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Was just curious as to what active yogurts people use and deem a good brand for their fur covered friends.

Also how do you decide portion size?
We make our own. Very easy.
You can get the little culture on the internet, and then put it in a jar, add milk, and next morning you have a jar of yogurt.
Fish out the culture, put in another jar, add milk - next morning you have another jar of yogurt.
Delicious and healthy.
We give a couple of tea spoons as dessert after meals, sometimes mixed with broccoli, other times just yogurt.
Great idea I didn't realise you could make your own:)
I did know that you could make your own but had no idea how it was done.:oops:
I wonder what quantity and quality of bacteria the home made variety has, and which type of milk makes the most beneficial.
Maybe "live" milk straight from the farm before it is pasturized, full cream, semi skimmed, skimmed, or Goats milk.
I also make my own.. dd is lactose intolerant and there's not much availability of lactose free here.
The dogs just get a couple of spoons as a treat now and then.
Thank you Arri_RR.
OMG :eek: that all sounds too complicated for me:oops:.
I can be such a a lazy person and may find it easier to go to the supermarket to buy the stuff:oops:.
Thank you Arri_RR.
OMG :eek: that all sounds too complicated for me:oops:.
I can be such a a lazy person and may find it easier to go to the supermarket to buy the stuff:oops:.
Hmmmm, well, maybe :)
My dearest wife is the yogurt maker. I just passed along what I see, but maybe there is more to it, what do I know really?

Usually I open the refrigerator, and there is a couple of yogurt jars.
That’s easy! :) :)
Yes, just open the refrigerator door and there it is. That suits you and me too.:oops:
I didn't know giving dogs yogurt was the done thing. Is it for the good biotics benefits?
I have always given my lot a spoon of goats youghurt a couple of times a week as part of their raw diet...
The only yoghurt mine won't eat is rhubarb. I let then have any plain yoghurt I have in the fridge - a tablespoon on their dinners. They will also steal any yoghurt carton from the fridge door... EXCEPT rhubarb. The corgi knows that if you either bite or stand on an unopened Yeo Valley individual pot, you can get some to shoot out. :eek:
Harri is allowed to lick out the empty yoghurt pots. I only buy the plain organic Greek style and may leave a little more than is strictly necessary in the pot!
I didn't know giving dogs yogurt was the done thing. Is it for the good biotics benefits?

Natural "live" yogurt is good for replacing bacteria into the gut, It is especially good to use after a general anasthetic (oops my spelling ! ) for a few days, and it is very good when helping with a runny tummy by replacing good bacteria into the gut.
It does no harm to use it during the general feeding of our dogs.
Ours love to lick out the pots. They sometimes get a whole pot to share tipped out on a large tray with a little warm water mixed in, just to make it go a bit further.
And Spike says ‘this is how you eat yogurt’ by leaning on your back legs with front legs out like a ballerina!:rolleyes:
Thanks for that always good to hear what others are doing. My boy loves blueberries so I give him a treat of yogurt and blueberries once a week. Always unsweetened.

I am very interested in making my own but for now at least I'm still perfecting his raw diet so will leave that for a future venture
Yes, your dog can safely consume yogurt. It might be one of their favorite things to have, after all, it’s so tasty!
The best kind of yogurt to give your dog is the plain kind. Even better if it’s non-fat kind.