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Problems with having litter mates are 1) if they are the same sex then they are more likely to fight 2) that as Sprout pointed out they will be more into each other than you. However will two whippet pups do those things?

re behaviourists you have to remember that they are 1) normally dog trainers, some whom compete with their dogs 2) are talking about other breeds.

People who compete in obedience etc need their dogs to be into them above all else. Pet owners don't necessarily need that. I know several people who've had two litter mates and who have had to rehome one because they been fighting and doing damage to one another. But they haven't been whippets I can't off hand think of any whippets that have been like that.

I had two pups within 4 months of each other. It's personally not something that I would do again. It just didn't suit me. I found it hard work and as the younger pup needed more of my time the older one didn't get as much as he should have.
I have had two whippet pups at the same time (many years ago now). I got a dog and a bitch, and one was a shrinking violet and the other up for anything, as Dessie puts it.

There were the obvious problems (I got the bitch speyed quite early, which I regret now I look back on it, but that is a different debate and I was very new to dog ownership then).

The bitch bullied the shy dog (Fred) mercilessly after she became the dominant one of the two after years of squabbling.

I eventually rehomed the bitch, and Fred became a different dog.

Hence I would agree with what has already beeen said, get two of the same sex (unless you can cope with keeping them separated at certain times), and make sure one isn't very shy and one too dominant.
boys and girls argue it is the same the world over ,

girls are nice to each other until one peeves of the other then it's scratchy eyes out time,and they can hold on to grudges for a lifetime

boy's are simple souls, they like to laze around, scratch themselves, play with balls in fields, watch you as you make their dinner, eat said dinner then go for a nice sleep on the couch, have the occasional peeing contest, and when they do have the odd falling out it's invariable about a "scratch your eye's out bitch" the emotions pass quickly and then they are bezzy mates again without holding grudges.

:- " :- " :- "
Ive kept two from my last litter (w00t) now 18 weeks , and they creat bedlam wherever they are !! (w00t) the house and garden both are suffering from `mad 1/2 hour attacks and i really do have to interven as they get so wild and excited .

Its true that 2 girls can and do creat more `problems` than two boys ( its the hormones you see :- " ) , I have it with Buffee who wants to dominate everyone , esp Fleur and Mollee ,Most of the time they ignore her , but the odd times she pushes her luck (w00t) trouble . (w00t)

They all know who is top dog ( ME :thumbsup: ) but they do need reminding , :- "

Taking 2 pups on together , although sounds great , and is for them , is really hard work , and to be quite truthful , they dont `learn ` the rules quite as quickly as if they were just the 1` new kid` on the block

I wish you lots of luck :luck: :lol:
JAX said:
Taking 2 pups on together , although sounds great , and is for them , is really hard work , and to be quite truthful , they dont `learn ` the rules quite as quickly as if they were just the 1` new kid` on the block I wish you lots of luck  :luck:   :lol:

I totally agree, mostly the basic stuff that gets me, like learning names is harder because your shouting one name and you get two dogs lol My two are a barrel of laughs, absolutely great fun and absolutely love the bones of each other BUT it is bloody hard work if you want to do it properly, no two ways about it! And the joy of "walkies" once ive got past the glasses on the floor, pup wrapped in several knots with several different leads whilst the other is hanging off my hair, i then have the "how many plaits can we make with the leads today" exercise. All that aside wouldn't swap em for the world, doing everything i ask of them race training wise :wub: :wub:
I kept 2 pup's together (brother and sister) and they are great .......Easy to teach, respondent, very loyal and loving .......Even though Eric and Connie spend alot of time playing together, I feel as long as you the owner know's what makes each of your dogs tick, and how to gain their full attention (frisbees are perfect lol) .....then I see no problems .......My last 2 Whippets have been easier to train than ANY of my other 4 Whippets ......and made my Collie and Collie x look like thicko's .......I guess at the end of the day it's all down to pup's characters ......... :luck: :luck:
We started off getting 1 whippet (bitch) there was 1 pup left in the litter (dog) it was lovley to watch them play and cuddle up together to sleep, that was nearly 4 years ago and here we are 5 whippets down the line........ others are boys.

Only 1 bitch in the house... shes in season at the moment, tensions are running high, everyone is falling over their own private parts...... say no more!!!

I'd do it again tomorrow, what difference does it make if you have 1 or 5 whippets.... Hummmmmm the food bill!!! forgot about that one...... Hope what ever decision you make everything works out ok..... Kind regs Dawn
We have 4 lots of little sisters (or we did have, sadly one passed away at the beginning of the year)

We have never had any problems regarding fighting, bonding and training.

