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Why Should Whippets Not Wear Coats

Can't believe this has got out of hand :)

I'm sure like everything some of the miners did use them put probably the majority didn't - probably begrudged paying out for a coat for something that was "only a pot filler"?

Each to their own anyway :D
:eek: I'm with Dawn on this one, speaking as one born and bred in the middle of a mining community which used (note used) to boast the collieries of Silverhill, Pleasley, Sutton, Teversal, B Winning, Annesley and New Hucknall collieries within a 5 mile radius. I now run my dogs on the ex tips of Silverhill and Sutton that have been turned into country parks. Good for them but says so much about a once great industry!

Please people, we can have a lot of fun on K9, which I think it is great, but we must ALL be careful of the kind of words we use when disagreeing with someone else's view. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and we should all respect that. Having said that, we don't throw rattles out of the pram round here, but dummies. Mine's still in me pram. :p

As for Jax in a bikini :wub: :oops: wrong one :b Mind you, before Jax says owt, I'm the last one to pass judgement. My Adam, (4 year old grandson) has got it right when he says after he saw me swimming in our local pool, Grandma you looked like one of the funny coloured whale things! No wonder he calls the scales in our local chemists, the whaling machine! Never mind some people are built for comfort and not speed, thank goodness.

Now I really am going to get some kip. Which for our Flemish K9'rs means sleep not chicken!

Night night all
dawn said:
Zolan seems you think that you know me personally.  I got the response I expected form you which just confirms my suspisions of who you are!
People on this board know who I am, I dont need to hide behind a name!!!

You started this topic knowing full well it would get different views and if you can't have a healthy debate without as you say

a rattle flying out of a pram.
then you should not have started it. My rattle is perfectly safe in the pram thankyou.
With regards the coats issue I suppose it is every one to thier own and we will have to agree to disagree. We all try and do the best for our dogs and have our own opinions
You had to have the last word as always. Well the above is mine!
I don't need to hide behind a name but use a user name like the vast majority do on this board. Does that mean they are all hiding behind a name too? If you think you know who I am then good luck to you I certainly do not know you. I totally agree with you that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and I agree we all try the best for our dogs. It is just a pity that healthy debate got out of hand with accusations of hiding behind a name and lying coming into it.
I just saw something really interesting on the tv !

There is a sheep farmer in Cassilis, Victoria, Australia who is renowned for the quality of the wool he produces. His secret? [SIZE=14pt]COATING HIS SHEEP ![/SIZE]

He finds that when they are coated they eat less, they produce 10% more wool and the wool is cleaner and of a much better quality than it is on the uncoated sheep. He says he will never go back to conventional sheep farming.

So how's that for a point of interest in the whole 'to coat or not to coat' discussion ?????
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:wacko: :wacko: Just as well you saw it on the box Lana, couse if you were driving down the road and saw it you'd think you lost the plot or at least found your way to the funny farm!!!!!! (w00t)
Ah sorry - no can do - saw it on tele today. They look like a canvas sort of coat with ropey looking straps around and under the legs and across the chest. Don't know if they had any warming type stuff on the underside or if they were just plain canvas.
Sound like NZ rugs to me!!!

And would just say that I only use the handle "Dessie" because Caroline was not available when I registered, and as a lot of show people will know my Dessie Whippet they will know who I am.
Interesting to read all the diffent ideas about Whippets needing coats or not. Here, where we live in New Zealand we do not have the long cold winters that some of you experience. However our Whippets still like to be warm and cosy. to that end I hand knit Whippeet sweaters. They would be ideal in those frezing temperatures as the polo neck can be pulled up over the ears if needed. There are pictures of the sweaters on my web page too.

happy Whippeting,

Merle Powley
Hi again, Sorry about the spelling mistakes in the last post. Here is a picture of one of our girls Ch Shenkhan Drums and Rose's modelling her sweater. They only wear these indoors at night. And outdoors if it is cold enough for me to want a jacket on too.



Merle they look super, bet that polo neck keeps the chest area nice and warm and no chance of getting theirlegs caught on any thing.

Don't worry about typo's unless it comes out wrong (or rude ;) )
:) Thanks for you kind comments. Yes no tabs or ties to catch on things. All knitted in one piece. The polo kneck too can be pulled right up over the ears and they don't even try to shake it away. The chest and brisket is completely covered , and that is the area that needs to be kept warm I think. At least my crew love them. they all line up waiting to have them on when I pick up the first one.

chest and brisket is completely covered , and that is the area that needs to be kept warm I think
I was always under the impression that it is the kidneys , lower back and loin area that needed to be kept warm :b much as in humans :- "
Shenkhan Whippets said:
:)   Thanks for you kind comments.  Yes no tabs or ties to catch on things. All knitted in one piece.  The polo kneck too can be pulled right up over the ears and they don't even try to shake it away. The chest and brisket is completely covered , and that is the area that needs to be kept warm I think.  At least my crew love them. they all line up waiting to have them on when I pick up the first one.Merle
If only I could knit!!! Coco would love one of them
:D I can knit Dessie......... just don't have a pattern :(
ARGH!! (w00t) (w00t) There's a GHOST behind you! (w00t) (w00t)

(The whippets seem to be able to see it!!)
emw said:
ARGH!! (w00t)   (w00t)   There's a GHOST behind you! (w00t)   (w00t)
(The whippets seem to be able to see it!!)
LOL ......I was just thinking the same thing :lol: ..........I reckon we ought to find Millie a pattern, as my lot would love a jumper each as well :thumbsup:
I know most of you wont believe me but I can knit anything ! :eek:

My speciality was baby clothes :eek: , the fancier and more difficult the better , I did a christining gown for my godson once , very lacy o:)

Jumpers , cardis :b hot water bottle covers :blink: you name it i did it .

Gave the `pins` up years ago , it happened to co inside with 1st OH leaving and Ive not picked them up since. :D

I have at least 2 black bags of wool in the loft if any one knows of a good cause I could give them to o:)
JAX said:
I have at least 2 black bags of wool in the loft if any one knows of a good cause I could give them to  o:)
Give them to the whippets and then post photos of the results on here!! :p :p :p