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  1. S

    The Whippet Club Agm

    As I understand it, it is not accepted form to nominate a standing member of a committee for an award, and as Paul is a member of the committee it would not be 'right'. However, when that person has stood down from the committee, then the member may be nominated. Hope that helps.
  2. S

    Help - Artist Wanted!

    Has anyone commissioned an artist to paint their whippet and been more than happy with the result? If so, would you be kind enough to pm me with any details you have on contacting the artist please? I have been charged with finding an artist to paint the favoured dog of my beloved as his...
  3. S

    The Whippet Club Agm

    Went to the AGM and since then I have had people asking what was said - by now you all know Paul is standing down as sec of the WCRA, that Kim has been elected as the new one, that the person who had the least votes for the WCRA Sub committee will have to stand for election again next year and...
  4. S

    Message-in Question 4

    Sadly, even for the WCRA it is possible to quantify the cost of sending out letters/stickers, and includes the overheads involved, the paper, printer, ink, time of person generating letter, rent, rates, utilities etc as I was not aware that the committee members had a colony of fairies at the...
  5. S

    Message-in 1st Question

    The whole idea of the DNA profile date base is to build up a base of information on breeding pairs - and that information to be held on file for times of dispute as well as research. People may make use of this facility should they wish to, but NOT making use of this service does not mean that...
  6. S


    Is the lack of enthusiasm and therefore poor response to the WCRA talk in because people perceive that their views and opinions are not taken into account and then acted upon by the WCRA committee? As this would seem to be the way the committee operates why do we accept that this 'is the way it...
  7. S

    Message-in Question 3

    :( The grape vine is so good that people like me didn't get to hear of it? Why rely on the grapevine, or secretaries, when the WCRA could have this meeting and call for items for the agenda as part of the formal diary for the upcoming year? That way, if any individual misses it, that's their...
  8. S

    Message-in Question 4

    I didn't realise that clubs actually put on three opens per year - I take my hat off to them. As far as breaking down accounts is concerned, we need to be very careful here, for if my experience of cost centred accounting is anything to go by, we might be in for a very nasty shock indeed. Say...
  9. S

    Message-in 1st Question

    The Kennel Club do not envisage that every pedigree dog, irrespective of breed, will have it's DNA profile registered - due to the reasons I gave, storage of the data and implementation. What the KC have recommended thus far is that breeding pairs are profiled. At least that was their line of...
  10. S

    Message-in Question 3

    If the issue is timing the last champs was when? October? Yet I was not told that the call had been put out for items for the agenda and I'm on the ethernet, snail mail, telephone etc. However, I did not know because I was not at the champs; and (both) of my club secs failed to pass on this...
  11. S

    Message-in Question 4

    If the fees go towards Admin, then surely that is the admin of the Champs is it not? Pedantic of me I know! And yet, it would be useful to see the accounts broken down in a different way to reflect in a more accurate way the expenditure profit and loss of the WCRA. Who is going to put that as...
  12. S

    Message-in Question 2

    If you have plain paper no club can be accused of being anything other than fair because the system of plain paper does not lend itself to any misguided perception of favourites etc. My personal view is a harsh one, that no programmes should be on the line, as they are not needed. I also think...
  13. S

    Message-in 1st Question

    :( I'll be the fly in the ointment then! I'm SICK TO DEATH of being told what I can and can't do, how I can do it, when I can do it and even IF I can do it!! So do I want an uneconomical £15.00 added to the cost of a passport - a document which means diddly-squat to anyone NOT associated with...
  14. S

    Dropped Muscles ....

    What is 'iodised oil' please, what does it do, and where do you buy it?
  15. S

    Cleaning Up After Dogs

    It is my understanding that if the boundary of your property encompasses your lawn then that lawn is YOUR property. It is NOT a public right of way and thus that person, or any other, has no right to be on your property uninvited. Because it is your property they are trespassing and unlike a...
  16. S

    Stud Dog Try Again

    :- " Hi Is he any good at racing and lure coursing? Does he have stamina, courage, determination, intelligence, enjoy robust good health and is he good tempered? What do you do with him? How tall is he, how heavy? You can tell where my interests lie can't you.
  17. S

    Some Pics From Todays Racing At The Indy

    Ahhh Lloyd, my little Bon-Bon, what a clever boy you are, thank you flower, and my boys - I've printed them off for the vet, she will be pleased to see them out enjoying themselves. If I was getting married Lloyd I'd have you as my photographer, of course, we would all have to run up a track to...
  18. S

    The Most Dangerous Bit Of Racing?

    I laughed at the velcro idea and cried at the statements that went along the lines of if its not broke why fix it, we have always done it that way, and if you don't like it, you don't have to do it etc etc and that's even before getting to the newbies comment. The finish is not good, not if you...
  19. S

    The Most Dangerous Bit Of Racing?

    Now there's a thought, use ragging instead of a driven lure - I hadn't even considered that one! Why don't we persuade our clubs to give it a go over the winter and see what happens? And of course, we could always have our open bend and champs racing on a proper greyhound trial track couldn't...
  20. S


    I was saddened to hear that Woody has just begun such a hard journey Barbara, and you and Alan with him. From our experiences last year we were left with the following:- Jean was totally honest in her prognosis for Bandit, and she was proved correct. She was right when she said we could leave...