One piece of advice I would offer though is if you are going to show them dont enter them in the same class (w00t) We dont even take ours to the same show now, one goes one weekend and the other the next. They think it is a big game!!!

You shouldnt have any more problems than a single pup, infact if anything they do keep each other entertained, sometimes a little too much, but IMHO I would stick to one sex as opposed to having one of each.
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Well there is only three weeks between Jakey and Jilly and they get on brilliant together. Jillys a whippet and Jakeys a JRT) They are just over a year old now and have never had one serious fall out. They walk nice together when out on a double lead and have great times chasing one another when off lead. Jilly lets Jakey be the boss 99 % of the time (anything for a quiet life :lol: ) but can tell him off if she's really bothered about something :lol:

They are both completely different dogs but I couldn't imagine one without the other. :huggles:

Another thing is Jakey never tries to hump Jilly although he will try it on with other dogs that he plays with especially the wee JRT bitch and the big lab next door. (w00t)

It was hard work at first but double the fun :clown:

Good luck with whatever you decide to do :luck:
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I think lot depends on the particular two pups. Last year I ran on 4 pups from my litter until they were almost 5 months old, in one stage another pup from the same litter came back for three weeks while his owners went overseas and in the same time I had a young adult male to stay for a months or so.

All the pups knew their names, naturally they played together, but all would prefer to sit on my lap to being with the other dogs.

I did not find any problems and would have happily kept the lot of them. I guess they were all very similar; none of them was particularly dominant or submissive.

If you want 2 pups, go for it, just choose 2 of similar temperament, regardless of what sex they are (but of-course, consider what you would do later if you get boy and girl).

Getting another puppy later can create another set of problems. Young adult may be to rough with a little puppy, older dog may be too grumpy to put up with little puppy.

Getting 2 together makes it easier to settle them in, as they have each other for company and are less likely to keep you awake for the first week. It makes it also easier to leave them if you need to go out for a while.

:luck: Lida
Pups and older dogs DO get on , Here I have Fleur 5, Buffee 4 ,Mikkee 2 , Libbee 16 months and the 2 devils :oops: I mean India and Harvee ( now 17 weeks ) and they ALL play together (w00t) , Like I said BEDLAM !!! (w00t) Even gt grandma Mayzee 13yrs has the odd play with them :wub:
Surrogate mum in my house is Woody who is 6 years old. He cleans them, sleeps with them and plays with them. We do have to rescue him from time to time when his screams of pain are getting on our nerves. (w00t) Woody also protects them. On his first walk when 3 GSD x's chased Mouse who ran into a hedge - see he does have some brains - Woody took off to tell them what as what.

All of my dogs apart from Tally play with the pups and sleep with them. Tally likes his sleeping space. He sounds most scarey (w00t) when he tells them off for jumping on him. But he never touches them.
Good Luck with your puppies whatever you decide. :cheers: My Oscar is now just over a year and Kobi is 6 months and its still hard work anyway sometimes. :lol: :blink: :wacko: dont think personally two together for me..... but hey you will get it over with in one go. :thumbsup: a bit like having TWINS :- "
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okay - i have decided to have 1 pup, if there is an odd day where no-one will be at home in that week then he can come to work with me :))

i know it will stil be hard work with one but i hope he wont miss a doggy pal :b
Maggymills - see how it goes with one - then you could always get another at a later stage like I did. :thumbsup:
JAX said:
Pups and older dogs DO get on , Here I have Fleur 5, Buffee 4 ,Mikkee 2 , Libbee 16 months and the 2 devils  :oops:   I mean India and Harvee ( now 17 weeks ) and they ALL play together  (w00t)   , Like I said BEDLAM !!! (w00t) Even gt grandma Mayzee 13yrs has the odd play with them  :wub:
I did not say that young and old Whippets do not get on, I said SOME MAY NOT. In any case I just would not leave a very young puppy (less than some 3 months? old) alone with the older ones. :)

I think its best to start with one, but there is no doubt that it won't be long before number two turns up :p but then it will be easier for you to spend proper time with each one as a tiny
cheers to everyone for the replies-

i just have to wait now :- "

and then i can start posting those pics! (w00t)
We have two, brother and sister and we have not looked back. They keep each other company and as for training, it is easier as one sees the other get praise and hence copies!! They also keep each other company and they have someone to play with 24/7.......

But that is my opinion and experience. :blink: