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Work Experience Tomorro

My daughter did the very same work experience in a clinic near to us. she enjoyed the whole experience very much including the animals pts - in a strange sort of way - and had to help comfort the owners too.

She had to stay in for ops such as castrations on dogs, ferrets and rabbits, treated horses on equestrian centres for sarcoids, laminitus and other problems and even helped to amputate a calves leg on a farm - she enjoyed every minute of it. :thumbsup:

Very good luck and hope you enjoy it too. :luck:
Today great i saw a basset hound have 3 lumps (non-cancerous) removed and his teeth cleaned, a rabbits have his teeth filed and a cat with a blood clot :x

also seen a unvacentated (tut tut)kitten with cat flu poor fella he was so tiny and dehydrated, and a whippet (11 years old :wub: )with a poorly eye he had like a ulcer on his eye ball and his was such a good boy having his eye poked and proded i couldnt help giving him a fuss :wub: :wub: :wub: he was given some eye drops but has got to come back tomorro and if its no better he gotta have his eye pinned shut for a little while :wub: :wub: :wub:

Then i had to clean the kennels out and mop up today was even better than yesterday but consulting was much quieter met some new members of staff all realy nice and was dissapointed when i had to leave :teehee:
Glad to hear you are enjoying your time at the vets. How long are you there for?

Enjoy the rest of it :thumbsup: If you are really really lucky :- " you will get to see a rabbit they are gross :x like custardy toothpaste :x .

whippets said:
Thanks everyone first day has been realy good and has gone realy quick (started at 9:15 finished at 4:00)all of the patients in consulting were dogs and luckerly nothing serious was up with them (No PTS yet luckily) :luck:
I got to observe and dog and a cat castration and a cat being spayed i also listened to a cats heart beat.

Everyone was realy nice and explained what they were doing and why they were carrying out the operation. :lol: it was realy interesting

it was quite difficult though because i had 2 stan up all day but there wasnt much room to walk around and it was REALY hot even with the fan on so i went realy feint and felt sick  :x and cud hardly stand up so i had 2 go sit outside for a bit with a drink of water that was about 10:15 i was ok after that my legs were still rather wobbly but thats because i arent used to standing up for so long especially standing still i was ok when i walk around a bit

im looking forward to tomorro and it has been a realy great experience so far :thumbsup:

oh grief that was really bad then for you if after 1 hour you had to go outside cos you had wobbly legs...cripes  !  better get some more standing practice in for next week..good luck  :luck:

oh grief that was really bad then for you if after 1 hour you had to go outside cos you had wobbly legs...cripes  !  better get some more standing practice in for next week..good luck  :luck:

lol!thanks but sadly im only there for the week :'( but legs are improving! better get going dont want to be late! :thumbsup:
today was realy quite and only saw one operation (a springer spaniel being sprayed) so inbetween consulting i cleaned the theter and the kennels and prepared the needles for sterilisation.

Had another whippet in today it had been transfered from one of the companys other clinics realy to go home i cant remember the name for what was up with her but when i asked the nurse she said it was when the utterous has puss in and it can be very dangerous but i took her a short walk around the car park (the nurse asked to too as they have no garden) i had to use one of them leads which tighten around their necks because no others were available which i disliked using but she was very good. I then cleaned out a larger kennel for her and 2 minutes after going in she is a huge wee so out she came and i cleaned up again. She was loverly! :wub: :wub:

A dog got PTS today but i didnt have to watch because it was a different vets client which was a relief i was filling up as it was!

Today was da best day of work experience EVER!!!!!!!a bull mastif (i think :- " ) had a cesarien(sp)!I got to rub some of them and introduce them to the milk i tried i get one start breathing but i couldnt be rough enough with the tiny fella so da nurse took over i just ad 2 keep them going it was amazing. :wub: :wub:

Ive always wanted to do something like that since i was little but i never in a milloin years thought i wud get the opportunity with me only being there 1 week the noise they make is sooooo cute it realy made me smile! :p :lol: :thumbsup: :) :D :))

Today was abit sad too we had a alsation x (we think)in who was a stray caught by the dog warden was brought in wiv a realy badly broken leg (hundereds of pounds worth of dammage) the vets had 2 ring some1 (counsil mabey? dunno) they said they wouldnt pay the bill so it was PTS i couldnt watch! Think it was for the best though he didnt look well at all :(

Then someone brought a rabbit in because they thought it was dieing but by the time the vet got to see it it had already died :( i was ok nearly cried but

Finally i was cleaning out the kennels when 3 people come in carrying a alsation DEAD! i dont know when it had come from because it was a nurse and a builder (the vets its being refurbished) who were carrying it!It was rather a shock 2 turn around to see a dead dog lieing on a table staring at me!

only tomorro to go realy dissapointed!i wanna stay for longer!
Goodness, what a day of mixed emotion for you. It must have been a wonderful experience helping to bring the pups into the world. Hope this makes up for the sad events that are part and parcel of a vet practice.

Glad your enjoying the experience. :thumbsup:
whippets said:
Today was da best day of work experience EVER!!!!!!!a bull mastif (i think :- " ) had a cesarien(sp)!I got to rub some of them and introduce them to the milk i tried i get one start breathing but i couldnt be rough enough with the tiny fella so da nurse took over i just ad 2 keep them going it was amazing.  :wub:   :wub:

Ive always wanted to do something like that since i was little but i never in a milloin years thought i wud get the opportunity with me only being there 1 week the noise they make is sooooo cute it realy made me smile! :p   :lol:   :thumbsup:   :)   :D   :))

Today was abit sad too we had a alsation x (we think)in who was a stray caught by the dog warden was brought in wiv a realy badly broken leg (hundereds of pounds worth of dammage) the vets had 2 ring some1 (counsil mabey? dunno) they said they wouldnt pay the bill so it was PTS i couldnt watch! Think it was for the best though he didnt look well at all :(

Then someone brought a rabbit in because they thought it was dieing but by the time the vet got to see it it had already died :( i was ok nearly cried but

Finally i was cleaning out the kennels when 3 people come in carrying a alsation DEAD! i dont know when it had come from because it was a nurse and a builder (the vets its being refurbished) who were carrying it!It was rather a shock 2 turn around to see a dead dog lieing on a table staring at me!

only tomorro to go realy dissapointed!i wanna stay for longer!

Sounds like you had a large variety of experiences. Pleased you enjoyed most of it. For as you know us dog owners couldn't manage without you! :cheers:
well today was my last day!! mainly consultations and cleaning but also got 2 see a lurcher be spayed and a dog have its tail amputated also 2 PTS but i couldnt watch!

i was realy sad too be leaving even though i was only there a week i felt realy welcome and at home i realy looked farward to each day even though i have only been there a week everyone was so nice i want 2 go again but dont think i will have the opportunity again :- (

whippets said:
well today was my last day!! mainly consultations and cleaning but also got 2 see a lurcher be spayed and a dog have its tail amputated also 2 PTS but i couldnt watch!
i was realy sad too be leaving even though i was only there a week i felt realy welcome and at home i realy looked farward to each day even though i have only been there a week everyone was so nice i want 2 go again but dont think i will have the opportunity again :- (


You should ask to have your name put down if they ever needed somebody to help in busy times on weekend or evening. Or even drop off your particulars in other vet surgeries in your area. :luck: :luck: :luck: