I agree the postal check should be checked by a independent body. Why for one simple reason to protect the top table. With the top table stating that they will resign if the kickboard ban is overturned it would be in the best intrests of all racers to have a independant body check the results. In the past some very strong issues have been delt with by the postal vote but no matter the outcome we just got on with the racing. Why is this because everyone had a chance to vote by post so there was no need for a E.G.M. There is no need to drag people down for a A.G.M when proposals can be delt with by post its up to people to return them and if they dont they cant complain about the results. We can vote for our goverment by post so why not proposals.
Steve Scottish football is doing not bad thanks if you are in doubt just check this seasons E.U.F.A Cup results.
Have to agree with you there John, postal votes are very important for all of us and especially for the people who live way up in Scotland and can not get to the AGM ....
lol pat and i swear i see the local red cross sitting by just waiting for accidents to happen while all of the guys try playing footie at kircaldy... how many went to hospital last year
well all the lads have a game on the field, it's good fun watching them, so come on all of you get up there and enjoy the holliday and have a game of footy too....
It looks like by the count of the postal vote that most of the people in racing have returned their voting slip. This is good news and I hope that it leads to the return of postal votes for all proposals. There has been some good debate on this topic from both sides but now that it has been settled lets hope that we can get on with racing. With the bend championships being held today I hope that this topic does not overshadow the results and I would like to congratulate the title winners and the bitch and dog that went on to win supreme.
Thankyou for saying we did a good job of the counting and just for the record the count was 128 against and 182 for !!!!!!good job it was not you not enough fingers and toes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
??? ??? nice to see lots of poeple sooo glad to hear kickboards are back, im not one of them, after all of the debates i am just glad it is over, but wot is happening with the comitee, ??? u were all soo quick to tell me kickboards were back but at wot cost? ??? ???
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