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Why So Many Lazy,overweight Kids ??


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the other day in work here i was given a lad from a local tech. college whos doing engineering. a nice lad, likes his pies and sweets a bit too much tho, anyway he starts at 9am even tho we start at 7am and he stays till i go home at 3pm. Yesterday at 930am he mumbled to me.."john do you mind if i sit down for a while.ive been up from 830am?" :eek: :wacko: :wacko:

You cant even drive on a main road and defo not a motorway without seeing a bloody travelling muppet show in the back of a car glued to a portable dvd ,hungover mum and dads headrest, munching through whats left of the confectionary shop they raided before being carried out to and lifted into the car..... :blink:


i havent been to a restaurant or a pub without little "penelope pot roast" straight into the dessert menu skipping the main course whilst completeing a kids cookery course on her "psp" which incidently stands for "pies sweets & pudding" .

have we turned our kids into anti social toothless slobs or am i imagining it ?

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WHATS WRONG??????????????

alot of parents want a easy life so leave their kids to do and eat whatever they want.............stick 'em in front of the tv/computer so they dont have to entertain them themselves!!!!!!
Yeah I agree a lot of my mates will let kids do what they want for an easy life.I let my lot (all 5 of them :sweating: ) go on playstations etc for a short while but then turn em off and have time with them,walking the dogs or hearing about their day. My eldest boy is nearly 14 and time goes so quickly...he wont want to spend time with mum and a dad in a couple of years so make the most of it now.
Big part of the problem is that kids programs on TV are sponsored by the snack mafia. Their commercials are constantly telling the kids how great the junk they are making is. Even worse, nowadays they keep saying the snacks are healthy. I saw recently advertisement for some "fruit in a jar", showing kids at school throwing away their fresh fruit and having this processed crap instead. Not to mention soft drinks, which rot their teeth.

The kids are brainwashed into wanting all this stuff and feeling that unless they get it on daily bases, they are deprived. :rant: It is very difficult for parents to try to explain to kids that just because the ad says that something is good for them, does not mean it is so. Actually, i think many people believe what they see on TV. :(
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i think as well theres so many more temptations around these days! :b o:) i mean when i was young we didnt have mcdonalds,all these nice sweets and desserts to choose from,all the snacks there are these days and so on.all we had was a packet of crisps and a chocolate theres so many crisps and chocolate to choose from,if you look at the supermarkets now the variety of food we are lucky enough to be able to choose from is astronomical!must admit ive put a few pounds on cos theres certain things i just cant say to to. o:) like strawberry cheesecake haagen daz :b
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I no how u feel kris, ive gone up to a size 14 from a 10, coz i work in a chippy (or so im blaming it on!!!) I just cant say no either and also my boyf is a great cook so im always trying things hes made.
My son Ben is 14 and yes he does have a playstation and a psp but he is certainly not fat or lazy. He walks to school everyday or goes on his bike which means it is even further for him as the most direct way is all up hill :- " on the way to school does make it easy coming home though.

He also trains for kick boxing 3 times a week one and a half hours at a time. He would go every day but his coach says that would be too much at his age .What is he like well if he stood sideways behind a lamp post you would not see him as Tinabow or Posh Totty would tell you he is growing taller by the day and is nearly 5ft 11" now .The cheeky sod leans on his dads shoulder

I can't find any recent photos of him but this was taken just 12 months ago whilst on holiday in Tunisia .He has grown a lot since then

also blame the pc world we live in, we arent allowed to let our kids climb tree etc, cant play conkers, might get hurt???!!! how often do parents play card with their kids? helps with hand eye co-ordination and also teaches numbers etc, snap? donkey? all gone :( how often do we truthfully sit sown and play a game such as monopoly? twister? buckeroo? general kids trivia too?

i think we have tended to go along woith the flow of the convient society we live in too, also many mums now have to work and therefore time is taking away from parenting? there is only so much a person can do? given a choice , feed the kids or play with them the role of a parent is to feed so playing will go? we all wwant so much from life but we want it NOW, i think there is no excuse for the grossly overweight kids out there as i do feel it is neglect on the parents part, they are abusing them with misguided kindness, here little johnny go get a £1 of swwets honey!! etc etc , more effort should be made in the form of proper meals with plenty of fruit and veg!!!

classic situation was when i was weaning alfie, i used to do fresh veg then mash it and store it , my sister in law didnt even realise what it was and produced a jar of heinz and said you outa be feeding him this, PROPER babyfood!!! (w00t) guess who is having problems with meals now?? :- "
posh totty said:
also blame the pc world we live in, we arent allowed to let our kids climb tree etc, cant play conkers, might get hurt???!!! how often do parents play card with their kids? helps with hand eye co-ordination and also teaches numbers etc, snap? donkey? all gone  :(   how often do we truthfully sit sown and play a game such as monopoly? twister? buckeroo? general kids trivia too?
i think we have tended to go along woith the flow of the convient society we live in too, also many mums now have to work and therefore time is taking away from parenting? there is only so much a person can do? given a choice , feed the kids or play with them the role of a parent is to feed so playing will go? we all wwant so much from life but we want it NOW, i think there is no excuse for the grossly overweight kids out there as i do feel it is neglect on the parents part, they are abusing them with misguided kindness, here little johnny go get a £1 of swwets honey!! etc etc , more effort should be made in the form of proper meals with plenty of fruit and veg!!!

classic situation was when i was weaning alfie, i used to do fresh veg then mash it and store it , my sister in law didnt even realise what it was and produced a jar of heinz and said you outa be feeding him this,  PROPER babyfood!!!  (w00t) guess who is having problems with meals now??  :- "

Tanya if you want to play cards with Ben you can play top trumps with him next time we come down

Warning though he knows within a few goes what cards you have .We've even tried with 3-4 people playing and he soon figures it out
Some friends of mine used to live in on the same farm as me and although dad worked, they didn' t have a lot of money. Their boy was made to pull his weight, helping his mum with the horses, doing chores, out with the dogs, had to walk a couple of miles each way to the shop because mum didn' t drive. When he started school, they were ever so worried because he looked so much skinnier than the other kids. In the end, they realised that there was nothing wrong with him, it was just that the other kids were all overweight!
oakmoorehill said:
My son Ben is 14 and yes he does have a playstation and a psp but he is certainly not fat or lazy. He walks to school everyday or goes on his bike which means it is even further for him as the most direct way is all up hill :- " on the way to school does make it easy coming home though.
    He also trains for kick boxing 3 times a week  one and a half hours at a time. He would go every day but his coach says that would be too much at his age .What is he like well if he stood sideways behind a lamp post you would not see him as Tinabow or Posh Totty would tell you he is growing taller by the day and is nearly 5ft 11" now .The cheeky sod leans on his dads shoulder 

I can't find any recent photos of him but this was taken just 12 months ago whilst on holiday in Tunisia .He has grown a lot since then


ooohhh he's a handsome lad :wub:
Ben is a child any parent would be proud of! a very helpful and polite boy always willing to help, and a great place to fall on whilst trying to stay on board a wild chair!!! (w00t) :- " we say nothing about that!! :oops:
hely said:
oakmoorehill said:
My son Ben is 14 and yes he does have a playstation and a psp but he is certainly not fat or lazy. He walks to school everyday or goes on his bike which means it is even further for him as the most direct way is all up hill :- " on the way to school does make it easy coming home though.
     He also trains for kick boxing 3 times a week  one and a half hours at a time. He would go every day but his coach says that would be too much at his age .What is he like well if he stood sideways behind a lamp post you would not see him as Tinabow or Posh Totty would tell you he is growing taller by the day and is nearly 5ft 11" now .The cheeky sod leans on his dads shoulder 

I can't find any recent photos of him but this was taken just 12 months ago whilst on holiday in Tunisia .He has grown a lot since then


ooohhh he's a handsome lad :wub:

Hely he was only 13 when that photo was taken

Tanya no we wan't say anything about the wild unbroken computer chair that lives in your house
rach125 said:
I no how u feel kris, ive gone up to a size 14 from a 10, coz i work in a chippy (or so im blaming it on!!!) I just cant say no either and also my boyf is a great cook so im always trying things hes made.
(w00t) ooo great i can blame me putting on a stone in the last couple of weeks ... down to working in mc donalds :- " :lol:
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Kids can't play out like we did either because of the nutters out there, yes they were probably out there then too but the media makes you paranoid for the safety of your children these days. :(

I think thats why a lot of kids spend time indoor and a lot of parents know they are safe there so don't question the fact :thumbsup:

Also when I was at school swimming was part of the school week,in our area year 6 primary school kids go swimming, some of them will be doing it for the first time if their parents haven't taken them, then when they get to upper school it stops again :unsure:
Availability of personal chauffeurs? :- " I walked to and from school twice a day (twice up a very steep Welsh hill) and was straight out again with the dog when I got in. Most the kids on my road are ferried the huge distance of half a mile to and from the village school and you never see any walking their (usually obese) dogs either :- "
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I agree 100%. I work as a fitness instructor and i teach two age groups of 11-13 year olds and 14-16 year olds gym classes, the amount of over weight children i see is on the increase!!!! Some of them even suffer from onset Diabetes which usually affects adults in their forties! from an unhealthy lifestyle and lack of exercise.

I think that if the parents got involved with their children from an early age and gave them healthy food and encouraged them to play more physical games or sports then the children would reap great benefits when they are older. :thumbsup:
A lot of children do get ferried to school but this could be because Mum has to continue onto work.

I do envy those cars with the DVD players (as do my children) No fighting and 'are we there yet'? and the PSP has been a godsend on the 5hr trips which my 13yr old son plays in between naps (w00t)


As for excersise...not enough in schools now. They are not allowed to play certain running games during their break time either :blink: remember Bulldog?..big no no!! My son had his football taken away today cos the teacher didn't want them to ruin the turf!! :blink: So they loiter around the corner shop or snack shack !! :angry:


Walking to school alone is also a no no just in case some random nonse comes along and bundles them in their car!


Childhood obesity is down to the parents and educating our children.


I'm a bit of a mean Mum :( My Children are not allowed any fizzy drinks!! No crisps (well, I buy those baked ones now) and TV is very restricted. And even worse..when my chidren come home from school they get changed, go out and only come back when they're hungry !! (w00t)


I love where I live :)


Tracey X

:b well elisha does have the incar dvd player :eek:

but as for sitting in front of the telly............not a chance :oops: the girl never stands still :sweating: on her bike or out with me and the dogs :thumbsup:

riding her pony :wub: and just playing in the garden :wacko: swimming every week ;) and she is only 4 :blink:

she is real outdoor kid 8)
Part of the problem is definitely schools - teachers are not allowed to play games with the kids in case we hurt them so they just aren't learning what they can do at break time. Also lessons have become far less hands on which just encourages kids to sit down all day long.