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Advice please - white blobs in pee.

Diesel's Dad

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Diesel has just been out for a pee (good lad!) and I noticed small white blobs in his urine. See pic.

Any ideas and do I need to worry? They look a bit like globs of fat or similar? Has been eating his normal prepared raw diet and drinking water laced with goats milk, still won’t touch plain water.

Edit. Could just be ice crystals starting to form? Bloody chilly here!


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I'd start off collecting a sample and unless it's obvious it's freezing particles, ringing your vet. I've never seen anything like it so wouldn't be surprised if it is just ice, but if it isn't...well, it looks very odd to me. Let us know what happens!
Weird. Next piddle totally clear but then white blobs started to form a minute later. So thinking either ice crystals or some sort of reaction with chemicals in the patio stone? Got a vet visit Saturday anyway so will ask.
How’s it looking this morning? Is it ok if he pees on the grass ? :emoji_confused:
It could be just the reaction of his wee to the patio stones, try getting a sample of his wee before it hits them, the vet will probably ask for one and you could always check yourself to see if they form in say a little bucket. Hope he’s ok x
Never seen this on either grass, carpet, wood floor or link. And only once on the patio.
Going to take a sample into thee vet with me tomorrow.
Yes. Sorry.

Everything they can test for at the vets has come back totally normal which is a relief.

They’ve suggested that a ‘sterile sample’ Is sent away for culturing to see if anything grows. Unfortunately that entails extracting pee from the bladder with a needle! Which he won’t like. They’ll use a mild sedative.

Might sound like expensive overkill but not taking any chances with my awesome little dude!

Appointment on Thursday.
Gorgeous picture :rolleyes: have you seen the white bits anymore?
You'd feel awful if you decided it was nothing so didn't test and then it turned out that it was something! Just out of curiosity, I'd be trying to collect a wee sample and pour some on the patio and some on a different surface, and experiment with different temperatures. Hmmm, if you have a spare patio stone you could bring it indoors....
You'd feel awful if you decided it was nothing so didn't test and then it turned out that it was something! Just out of curiosity, I'd be trying to collect a wee sample and pour some on the patio and some on a different surface, and experiment with different temperatures. Hmmm, if you have a spare patio stone you could bring it indoors....

I do in fact have a spare slab I can bring indoors. Good thinking!
Going to get a bit messy collecting all this piddle! He’s not keen on me chasing him round the garden with a jam jar!
Going to get a bit messy collecting all this piddle! He’s not keen on me chasing him round the garden with a jam jar!
:) what kind of worked for me was having a jar with a long handle, letting the monster find a nice tree, then sticking the jar in there. Not ideal but may be better than hovering over him
They’ve suggested that a ‘sterile sample’ Is sent away for culturing to see if anything grows. Unfortunately that entails extracting pee from the bladder with a needle! Which he won’t like. They’ll use a mild sedative.

Harri had to have that done last year under a mild sedative. He was in first thing but pretty much slept for the rest of the day and rather dis-orientated for a few more hours. Absolutely back to normal after a good nights sleep.
Well mystery solved and needle in the bladder avoided!

DM was cleaning the patio this morning as it had become a bit stinky with poo remains. The solution of detergent she used produced almost exactly the same result.

So there must be residue of something on the concrete which reacts with urine.

Weird thing is that the detergent has no ingredients in common with pee.

Spoken to the vet and she can’t understand it but agrees we can cancel Thursdays procedure.

Happy puppy!
I was going to ask if you'd tried it with just water, but then rain would do that... Is the patio limestone? Limestone reacts with acid to produce calcium carbonate which can leave white stains on patios, and both urine and some detergents are acid... Maybe if there's a surface layer of limestone 'dust' then the reaction takes place with this, and if the liquid is warm against a cold background little eddies of the calcium carbonate will form...
thanks Judy.

It only does it on a few areas of the patio. I’m suspecting the cowboy builders we had round last year and usin angle grinders. So will be millions of tiny iron particles around embedded in the concrete. Add acid and some sort of salt forms?

Anyway. Glad to say case closed!
Aww that’s great news and a lucky escape for your gorgeous boy :rolleyes: