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Who Suppports The rspca?

cant agree with you being law yet again because the chosen few are hopless i cant see why i should when i am a good responsible owner. everybody nowdays says make this law make that law, there is other ways around thing apart from more laws that again make me poorer
Agree with lurcherman.

The answer isnt forcing people to do things....because they di the opposite.

Its educating them so they do these things for themselves.
I have various reasons for disliking the RSPCA. Dogs Trust or PDSA for me.
A friend of mine once visited RSPCA Headquarters and she was shocked at the cars on their car parks belonging to RSPCA Executives. She said they were all new or nearly new, top of the range, Mercedes, BMW and Large 4 x 4's.

Is that where a large part of any donations go? Must be.

I donate to the Dogs Trust and the Brooke for the donkeys. Never the RSPCA. x
As a volunteer for the Blue Cross , they get my vote,as do the Dogs Trust and NAWT .

I have recently had dealings with the RSPCA, for the first and last time . I saw a little dog on their website and as I had recently lost a dog , decided to go and look at this one as a companion for my young Lab Sam . The RSPCA described this little dog as timid , we subsquently adopted her and took her home where it became aparant very quickly that she was not timid, she was aggressive , making Sams life a mysery and also a threat to anyone visiting our home . After rescuing dogs before, for the first time ever we had to return her after a month as we could not cope with the aggression . The RSPCA did admit that she could be snappy with other dogs and people, they knew that we had children visit and yet they didnt see fit to mention this dogs problems . Thankfully she has now found an ideal home as an only dog with no visiting children, what she needed in the first place and would have saved us a lot of heartache if they had been honest, never again will I trust them .
They are selective with the truth Kate.

They rehomed a 6 year old male Shepherd to a couple two doors from me, failing to tell them he was dog aggressive. Whilst being walked by the woman, he pulled away from her and attacked and nearly killed a Miniature Schnauzer.

He later did the same thing to a small Labrador bitch. x
Thats shocking Susan , I do think that some rescues are so desperate that they rehome before fully assessing the dogs, with the resulting problems and trauma .
i used to have a direct debit for them, to my shame i cancelled it cos they were ringing me up all the time, to give more. I already used to go over my overdraft often with these things so i cancelled them all. Afterwards i found out about their murderous tactics, and remain furious that i had paid for these boltgun-wielding scumbags to kill healthy animals, and accept money off folk then spend it on taking a few high profile cases to court.

They accept money off old people, to look after and rehome their pets after their death, and they put them to sleep before their owners are even buried. They are breed specific dog racists, pits staffys alsations, rotties, don't stand a chance with these guys. Bluewreckingit is right they will be coming for peoples hunting dogs next.

I kind of think they already are, heard some stories about enforced neutering of lurchers etc.

There used to be a tv programme which followed them around filming them catching injured swans, and all that kind of thing. It showed you them visiting people who weren't looking after their animals very well, and teaching them about what a dog needs, walks, water, etc. And giving them a chance to sort it out. I wouldn't dare ring them to report an animal that needed this kind of help now, you know they would just take it off, keep it in a kennel till they taken its owner to court, and then kill it...

I'm sure the folk who work at ground level for them, are all kind hearted folk who really want to help animals, but you can't imagine how they can cope with the whole 'business model', they must have cynicism in spades, not healthy.
I'm not trying to defend the RSPCA but they are totally against breed specific legislation, I have friends who have adopted pit bulls from them - in the last 3 months I might add, though they did advertise them as "Staffy crosses nudge nudge wink wink", I even got my red nose american pit bull terrier from an animal rescue and they where up front about him being a banned breed.

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I have a strong dislike of the RSPCA. We have a bedlington terrier and a lurcher as well as 30 odd rabbits that we breed and show. All bunnies are kept in hutches in outdoor buildings which the dogs generally dont bother going into. My other half wanted to try re-homing a lurcher to go with our other two mutts. We enquired at the RSPCA about re-homing but were dismissed like we were idiots, stating that there was no way we would even be considered due to the rabbits as EVERY lurcher chases rabbits. Lurchers only chase things that move. Consequently we have bought a new puppy instead. Not only that, i work in the police control room and the attitude of the RSPCA towards the police is not good. When we need their assistance for an incident regarding an animal, they dont help. However, when they want us to help them, they expect us to drop everything and come running.
no nomad, they are not against bsl, and definitely not 'totally against' it. Their 'publicity' states that they are, for all the reasons that anyone would be, including the fact that after 20years it hasn't worked. But this is just their media agenda. The rspca were instrumental in the setting up of the DDA in 1991, and a couple of years ago they did a supposed u-turn and changed their public stance...... But seriously, they lie.... They themselves in their own literature agree that they are not asking the goverment to rescind the breed specific part of the d.d.a. Their agenda, by their own admission is to add another layer of control over dog ownership, and reduce the costs to them of dealing with 'type' dogs. Fair enough you may say, we probably do need a bit more control over idiots not caring for their dogs..... However there is also a bit about allowing the government to add or remove any breed to the legislation!!! I'm not kidding, this is something they themselves admit to, citing the fact that they have to pander to the goverments wishes to get their own agenda accepted. They are also pushing for powers of seizure over dogs reported to be acting aggressively on private property. The legislation currently allows anyone who has a fear that your dog might bite them, a fear, not an actual event, to make a complaint which could result in said dog being seized. The fact is there are plenty of people out there who have a 'fear' of pitbulls, without even being able to identify one properly, not least the rspca's so-called 'experts'....

I believe you when you say your friends have rehomed pitbull types from them, partly because some of the actual shelter workers will be lovely folk, and partly because 'pitbull type' or 'banned breed type', encompasses many many many different breed of dog and muttley. They couldn't possibly kill every one could they? Rescues are full of staffies and suchlike, and lets face it when bred together bull breeds do look a bit similar. (now i'm the dog racist :) ) Who's to say what they are. Thats why bsl is so stupid and wrong.

I'd be very worried if i had a dog that looked a bit similar, there are numerous examples of them seizing and killing non aggressive pit bull types. I read a thread the other day where they recalled a litter of puppies they themselves had rehomed, as one had been returned for being boisterous, it was pts, and the rest of the litter recalled and examined to see if they matched.

Don't mean to rant at you personally by the way, this subject gets me cross! I could go on and on but i'll stop now :)
Since this thread was started I have done a bit of reading about the RSPCA.

It has opened my eyes to the tricks they get up to.

I came across some details a while ago about what to do if the RSPCA knock on your door. If I find it again I will repost it here, it makes very interesting reading.

I adopted Oreo from the RSPCA and they were generally ok, however there adoption fee was a bit steep. I was also give false information about her in regards to appoximate age, it's especially annoying given that a simple check with the microchip company would have highlighted it.

The do come across as disorganised but yet a lot of people still give donations to them.
Being an owner of working dogs......

I have to say.....

That if the RSPCA ever knock on my door.....

They will get it slammed in their face.....if i chose to open it in the first place.
Blue, I notice you live in Midlothian so it would be the SSPCA that you would have to deal with, do you feel the same way about them?

I have had lots of dealings with the SSPCA in this area through work and college etc and have always found them to be lovely and trying their best to deal with restrictive laws and stupid people who should not be allowed to look after a goldfish never mind a dog or horse.

I have never had them knocking on my door so maybe they would be different in those circumstances.
the way i see it now is they not gunna they are not gunna turn uo a be arses from the offset but they did and dig until nosey buggers they are see if theres a court case in it for them if they wim.irs good press for them. as for the sspca well i know a woman who is mental and hopeless at keeping dogs and pets in general and when she had most of her pets taken away by them which in this case was totally right well a month later she got more pets og which the sspca knew off, well two years onwards she still has them so why?

cant wait for blues reply hahaha. by the way blue hows your dog did he pull through?
What do you mean you cant wait for Blues reply? I was only asking if it was just the RSPCA he has bad experience of or if it was both organisations?

all I said was in MY EXPERIENCE I have never had a problem with the SSPCA in a professional capacity.
blues hates them with a passion. when i called th out for a swan i was happy with their responce time but in the main the percentage of them doing good is low, with my own eyes a woman with no idea of properly caring and feeding a dog has no right of owning a pet but the sspca did nufink when they knew all the facts.
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Sspca same kettle of fish.

Just a bunch of money grabbing gits from a profitable organisation...

But there is hope....

They are losing support from the general public....

And yes...the dog did pull through and doing great.
I support Many Tears Animal Rescue which is based in South Wales, it was one of the rescues involved with getting up the petition to stop using the captive bolt gun after the GSD debarcle in Wales in 2009. Their website has been upgraded and i can't find the link to the info that they received from the RSPCA regarding numbers of dogs euthanised while in their care !! but it was a huge number, they also gave numbers of the amount of dogs that had been killed using the captive bolt gun, which was a very large number, this info was released on the freedom of information act.

This link gives the news section of Many Tears and if it has'nt opened with the section on the captive bolt gun already, scroll to the bottom and click on the heading captive bolt gun update .