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Yorkshire terrier problem

Chris Johnson

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Over the past 2 weeks our 10 month old male Yorkie has become extremely aggressive when trying to put his harness on, we have tried verbal control and treat distractions but not successful, attempting a muzzle is impossible, both dog and us are finding it stressful and if anyone can help I would be extremely grateful.
Could the harness be uncomfortable? Some of the things to be aware of are rubbing or fasteners behind his elbows (armpits) or nylon webbing straps that have been finished off by melting the end, which can leave a hard edge. Also, how does his harness go on - if it goes on over his head, maybe a step in one would be better (or vice versa). And, if it is an H shaped front rather than a Y shape his shoulder movement will be restricted and he will find that uncomfortable.
Could the harness be uncomfortable? Some of the things to be aware of are rubbing or fasteners behind his elbows (armpits) or nylon webbing straps that have been finished off by melting the end, which can leave a hard edge. Also, how does his harness go on - if it goes on over his head, maybe a step in one would be better (or vice versa). And, if it is an H shaped front rather than a Y shape his shoulder movement will be restricted and he will find that uncomfortable.
Hi Joanne we have both types and he is resistant to both , also coats he won’t have on , not concerned about coat but he needs a harness for the car.
Do both harnesses fit comfortably or could they be rubbing?

How old are the harnesses? It might be worth starting with a completely new one, and take it really slow - put it on the floor, if he looks at it, reward. A step towards it, reward. If he sniffs it, reward.

If you can't avoid taking him in the car, can you put him in crate in the car?
Joanne, thanks again, they do fit well and we have checked for rubbing etc, they are not old and familiar to him, we like you suggest are going back to the beginning and start to regain trust in wearing one, I think we need to de escalate the tension and start again, a crate could be the answer if we can’t crack this, he at the moment is upset at being picked up but a harness or coat sends him into a rage so upsetting because he is not aggressive to other dogs or humans it is literally only this that he reacts to
You mentioned he is 'upset at being picked up'?? Is this just 'one off' or is it more of general thing that has started to happen. What I am thinking is that could it be that something is physically bothering him... have vet to check him that he is not in pain or there is nothing else obvious that may have escaped your attention. If pain would be a amount of training would help as the resistance for handling and any form of harness/coat is purely because they are making him uncomfortable. Is he pooing ok....tummy swollen?
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Hi finsky, thanks for your post, we have considered a physical problem and he has been to the vets , I think it is the association of being picked up at walk time with having his harness put on that upsets him, his tummy and poo are fine and he shows no signs of physical injury he is Walkin fine and you can play/stroke fuse him no problem
A lot of dogs (and usually small ones because it happens more) don't like being picked up, often because it has been for our convenience and has disturbed them from doing whatever else they were doing. I think it is important to teach small dogs to be lifted because there will be times when it is unavoidable (like on to the vet's table) but I wonder if that might be where your problems are stemming from - he sees the lifting up as a consequence of the harness (or the other way round depending how you do it).

Is it absolutely necessary to lift him? Could you coax him into a crate or carrier first and put that in the car with him alreadyin it?
Joanne, I think absolutely it is the association that is the problem, we are going back to the beginning and plan to rebuild the trust, thanks for your responses they are appreciated
I never pick up my dog, but then he's too big for me to pick him up anyway. I would pretend yours is the size of a small horse, and find other ways of moving him (ramps for the car, train commands, and so on). If he's happy in a crate, you could even use that to put him onto the table at the vet's.

My dog hated things being pulled over his head, particularly when removing them. We trained 'back', so we could just hold the harness (or his pjs) and he would step back, so removing it himself. This worked a treat.
Joanne, I think absolutely it is the association that is the problem, we are going back to the beginning and plan to rebuild the trust, thanks for your responses they are appreciated
You have to think Yorkie being 'victim' of its their head they are BIG working dogs...lean and mean big terriers. So treating him as a teeny little puppy (despite the facts :rolleyes:) will be so irritating to him. Eventually this BIG boy will tune into your desire handling him...but you will have to show some 'respect' to its terrier ways at is not all about the size...;):D
Hi finsky, thanks for your post, we have considered a physical problem and he has been to the vets , I think it is the association of being picked up at walk time with having his harness put on that upsets him, his tummy and poo are fine and he shows no signs of physical injury he is Walkin fine and you can play/stroke fuse him no problem
Brilliant....getting any possibility of physical problems out of way is encouraging and it is good that you had him checked.
Thanks everyone for your advice, we don’t handle him unnecessarily, only to put harness on and bath him( no problem lifting in to bath) I think gently reintroducing harness if possible or if not a crate is the way forward.