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Who Wants A Bet ,

I was just thinking today we hav'nt seen the puppies this week. She looks lovely, wheres the rest?? Who is staying?
Dont be so impatient :lol: More photos later . Not sure which i will be keeping yet , I had intended jsut to keep a boy , but someone who was having a bitch have changed their mind , :blink: so I might run the best girl on too ;)
I think I'm going to start producing greetings cards and use some of Jax's pictures, I spend hours looking through catalogues with rubbish pictures of dogs on and Jax has two sensational pictures of her puppies (one yawning and one with cat) which are far superior to any I see. I don't know anything about picture quality but the content is amazing.

Ps They are scrummy puppies as well.


You never know Jax, this time next year we could be millionaires. !!!!!
quintessence said:
I think I'm going to start producing greetings cards and use some of Jax's pictures, I spend hours looking through catalogues with rubbish pictures of dogs on and Jax has two sensational pictures of her puppies (one yawning and one with cat) which are far superior to any I see.  I don't know anything about picture quality but the content is amazing. 
Ps They are scrummy puppies as well.


You never know Jax, this time next year we could be millionaires. !!!!!

Thanks Jenny . For some reason I cant get the quality of my photos on here, like they are on the PC . they always seem to be slightly out of focus dont they :(
First time in the garden (w00t) I only took 2 & 3 at a time cos ive a pond and the last thing we want is `swimming pups ` :oops: By the time i got to the last 2 they were fast asleep :b :wub:

2 boys , boy s 2 and 4
red boy 4 , thats all for now Folks :thumbsup: . Maybe take more tomorrow ;)
Fantastic pix. Lovely pups :wub: :wub: :huggles:
Jax they are absooooooloootly gorgeous :wub: :wub: :wub: Love them all :wub:
They're all so cute and look really cuddly :wub: :wub: gorgeous colours too !
Awwww, boy 4 is super scrumptious :wub: :wub: :wub: and the rest of them of course!
Caught the little red girl having a look at the washing :lol: , I could just imagine her thinking

` Hang about !!that looks like MY bed in there :eek:
Oh My goodness it is !! What shall I do ??