I am having a real battle with a 4 months old puppy I have bought. She was full of worms when I got her at 9 weeks, so wormed immediately - she passed loads of dead worms. As she has had 'runny poos' since arrival I wormed her again at 12 weeks and 16 weeks - no worms were seen on these 2 occassions, but the diarrhoea persisted! It got worse again this week so gave a little kaolin/morphine which cleared the runs up. However, today, at 18 weeks, she threw up a wriggling mass of roundworms! (w00t) I have wormed her again with piperazine tablets. Never having had this problem with puppies I have bred or bought before I am at a loss to know how to proceed to clear them up once and for all.Any help would be gratefully received :thumbsup: