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Why So Many Lazy,overweight Kids ??

beaubeau said:
[Childhood obesity is down to the parents and educating our children.

I'm a bit of a mean Mum  :(   My Children are not allowed any fizzy drinks!! No crisps (well, I buy those baked ones now) and TV is very restricted. And even worse..when my chidren come home from school they get changed, go out and only come back when they're hungry !! (w00t)

I love where I live  :)

Tracey X[/color]

It is the habits child gets early in life that influence rest of his life. Most damaging is making sweets, other sugar rich food, and junk food a reward. That teaches the child from early on that all this unhealthy stuff is desirable.

Some years ago i was waiting with a friend in our local baby clinic, when young woman walked in with a baby, hardly 6 months old. He had a huge block of chocolate in his hands and was busy stuffing it in his mouth. I was so shocked i forgot my manners and must have been staring. She looked at me and said; "I do not have choice, he won't eat anything else" (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) I wonder what the poor child looked few years down the track, and just hope that somebody stepped in and made sure she started to feed him properly.

The sad thing is that half the world is starving, while people in the western countries are killing themselves and their kids by overeating. :(
Jessr123 said:
Part of the problem is definitely schools - teachers are not allowed to play games with the kids in case we hurt them so they just aren't learning what they can do at break time.  Also lessons have become far less hands on which just encourages kids to sit down all day long.
You cannot really blame the school for that, they cannot afford to be sued every time little Johnny comes home with a bruise.

And it is up to the parents to insist that the school sells only fruit and other healthy food.
My daughter has a pc, one of these hand held console things and tv etc in her room and yes she does use them but she is also very active and loves nothing more than to be outside.

She also walks to school and back every day.

She is also allowed sweets and crisps and chocolate and cakes and buns and anything else that would be deemed as fattening but that is only after she's eaten a proper meal and if she wants a snack she usually grabs fruit.

She loves all fruits and veggies and eats them daily, as does she does some sort of exersize.

My daughter is 13, is about 5' 2" and weights about 6 stone.
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Jessr123 said:
Part of the problem is definitely schools - teachers are not allowed to play games with the kids in case we hurt them so they just aren't learning what they can do at break time.  Also lessons have become far less hands on which just encourages kids to sit down all day long.
I thought the parents are responsible for their kids??????..........

My 7 year old Betsy's school is terrible, they sent letters home telling parents that kids who take a packed lunch weren't allowed chocolate bars or crisps!!

That was fine with me, as they were trying to introduce healthy eating :thumbsup:

Every week on a friday they get parent s to bring in cakes/sweets etc to sell after school :rant: .................wheres the healthy eating gone then????

Betsys teacher gave the whole class a packet off sweets last week..wheres the healthy eating gone then????

One day my friends daughter took in a "banned chocolate bar" for lunch and she got a letter home!!!

cracks me up :wacko:

my kids get a treat a few times a week, my eldest liberty needs a very high fat diet due to medication she is one (it takes her apetite away) so is allowed to eat what she wants!

nothing worse than seeing a overwight child, because the parents cant be bothered to feed them right :rant:
I think todays society has made a lot of parents paranoid? Children are not able to go out and enjoy themselves as we did. Only coming in when we were hungry or it was getting dark.

Both my children from the age of 11(senior school) have been allowed to go out and do things I did. Go to the park, woods or out on their bikes as long as they were back by a set time. Yes, I have paid a few visits to casualty. :thumbsup:

Did I worry, yes constantly, but in return I think I have 2 well adjusted children who can communicate with others and have had what so many children these days lack a happy balanced childhood.

Neither of mine are overweight although they have their fair share of junk food and are still into their sport and socialising. One is now 21 and the other is 15.

Times change and for a lot of the next generation it hasn't been for the better :(
Seraphina said:
Jessr123 said:
Part of the problem is definitely schools - teachers are not allowed to play games with the kids in case we hurt them so they just aren't learning what they can do at break time.  Also lessons have become far less hands on which just encourages kids to sit down all day long.
You cannot really blame the school for that, they cannot afford to be sued every time little Johnny comes home with a bruise.

And it is up to the parents to insist that the school sells only fruit and other healthy food.

I'm a teacher and would love to teach the kids games to play - especially the teenagers I work with as they seem to lack imagination. Surely schools can get some sort of permission from parents to teach them how to be active and healthy!
(w00t) ooo great i can blame me putting on a stone in the last couple of weeks ... down to working in mc donalds :- " :lol:

Yep its not coz i eat what we sell it just comes on by itself! lol