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  1. L

    More Snow

    We had fun today on the airfield running through the snow! I think Floyd has long neck and legs too, compared to other whippets, I will have to meet up with some experts at an event and you can see if he is coming on ok. He stilll makes every day special and I am head over heels in love with...
  2. L

    Who Owns Blue/black Pedigree Whippets

    Hi, Floyds back!! He's doing fine and nearly a year old - his birthday is on the 23rd March! When I look at pics on here he still seems quite slim, not very muscley, what can I do to help him fill out, or will it happen when he matures. Lise
  3. L


    Hi, Can anyone help, Floyd keeps licking his front paw (his left) I have checked it and I can't see anything, he's doing it constantly, is it a habit? is there a reason and how can I stop it? Lise
  4. L

    Floyd Is After

    Hi, Merry Christmas to you all. I am looking for a new bed for Floyd, I would like something with a cover, roof?? but in fabric material, I like the igloos for cats, are there any that are whippet size? someone also posted something that was like a material tunnel that was a bed, the idea the...
  5. L

    Latest On Floyd

    Hi, Thank you for your help, I know that whippets are lean but he does have some pointy areas, elbow and hips, but I suppose he's still growing and using loads of energy just by being him! he is 7 months and 2 weeks, when do whippets fully mature? I am looking forward to taking Floyd back to...
  6. L

    Latest On Floyd

    Hi all, I have been reading through previous posts as I want to make sure Floyd is eating enough, putting on weight etc. He weighs 23 lb and is 20 1/2 inches tall (approx, he was moving about a bit) do I measure to shoulder? He looks like a leggy dog to me, and not as muscular as other...
  7. L

    Picco Has Had A Chunk Bitten Out Of His Ear

    Hi Steve, I have been following this thread and after seeing the picture can only imagine (and I only do so for a fleeting moment as I get upset :( ) how anxious, upset and angry you must be feeling. He is so gorgeous and when I look at my whippet Floyd and see how trusting and loving he is...
  8. L

    A Face Full Of Nettles

    Hi all, we have been enjoying one of many walks down by the River Humber,& East Yorks Coast, I was kicking the ball and sadly Floyd jumped straight into a nettle patch after it, after a little wimper he spent the remainder of his walk rubbing his face and neck along the grass, which I assume...
  9. L

    One Meal A Day, When??

    Hi all, Thanks for all excellent advice, he is as I say up there 6 months on 23rd of sept sp 6 mths 2 weeks. I am concerned that id I give him a chicken wing he will expect them all the time and prefer them to his tripe & complete and therefore start fussing at meal times, other than that I...
  10. L

    One Meal A Day??

    Hi All, Its bin a while since I posted, we have been soooooo busy, Floyd is growing fast and we nnow enjoy many long walks with him. He is still a bit picky, but I have noticed he wolfs his tea down and asks for more, yet hardly bothers with his breakfast, sO i take it up after 20 mins, is it...
  11. L

    We Weighed Floyd Today

    Is he related to the scarborough whippets? Actually come to think of itI haven't seen any whippets around near us Brough 12 miles outside of Hull and Beverley!! Lise
  12. L

    We Weighed Floyd Today

    Hi, He comes from Bentworth originally! He kennel name is Trenthyde Gareth! Lise
  13. L

    We Weighed Floyd Today

    Hi Annlouise, Floyd originally came from near basingstoke, his kennel name is Trenthyde Gareth. Where is your whippet from and do you have a picture? Lise
  14. L

    We Weighed Floyd Today

    Thank you all for your advice and lovely comments about Floyd, he really is so gorgeous and really does brighten our lives as well as 99.9% of the people that have met him and fallen in love with him too. Someone suggested brushing him with velvet?? I use a soft brush and thats about all he...
  15. L

    If I Just Hide Under This Pole...

    He is beautiful and so nice natured, especially with Floyd when he keeps nicking his hide chews, football and food!
  16. L

    Just One More

    I love it when his ears prick up like this!! and other times they go flat to his head and he looks like a little otter or a seal pup :wub: Lise
  17. L

    If I Just Hide Under This Pole...

    Floyd was larking with Joseph and Leo Borzois today, they were happily playing football and then a bit of hide and seek.....
  18. L

    We Weighed Floyd Today

    Hi All, We decided to weigh him etc today and I would appreciate some feed back please. Floyd is 6 months old on 23rd Sept 2005, he is 19 1/2 inches to his front shoulder (the top of) and weighs in at 20lb, is that ok-ish?? and when do whippets mature and stpo growing? He is still incerdibly...
  19. L

    We've Been Holiday!!

    Hello, It's a while since we have been on and WOW how Floyd has progessed. We (OH and 2 of my cousins and Floyd) have been away visiting my Grandparents in Devon. Thank you all for advice about travel sickness the stugon worked a treat on the 5 hours each way journey, as well as the long...
  20. L


    HI, Thanks for your post, I will deffl get in touch with you when I get back from my hols in a week. In the meantime should I measure his neck? and do you do matching leash? Bye for now. Lise