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Will Eating A Slug Do Any Harm

Got a slug problem?

Then you need some of these........

They love chomping away on them :x :x
When we first moved into our house and I was trying to clear the garden, which was a jungle, I kept my children quiet by sending them off with little plastic buckets to do snail hunts. When their buckets were full I tipped them over the back fence which backs onto a disused railway line.

After we'd disposed of a few, my eldest (who was about 5 at the time) insisted she wanted to tip the next bucket, and before I could stop her she'd tipped a large bucket full of snails over the side fence - into the neighbour's vegetable garden :oops:

I never did own up :- "
JAX said:
pollyanna said:
I go around with a torch most nights and I have a pair of tweezers and a an old chinese take-way plastic bowl. I picks em all up (they are HUGE up our way  - the longest I measured was an orange beauty of just over 6").  When I used to live in a London suburb, I dropped them into a bucket of boiling salt water and then tipped them down the drain the next morning. :x   Now I live in the country, I am kinder and go out the back gate into the woods and throw them all as far away as i can.  :thumbsup:

It is amazing how much smaller the number I find is now.  I know which plants they go for and so i can usually find them.

If they are on a path I stomp on them (I have special slug-stompers I wear) and the next night all the new slugs collect around the bodies.  They also collect around the dog poos!!  I also stomp on any 'strays' if I haven't got my trusty tweezers  :- "

Yes, I'm totally nuts!!!! (w00t)

I know you wont believe me , but snails have a homing insticnt (w00t) and can travel up to 2 miles back home :oops: My friend put `snow pak` on some shells and took them nearly half a mile away and more than one came back :eek:

I chuck mine on the road , throwing them up high into the air so their shells crack , as for the slugs (w00t) , they go staright on the main road to get run over ;)

hope your whip makes a full recovery :luck:

Yes, I've heard that snails come back, but one night I painted nail polish on the shells of the dozen or so I collected (we get orange snails with very hard shells more than the usual kind) and chucked them into the woods, so there was lots of soft stuff as well as all kinds of fungi for them to eat. Never saw any of them back in my garden.

Tried it with the slugs but they screw themselves up when touched and the nail polish wouldn't stay on :x (sorry for the graphic description JulieD)!! I have been known to deliberately lob a few of the big juicy ones into my neighbour's garden - he hates me and is always trying to cause me trouble, so it gives me a lot of satisfaction!! Don't do it often though, just in case they ARE homing slugs :wacko:

BTW, cleared a small patch of weeds this morning and found several beauties to stomp on -I'll be checking arounf their bodies for more victims tonight :thumbsup:
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I remeber reading somewhere that not all slugs are bad - only problem is I cant remember which ones are good n which ones are bad - they seem to come in different colours - orange and black.