved him further and further away until he was...
  8. Caro Perry

    Tips !! Just brought a Dachshund Puppy

    Puppies do need company yes. Also toilet training is much harder - how do you teach them to go outside if you are not there to let them out? Puppies can't hold their bladders. An hour a day of company is nowhere near enough. I waited til I was able to work from home before getting a pup.
  9. Caro Perry

    Lost Whippet - what could have happened?

    I lost Harri once for a couple of hours. Luckily someone found him and rang me. It's the most horrible thing and I really feel for you. Any news?
  10. Caro Perry

    Lessons learned - if we are to do this again...

    I'm also not a great lover of the puppy stage. What would I do differently? Not much to be honest. I'd be far more careful what veterinary pharmaceuticals I allowed them to have but Harri has turned out an absolute sweetheart (if a bit of a monkey but that is part of being a Welshie). Training...
  11. Caro Perry

    Obsessin' with children...

    I'd follow the Dogs Trust advice - I have a dog who is over friendly with other dogs so I've been there to a certain extent. You are in control here. In scenario 2 for example I would have not allowed any interaction with the children . Just taken my dog and walked on. It's nice to stop and...
  12. Caro Perry

    Anyone else?

  13. Caro Perry

    Car travel

    We use a dog hammock in the big car (in mine he has to ride in the front seat and it took me a long time to get a restraint system that actually worked. No commercial ones did and I ended up devising and making my own) The hammock only stops him falling down the footwell so we use a universal...
  14. Caro Perry

    So not a dog person!

    I had one of those - no way was he walking and definitely no pooper scooping. We now fight over who's going to walk the dog!
  15. Caro Perry

    Whistle Recall Training?

    It's been a hard slow slog with Harri ( now 17mths). He is a notoriously awkward breed - not a people pleasing one at all! After months of getting nowhere we are starting to see improvements. He has recalled whilst playing with a strange dog (this is a huge breakthrough) and today he actively...
  16. Caro Perry

    A lost rabbit called.....

    I love a happy ending!
  17. Caro Perry

    Veggies for dogs

    Harri likes avocado (the flesh is fine. There is even a commercial dog food based on it) sweet potato, peas, Brussel Sprouts and tolerates carrots. He also has mint, seaweed, lemon balm, fenugreek and neem every day as a herbal supplement.
  18. Caro Perry

    Is Violet ok?

    She's lovely - congratulations again!
  19. Caro Perry

    Every year!

    We're about to find out! Last year Harri was too young to be trusted so the tree was in the playpen to keep him away from it. This year it won't be - I am however worried that he may feel it's his duty to keep it watered....
  20. Caro Perry

    A lost rabbit called.....

    Now this has been bumped back up - how is Denis and his girlfriend?