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Yorkshire Terrier Problem

thanks again for all the help, im at hospital again today so will pass it all on to mum :thumbsup:
posh totty said:
thanks again for all the help, im at hospital again today so will pass it all on to mum  :thumbsup:
Hey up Tanyia, someone else doin hospital runs eh, had brother in law at our place last week, now hes back in a cottage hospital, so now the visits are back on, cant offer any advice about the yorky you wont already no of, sister in law has a yorkie, it p****s at will anyways im off fer some lunch, give your mum a bed pan from me :luck:

keith :thumbsup:
midlanderkeith said:
posh totty said:
thanks again for all the help, im at hospital again today so will pass it all on to mum  :thumbsup:
Hey up Tanyia, someone else doin hospital runs eh, had brother in law at our place last week, now hes back in a cottage hospital, so now the visits are back on, cant offer any advice about the yorky you wont already no of, sister in law has a yorkie, it p****s at will anyways im off fer some lunch, give your mum a bed pan from me :luck:

keith :thumbsup:

was running between to hospitals last week!! didnt know whether i was coming going already been or at the destination???? wouldnt be so bad if they hadnt been a 50mile round trip between lol!! :teehee: :thumbsup:
Hi Tanya, this little Yorkie bitch wont 'go' outside at all? :(

I had been reading this topic in the hope that there was some solution-

as I am having to an extent the same problem with my boyfriends terrierx

(takes cover should there be some terrier breed purist about to have a go :oops: :lol: )

although she will do the business outside, she's still a right dirty madam inside as well...and she is 4 :rant:

Geordie suggested he thought it was an anxiety thing

and to try an indoor cage for the times she could'nt be watched,

working on the theory that dogs wont go in their beds-

I've yet to try that, I'm seriously considering it

as even if it does'nt work at least it will contain the mess :b ...

For the record-speying as the vet suggested did not improve the problem

with the one i'm on about. :( Suppose I should be greatful for the small :- "

mercy that its not one of my big bitches leaving the mess (w00t) .

Hope your Mams on the mend :luck:

posh totty said:
she has no particular place she goes just flatly refuses point blank to go to the tiolet anywhere other then in the house? have washed it down with bleach but could try bio powder? thank again  :thumbsup:
Bleach doesn't work as it doesn't neutralise the urine protein and the dog can still smell it, I believe (read this by someone who knows a lot about dog training, some years ago). Pine and some othe disinfectants reinforce the urine smell and encourage a dog to continue using the spot, so the bio powder works best. Good luck! :thumbsup:
Sounds like you need some more specialist advice, perhaps from one of the rescue centres that specialise in rehoming brood bitches from puppy farms (who often seem to have severe and persistent toilet problems :( ) perhaps in exchange for a donation?

I don't know much about Yorkies, but they do have a reputation for being notoriously difficult to housetrain :- "

I know of a lady who has been rescuing Yorkies for years, and I'm sure has come across all these issues and could advise. I'll PM you her details.

Good luck, I hope you are able to sort things out. :thumbsup:
thank you all again for the help i will be contacting the lady as sent to me in pm, and will keep you all up to date with progress, think we should all have a pee celebration if something gets worked out!!!! well an excuse to have a party aint it??? :- "

mum is still in great pain but did manage to walk to the toilet yesterday unaided but couldnt make it back blees her so a long way to go yet for her, the culprits who done it are released without charge as she isnt allowed to give a statement whilst on such high levels of opiates for pain relief :rant: :rant:
posh totty said:
thank you all again for the help i will be contacting the lady as sent to me in pm, and will keep you all up to date with progress, think we should all have a pee celebration if something gets worked out!!!! well an excuse to have a party aint it???  :- " 
mum is still in great pain but did manage to walk to the toilet yesterday unaided but couldnt make it back blees her so a long way to go yet for her, the culprits who done it are released without charge as she isnt allowed to give a statement whilst on such high levels of opiates for pain relief  :rant:   :rant:

" but did manage to walk to the toilet " eh ? i can think of better places to walk to...the beach, the river, the town, the fields......cripes tanya toilets a bit odd ! :eek:

j :- " hn............................ :p
stormydog said:
posh totty said:
thank you all again for the help i will be contacting the lady as sent to me in pm, and will keep you all up to date with progress, think we should all have a pee celebration if something gets worked out!!!! well an excuse to have a party aint it???  :- " 
mum is still in great pain but did manage to walk to the toilet yesterday unaided but couldnt make it back blees her so a long way to go yet for her, the culprits who done it are released without charge as she isnt allowed to give a statement whilst on such high levels of opiates for pain relief  :rant:   :rant:

" but did manage to walk to the toilet " eh ? i can think of better places to walk to...the beach, the river, the town, the fields......cripes tanya toilets a bit odd ! :eek:

j :- " hn............................ :p

Think what Tanya is implying John, is that her mum has been in to much pain to go the loo unaided and had to be assisted, but now can make it on her own, the beach, the river, the town, the fields, next step.

keith :thumbsup:
rang and left a message with the lady on the link sent to me in pm, so waiting a return call, mum not having a good day at all, now throwing up constantly? think its the high levels of painkillers ? she just wants to get home we have got her an adjustable bed with controls so that will make things easier for her when she does finally come home, dixie is now stressing simply coz she misses mum so i think we will get worse before we get better , but im sure we will get there when she is ready.

mum seys thanks to all of you who have giving help and advice and sent wishes to her , she sends hugs back to you all :huggles: