I let Megan out in the garden last night for a wee just before I went to bed. As I was calling her in I noticed she was eating something she had picked up on the path. I woke up at 2.50am this morning to find diarhorea on my bedroom carpet. Not sure if it was her or one of the cats. think it was her as when I took her out at 6.50 am she done two little spots of diarhorea, which sort of points to it being her. Anyway all I can think of her eating was either a slug or a snail as my path and garden is covered in them when it is wet weather as it was last night. however she has never to my knowledge ate one before
Does anyone know if this would cause a stomach upset? She hasn't been sick though. Hopefully there was no poison on whatever she ate as both neighbours either side of me put slug pellets down and sometimes they spread into my garden :rant: I already spoke to the neighbour on the left of me about this as they have a JRT, however that was back at the end of June and I told them that their pellets had fell through to my garden, she apologised and I said apart from anything else she could poison her dog never mind mine. However I would like to find out if eating a slug/snail that wasn't poisoned would harm her :- "