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  1. Loopy

    Missing Lurcher

    Poor baby I hope you find her soon :luck: Is she on & have you checked local traveller sites, vets, pounds, rescues, police etc? Very best wishes she turns up safe & sound.
  2. Loopy

    Lurcher Spotted

    Have you looked on to see if there is one missing? I hope the poor little thing finds it's way home soon or you catch it. D'you think it could be a whippet x beddie as they look like little deerhounds? I have one and they are usually around 20" or smaller depending on the mix...
  3. Loopy

    Hi ~ Newbie Here.

    I should just ask the vet if it will be ok. I'm sure they will be pleased that you are adopting her and not mind a visit at all as long as it fits in with their schedule and your children are quiet and don't upset any sick animals in other cages. You will have to keep her on lead for quite a...
  4. Loopy

    Much Smaller Garden ...

    House sounds fantastic and I'm sure Flo will enjoy tearing round it :) I have small garden too so we (myself & 2 lurchers) go out for nice offlead dashes round countryside and see all sorts of wildlife in the process :) altho I do yearn to be able to open front door and let them run.....
  5. Loopy

    Hey People

    I gather they have VERY selective hearing when it comes to recall :D but are such beautiful graceful hounds you can easily forgive them :D There are a lot of saluki x owners on and the Advice section may come in handy when you have your own! :- "
  6. Loopy

    Some People Are Morons

    Just read yesterday that some criminally irresponsible people/murderers left their Newfie & another dog in their car for 4 HOURS last Wednesday :rant: (hottest day since 1911) while they were in Garden Centre. The poor Newfie died :( & the other dog was in a bad way. The RSPCA are...
  7. Loopy

    Puppy Farming

    OMG I knew puppy farms were places to avoid but I didn't know they were THAT bad :rant: :( . Many Tears in Carmarthen take in a lot of ex breeding bitches and I can now see why Sylvia rescues as many as posssible. Looking at those poor pups heading for Asia makes me feel sick along with all...
  8. Loopy

    Zephyr The Amazing....

    Squirrel catcher! Going round the wood on Roundway yesterday morning Zef suddenly did a double pounce on a steep bank and then shot down the hill into trees and after a minute or 2 started barking! (doesn't normally bark when out) He returned a minute later with a squirrel hanging out of his...
  9. Loopy

    Oscar This Morning

    He's very Scrummy! :wub:
  10. Loopy

    Rats, Cats And Whippets

    Coco is gorgeous! :wub: I think that oriental cats like Burmese & Siamese look & sound so different to moggies that normal cat chasing doglets would think twice about tackling one? I'm hoping to get another Siamese boy one day to redress the balance of my household as my poor moggy girls are...
  11. Loopy

    Bitches Trying To Mount Each Other

    My old spayed retriever bitch used to hump my un-neutered Collie boy! Whereas nowadays my spayed lurcher is rather fond of my right shoulder :b
  12. Loopy

    Dogs Fighting - Help!

    I expect the heat is making both grumpy so maybe a one off. I had my collie x lurcher done a couple of months ago at 11 months cos he was being a pain humping anydog & pushing his luck and he's gone back to being his old smiley happy go lucky self :) However my other hound is a spayed bitch...
  13. Loopy

    Do You Make Your Own Flea Treatment?

    Bit of garlic in their food should repel well too.
  14. Loopy

    Bitches In Season

    Sounds like rather a long time but some bitches do have longer seasons. Can you ring and ask for vets advice without having to take her in?
  15. Loopy

    Greyhound/bull X Greyhound Bull Pup

    She's sweet :) Well done taking her in even if she doesn't stay permanently. We nearly met a staffy x grey on our early morning walk yesterday but owner said he wasn't friendly. Zephyr decided to go & say hello anyway :b but thankfully had the sense to keep his distance as he got growled...
  16. Loopy

    Oscar "hunting Whippets"

    He's a lovely hairy fella :wub:
  17. Loopy


    Have a look on Dogpages cos they often have pups of various breeds who need re-homing and they have usually been fostered so you'll know what sort of character they are. You could always go for a lurcher - they like rough play and certainly sleep a lot :) Plenty looking for homes on...
  18. Loopy

    Meet Blue!

    Yummy! :wub:
  19. Loopy

    Dog Discussion Boards

    There's LurcherLink too & Greyhound Gap but you may end up with a hound or 2 as they are rescue sites as well. Dogpages is more general and won't object if you adopt one either as long as you don't let it catch a rabbit! They all have chat sections....
  20. Loopy

    Ellies First Walk,

    Ooh er that must have been a bit scary! Even if you picked Ellie up a Dane would be on same level. Makes one wonder why she chose such a huge dog if she's small? Hope Ellie's had plenty of happy uneventful walks since? More pics please :) Btw Boom I spent my entire walk the other evening...