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Worcester Wrc Lurcher Coursing

2 weeks to go

i have prayed for good weather

goodgal thank you :thumbsup:
I'm having problems with this web site so if anyones e mailed me, please can you e mail me again or e mail Tina Bow with details as well and she will pass them on :thumbsup:
only two weeks (and 1 day to go) not many spaces left if you are thinking of entering!
hi amanda looking forward to coming up to worcester. cant wait to see your new fluffy babies i bet theyv grown!
hi amanda looking forward to coming up to worcester. cant wait to see your new fluffy babies i bet theyv grown!

Hi Mirrel

Not fluffy babies anymore, :wub:

Cleo is 6 and 1/2 months old and has her pin and wires out tomorrow so hopefully will be allowed out the house as shes been driving me mad for the past 6 weeks shes 42lb and towers over Danny

Scholes is growing in leaps and bounds, but hes Nicks baby and I not allowed to post about him :-

C u 15 th

Amanda x
Hi Amanda

Just a quick question, you've got 11am start. What time do we need to be there for/ booked in by?

Also mum asked if there is a raffle going on so she can bring a bottle or something down.

Not long now :)

Hi Tom

we will be there about 9 setting out course and cooking bacon sarnies etc

You Need to be there about 10.00, half past at the latest so we can book in and do draw to start with 1st dogs in slips at 11.00am prompt.

Tell Liz there will be a raffle and any contributions are gratefully received :thumbsup:

C u Soon

2 weeks to go i have prayed for good weather

goodgal thank you :thumbsup:
Hiya - we're having a snow day and it's pretty white over there!! Mind you melting quick now in our garden so maybe alright by Sunday :D

(PS these today - bottom one last year!)


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2 weeks to go i have prayed for good weather

goodgal thank you :thumbsup:
Hiya - we're having a snow day and it's pretty white over there!! Mind you melting quick now in our garden so maybe alright by Sunday :D

(PS these today - bottom one last year!)

Dont worry Shona

The Worcester Witch hasnt requested sunshine yet, have to start working on my "coursing sunshine" spell Hey Tina?

As Stuart Worcester said last Sunday we dont get much snow in Worcester :-

Bet he had a shock this morning (w00t)
i bet he did

yes witch better start doing her sunshine dance :D
Not long now, just under a week to go

If anyone wants to enter a few spaces still left,

Good luck to all whos has entered :luck:
Weather forecast sounded promising - someones been dancing their socks off?? :sweating:
Weather forecast sounded promising - someones been dancing their socks off?? :sweating:
Or praying like mad (w00t)

Sun always shine on the rightous I MUST be a goodgirl o:)

No in all seriousness the track look great and the weather forecast is sunny spells :thumbsup:

weather here's fine but a little chilly (wrap up warm)

all set to go ahead

best of luck to all competing

Just like to say a HUGE thanks to Amanda and the team at Worcester for putting on yet another great days sport :cheers: Your hard work is very much appreciated :D

Again, I was amazed at just how nice everyone there was and it was good to meet a few new faces. Nick had his camera and has taken a few pictures which we may post in due course. If anyone knows how to contact the owners of Pippa and Marbles, can they let me know as Nick has some fantastic head shots I would like to pass on.

Lovely to see such talented dogs there too .....................looking forward to the next event already ! !( And, Nick, I owe you AGAIN lol Thank you !) :thumbsup: